I've been pretty busy lately.
This isn't what you call a holiday.
First of all, Andy makes us read this book called "Good Morning, Holy Spirit", which, by the way, is a pretty good book. YES! BE AMAZED, PEOPLE!! DEVINA IS ACTUALLY READING SOMETHING OTHER THAN COMICS AND TWILIGHT (I hate that now)!!!
You should try it. I've read about 5 pages so far. xDD
And then there are these questions in the back of the book for each chapter. And we're supposed to do them. And it's like, 5-10 questions per chapter! TT
Then, there's some stuff I have to do at the Pet Society forums (draw stuff for people). That's really fun to do. I mean, drawing, scanning, stuff.
Here's my gallery of stuff : http://s571.photobucket.com/albums/ss151/naSi_jEruK/pet%20society/
Yes I know I suck at making pictures using computers, but I tried, with the last 4 pictures, just drawing with the ink you use to make comics, then only adding colors using photoshop.
They turn out pretty bad, I think. But I guess it's somehow cute too. I don't know...I can't explain art xDDD
And also there are some pictures from the "be different" FNL yesterday night. On my FaceBook. I don't feel like adding pictures to this post. Hahaha xD
Yes, another Saturday at home, doing absolutely nothing.
OK, I'm not doing absolutely nothing. I'm doing absolutely everything! I feel so busy. And I like it!
But if you're talking about the school kind of busy, that's a different kind of busy. That's the retarded gayish kind of busy I really, really hate.
And also I get to be busy while doing fun stuff like listening to music and going on FaceBook and stuff.
I'm giving myself a break right now. By posting a post.
But I miss PTC. Yesterday was a so fun day at PTC. OK, maybe not. I went there at 3ish and did nothing (sitting at the food court reading comics myself is what I call nothing) until 5ish, cuz I signed up for set-up crew at FNL.
And then it was fun until about 9.30ish. That's when everyone went home and left me at the little area in front of FNL and IT WAS SCARY DARK AND LONELY.
Never underestimate the scary-ness of PTC at night.
And also there were good news. Like, MIIKO 20 IS OUT!!
If you people haven't noticed, I'm a fan of Miiko. I bought the whole series (20 books so far) and I'm praying for new ones.
But I'm not that big. I love other comics too. Like Naruto and Death Note and the comics in Nakayoshi.
I can't really tell how long this post will look like once it's posted cuz I'm drafting this in NotePad again. Why? Cuz I'm in hope that my dad won't scream this time he sees the INTERNET BILL. *dramatic music playing*.
But well the longless of this post is ending right.....
And also, with my talent of advertising...
Go here ...they're my absolute favorite guys on YouTube.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
More and more and MORE into stuff xDD
I get addicted easily. I mean, I'm addicted to Pet Society again. Yes, once again. I got over it a few days ago, but now I like it again.
Ohh, I get over stuff easily too.
But I got into Sims again. Not Sims 3. I haven't gotten that. I got into Sims 2, again!
...a boyfriend?
...a new house makeover?
she got...
For once!
It's been months since my Pet Society pet Ichigo wore something.
Check it out...
Yes, the used-to-be-porn pet is no longer naked!
Instead, she wears a Hawaiian outfit. Yes, Ichigo tries to be as sexy as possible at all times xDD
I used to be a huge Twilight fan. Well, I'm over it now.
I think that Robert Pattinson is the second hairiest person I've ever seen. I absolutely hate him now.
(the first is Josh)
And he looks like one of those people who get drunk, and I bet he does.
SIMS 3? 2? 1?
I'd install Sims 3 if I can. But I spend most of my allowance on comic books, I don't know if I still have enough money in my wallet for Sims 3.
And it doesn't fit in my laptop. My laptop's memory is conquered by Sims 1, 2, and downloaded custom objects for the games.
I'm planning to uninstall Sims 1 later today, or maybe tomorrow.
But uninstalling Sims 2? NO WAY!! I love Sims 2!
My laptop's disk C has only ...wait....*checks C's memory*... 495 MBs. Wow. You can fit like only...I don't know....200 songs? lol
But Sims 2 has been one of my favorite games since 5th grade.
And here are some pics of the family I'm working on now:

My family actually started with 3 people named Caitlyn, Michael, and Michelle. I made Michael and Michelle siblings, and Caitlyn married to Michael. And they had kids! I named the first one Anne, after my friend Glorianne. Then the second one I named Sefa, after my friend Sefanya. Then the third one Winona because that's Sefanya's sister, aka Agoes. They're all girls! Aww X3
My main character's Sefa. She loves painting and music and that kinda stuff.
One of the pictures have her on a bed reading a book.
And another picture shows her and Anne talking while sitting on the couch.
Ohh, and there's this other picture with a little boy jumping on a couch. That's Mike. Not Michael. Just Mike. He's Sefa's cousin, Michelle's son.
Michelle married this guy she met in the internet named Keith.
Unfortunately, at the hot tub, Michelle burned herself. No offense to all of you named Michelle. I DID NOT BURN HER. I was playing with my other sims when I heard screaming and looked downstairs and found fire.
The baby in the picture is Winona. Aww isn't she cute?? X33
If you're asking where I downloaded the custom content, I downloaded the hairs (Sefa and Anne's) here and the items (the cradle Winona is in, and Sefa's bed) here.
But I also recommend the custom content you can find here, here, and here.
The rest of the objects are probably from the original Sims or the expansion packs.
Anyway, I'm gonna end this post now.
This is one part that we have to get through every single post. I think it's pretty fun to end the post. You get to end it any way you want.
We can end it with randomness. Like, the random-est sentence ever.
Or you can end it with a joke.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
I don't know. I don't get these jokes.
Ohh, I get over stuff easily too.
But I got into Sims again. Not Sims 3. I haven't gotten that. I got into Sims 2, again!
...a boyfriend?
...a new house makeover?
she got...
For once!
It's been months since my Pet Society pet Ichigo wore something.
Check it out...

Instead, she wears a Hawaiian outfit. Yes, Ichigo tries to be as sexy as possible at all times xDD
I used to be a huge Twilight fan. Well, I'm over it now.
I think that Robert Pattinson is the second hairiest person I've ever seen. I absolutely hate him now.
(the first is Josh)
And he looks like one of those people who get drunk, and I bet he does.
SIMS 3? 2? 1?
I'd install Sims 3 if I can. But I spend most of my allowance on comic books, I don't know if I still have enough money in my wallet for Sims 3.
And it doesn't fit in my laptop. My laptop's memory is conquered by Sims 1, 2, and downloaded custom objects for the games.
I'm planning to uninstall Sims 1 later today, or maybe tomorrow.
But uninstalling Sims 2? NO WAY!! I love Sims 2!
My laptop's disk C has only ...wait....*checks C's memory*... 495 MBs. Wow. You can fit like only...I don't know....200 songs? lol
But Sims 2 has been one of my favorite games since 5th grade.
And here are some pics of the family I'm working on now:

My main character's Sefa. She loves painting and music and that kinda stuff.
One of the pictures have her on a bed reading a book.
And another picture shows her and Anne talking while sitting on the couch.
Ohh, and there's this other picture with a little boy jumping on a couch. That's Mike. Not Michael. Just Mike. He's Sefa's cousin, Michelle's son.
Michelle married this guy she met in the internet named Keith.
Unfortunately, at the hot tub, Michelle burned herself. No offense to all of you named Michelle. I DID NOT BURN HER. I was playing with my other sims when I heard screaming and looked downstairs and found fire.
The baby in the picture is Winona. Aww isn't she cute?? X33
If you're asking where I downloaded the custom content, I downloaded the hairs (Sefa and Anne's) here and the items (the cradle Winona is in, and Sefa's bed) here.
But I also recommend the custom content you can find here, here, and here.
The rest of the objects are probably from the original Sims or the expansion packs.
Anyway, I'm gonna end this post now.
This is one part that we have to get through every single post. I think it's pretty fun to end the post. You get to end it any way you want.
We can end it with randomness. Like, the random-est sentence ever.
Or you can end it with a joke.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
I don't know. I don't get these jokes.
Friday, June 19, 2009
OK, it works now xDD
The photo thing works again. So, anyway, here's my Pet Society room NOW:
Uhh... and I'm learning how to advertise.
No longer PHONELESS!
Yes! That's right, peeps!! I am, once more, NO LONGER PHONELESS!! My beautiful Sony Ericsson W830i is back!
But there are bad news too. I mean, I'm not allowed to go online with it anymore (my dad says that's the reason why it broke in the first place), all my numbers are gone (thank God I found some in the scrap papers in my drawers), and all the beautiful GAMES I downloaded to it are gone too.
But I can almost SWEAR that it wasn't the internet that broke my phone. I bet. I have plenty of friends who go online using their phones, like, 24/7, and their phones aren't broken, are they?
I think that it's cuz my phone is a HP bekas, and that the dude who owned it before I did had done something to it.
Uhh and somehow my dad got rid of my eBuddy and Mini Opera apps so I can't go online anymore.
One day, I'm gonna head to that Telkomsel store and get the internet back. But it closed TT ..I think....
I know I haven't been posting in my blog for long times. It's just that .....IT'S HOLIDAY!! Aww come on, what kind of person would stay at home ALL holiday and not go anywhere?
Uhh no I'm not really going anywhere. OK, I'm going to PTC! Everyday!! Almost.
But I also get to go to my cousin Casey's house as much as I want during the weekdays cuz my mum is taking this weird lesson and she can drop me off at her's and then pick me up.
So far, I've been to PTC 3 days in a row, I have no idea why. On Wednesday, my mum dropped me off there for GO Group.
On Thursday, I bought stuff. Like paint. I painted something for Father's Day, and I hid it on top of my fridge so he can't find it.
Yesterday, I went there at 11 for Bellinda's birthday party and ....uh......I was nganggor until 5 then I did some stuff then I went to FNL xD
So, I'm planning to stop it right now. I'm not going anywhere today! Which is why I have time to post a post.
Today, I am planning to ...stay at home and read comics and paint stuff and try to get Sims 2 Open For Business to work on my laptop. Or not. I don't feel like playing sims.
I'm getting too used to holidays. Like, I'm pretty scared. If we go back to school, I don't think I'm gonna get used to all the hard-worky homeworky terror again.
I mean, I'm starting to get used to sleeping over 1, watching TV 'till my eyes go blank (YAY TIMON AND PUMBA!!).
Going to the mall everyday.
Going online a bit more than usual.
Listening to more and more and more and more and more music.
Being more ......nganggor (but, isn't this way better than school?).
Uhh...I don't know if there's a kid out there who wants to go to go back to school. Well, yea there are some people who are sick of being bored and wanna meet their friends again. THEY probably wanna go back.
But my school is so suckish that I know there is no one in my class who wants to go back to school.
I decorated my room in Pet Society a little bit more.
I can't really add it here. Some error in Pet Society.
OK, it hasn't changed a lot, but I added some extra stuff. Like the guitar. It took me a few days to save up for that.
This post is pretty long. I mean, for a photoless post.
- I miss going online using my phone. If I wanna go online at the mall, I have the head over to the warnet.
- holidays are addictive. But FUN!!
- make sure your mom has lotsa friends so they can drag you in to their kid's birthday party like Bellinda's mom did to Winona.
But there are bad news too. I mean, I'm not allowed to go online with it anymore (my dad says that's the reason why it broke in the first place), all my numbers are gone (thank God I found some in the scrap papers in my drawers), and all the beautiful GAMES I downloaded to it are gone too.
But I can almost SWEAR that it wasn't the internet that broke my phone. I bet. I have plenty of friends who go online using their phones, like, 24/7, and their phones aren't broken, are they?
I think that it's cuz my phone is a HP bekas, and that the dude who owned it before I did had done something to it.
Uhh and somehow my dad got rid of my eBuddy and Mini Opera apps so I can't go online anymore.
One day, I'm gonna head to that Telkomsel store and get the internet back. But it closed TT ..I think....
I know I haven't been posting in my blog for long times. It's just that .....IT'S HOLIDAY!! Aww come on, what kind of person would stay at home ALL holiday and not go anywhere?
Uhh no I'm not really going anywhere. OK, I'm going to PTC! Everyday!! Almost.
But I also get to go to my cousin Casey's house as much as I want during the weekdays cuz my mum is taking this weird lesson and she can drop me off at her's and then pick me up.
So far, I've been to PTC 3 days in a row, I have no idea why. On Wednesday, my mum dropped me off there for GO Group.
On Thursday, I bought stuff. Like paint. I painted something for Father's Day, and I hid it on top of my fridge so he can't find it.
Yesterday, I went there at 11 for Bellinda's birthday party and ....uh......I was nganggor until 5 then I did some stuff then I went to FNL xD
So, I'm planning to stop it right now. I'm not going anywhere today! Which is why I have time to post a post.
Today, I am planning to ...stay at home and read comics and paint stuff and try to get Sims 2 Open For Business to work on my laptop. Or not. I don't feel like playing sims.
I'm getting too used to holidays. Like, I'm pretty scared. If we go back to school, I don't think I'm gonna get used to all the hard-worky homeworky terror again.
I mean, I'm starting to get used to sleeping over 1, watching TV 'till my eyes go blank (YAY TIMON AND PUMBA!!).
Going to the mall everyday.
Going online a bit more than usual.
Listening to more and more and more and more and more music.
Being more ......nganggor (but, isn't this way better than school?).
Uhh...I don't know if there's a kid out there who wants to go to go back to school. Well, yea there are some people who are sick of being bored and wanna meet their friends again. THEY probably wanna go back.
But my school is so suckish that I know there is no one in my class who wants to go back to school.
I decorated my room in Pet Society a little bit more.
I can't really add it here. Some error in Pet Society.
OK, it hasn't changed a lot, but I added some extra stuff. Like the guitar. It took me a few days to save up for that.
This post is pretty long. I mean, for a photoless post.
- I miss going online using my phone. If I wanna go online at the mall, I have the head over to the warnet.
- holidays are addictive. But FUN!!
- make sure your mom has lotsa friends so they can drag you in to their kid's birthday party like Bellinda's mom did to Winona.
Monday, June 15, 2009
The attack of the FOOT-EATER!!
This is how it looks like: she has hair longer than Aileen's, a face scarier than Mr. AGOS's, and likes to hit people with pillows as hard as Pao does only maybe a little bit harder. Umm....yea basically the foot-eater is Michelle.
Here's one thing you should beware about her: when she finds an interesting picture, she will zoom into the picture and stare at parts such as nostrils, hairy chests, etc.
Umm so I tried to let people who read this blog to IM me using Yahoo! Messenger. I inserted this thing on the right side of the page that looks kind of like this:
But the weird thing is that it just stays like that. I mean, even if I'm online. So there's no "I'm Online" sign at all DX so yea that sign doesn't really help anyone at all.
Umm if anyone wants to help =( lol
Now that holiday's in, I'm feeling pretty...you know..... nganggor. Uhh but I'm already used to being nganggor, so it's not that bad. It's a billion times better than being at my stupid stinkin' school.
I'm begging my parents really hard to get me to move to another school. It almost worked.
I got my mum to move me to Spins.
I got my dad to move me to homeschool.
But where's the money? TT
Yesh my family has financial problems so I guess I'm gonna have to stay another stupid year in Maple Leaf. But seriously, the whole school bill is not worth being in there. I know at least millions of other schools cheaper and better than mine.
For some reason my parents said that it's gonna be cheaper if I move out to another school in 9th grade. What the heck? OK I don't have any idea how you pay schools in here, but sometimes I wish I lived in America where you could go to school for free.
Oh so my parents are gonna make me switch schools next year. They're either choosing Spins or online homeschool (I convinced my dad about this cuz I told him Kelly's gonna go there) or somewhere cheaper.
But holiday's fun. I better have fun with it while it lasts. Anyone wanna hang out?? lol
Favors I need people to do:
- beg my parents to move me to another school. A better one.
- fix that stupid sign that keeps on saying "offline"
This is how it looks like: she has hair longer than Aileen's, a face scarier than Mr. AGOS's, and likes to hit people with pillows as hard as Pao does only maybe a little bit harder. Umm....yea basically the foot-eater is Michelle.
Here's one thing you should beware about her: when she finds an interesting picture, she will zoom into the picture and stare at parts such as nostrils, hairy chests, etc.
Umm so I tried to let people who read this blog to IM me using Yahoo! Messenger. I inserted this thing on the right side of the page that looks kind of like this:

Umm if anyone wants to help =( lol
Now that holiday's in, I'm feeling pretty...you know..... nganggor. Uhh but I'm already used to being nganggor, so it's not that bad. It's a billion times better than being at my stupid stinkin' school.
I'm begging my parents really hard to get me to move to another school. It almost worked.
I got my mum to move me to Spins.
I got my dad to move me to homeschool.
But where's the money? TT
Yesh my family has financial problems so I guess I'm gonna have to stay another stupid year in Maple Leaf. But seriously, the whole school bill is not worth being in there. I know at least millions of other schools cheaper and better than mine.
For some reason my parents said that it's gonna be cheaper if I move out to another school in 9th grade. What the heck? OK I don't have any idea how you pay schools in here, but sometimes I wish I lived in America where you could go to school for free.
Oh so my parents are gonna make me switch schools next year. They're either choosing Spins or online homeschool (I convinced my dad about this cuz I told him Kelly's gonna go there) or somewhere cheaper.
But holiday's fun. I better have fun with it while it lasts. Anyone wanna hang out?? lol
Favors I need people to do:
- beg my parents to move me to another school. A better one.
- fix that stupid sign that keeps on saying "offline"
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Camp Pictures are OUT!!
Hey, I got camp pictures!
I mean, we ordered them, like, 2 months ago. And now we get 'em. Hahahaha...
But there are at least 200 pictures in that CD, and I don't know if I can upload 'em all. Not even one. They're huge files.
Umm maybe I'll upload them someday. Just not today.
I haven't posted lots about Pet Society lately. I mean, they're all about bla bla bla and no Pet Society?
Well, it's back!
Umm, I decorated the living room a little bit. It's not complete yet, though. I'm trying to grow a tree and a flower and buy some other stuff to add to it. THEN it's complete.
Here's a picture:
Ohh, and I really like the new gardening feature in Pet Society. Your pets get to plant stuff! Like trees and flowers and veggies.
I planted a flower yesterday and this morning it was fully grown but I recycled it and got a tiny recycle box.
Out came a birdhouse! Perfect for my balcony =)
Good news = HOLIDAY FOR 2 MONTHS (I think)!!
Bad news = I'm still gonna be stuck in my old stupid dumb school.
Until next year! I made my parents promise to move me next year.
I'm getting my phone back! Well, not now. My dad's on his way to pick up my phone right now.
I thought it was completely broken until one dude fixed it! You know what, one day, I'm going to that dude's house and squeeze him a hug to death.
Until tomorrow, if I'm nganggor enough, I might upload pictures of camp!
But that most likely won't happen cuz usually I don't go home from the mall on Sundays until 3 PM. Then I play playstation and take a shower (maybe) then go FaceBook then annoy my brother then go to bed.
I mean, we ordered them, like, 2 months ago. And now we get 'em. Hahahaha...
But there are at least 200 pictures in that CD, and I don't know if I can upload 'em all. Not even one. They're huge files.
Umm maybe I'll upload them someday. Just not today.
I haven't posted lots about Pet Society lately. I mean, they're all about bla bla bla and no Pet Society?
Well, it's back!
Umm, I decorated the living room a little bit. It's not complete yet, though. I'm trying to grow a tree and a flower and buy some other stuff to add to it. THEN it's complete.
Here's a picture:
I planted a flower yesterday and this morning it was fully grown but I recycled it and got a tiny recycle box.
Out came a birdhouse! Perfect for my balcony =)
Good news = HOLIDAY FOR 2 MONTHS (I think)!!
Bad news = I'm still gonna be stuck in my old stupid dumb school.
Until next year! I made my parents promise to move me next year.
I'm getting my phone back! Well, not now. My dad's on his way to pick up my phone right now.
I thought it was completely broken until one dude fixed it! You know what, one day, I'm going to that dude's house and squeeze him a hug to death.
Until tomorrow, if I'm nganggor enough, I might upload pictures of camp!
But that most likely won't happen cuz usually I don't go home from the mall on Sundays until 3 PM. Then I play playstation and take a shower (maybe) then go FaceBook then annoy my brother then go to bed.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Because You Loved Me
I know I haven't posted in like YEARS (it's only been a week?) but here's the post! lol
Umm so anyway the title is the song my class is playing (as a band) at school. I'm the guitarist.
And that song is stuck in my head.
I have tons of pics to show you from my trip. But I can't. I mean, my laptop's kind of broken (ok, the charger is), and I'm using my brother's laptop now, and his CD thing doesn't really work.
So anyway, right now, my dad's picking my up my fixed charger. I think I'm gonna upload more pics!! But right now, there's probably not much I could blog about.
Here are some nicknames I found for people, but they don't like it (don't start calling people these or else they'll hate me):
- Sefanya -> Nyak -> minyak
- Monica -> orang pake bedak kelebihan -> pocong (Kar and Cin's idea!)
- Bellinda -> belly
- David -> Vid -> pit -> armpit
- Joshua -> meanie (cuz he is one)
So yea Mariska got a nickname for me.
Garis pantat.
I have no idea why she calls me that. She's so random
Yea. I'm just outta ideas without pictures.
But I'd probably post another post later tonight or tomorrow morning. I get my laptop back.
Umm so anyway the title is the song my class is playing (as a band) at school. I'm the guitarist.
And that song is stuck in my head.
I have tons of pics to show you from my trip. But I can't. I mean, my laptop's kind of broken (ok, the charger is), and I'm using my brother's laptop now, and his CD thing doesn't really work.
So anyway, right now, my dad's picking my up my fixed charger. I think I'm gonna upload more pics!! But right now, there's probably not much I could blog about.
Here are some nicknames I found for people, but they don't like it (don't start calling people these or else they'll hate me):
- Sefanya -> Nyak -> minyak
- Monica -> orang pake bedak kelebihan -> pocong (Kar and Cin's idea!)
- Bellinda -> belly
- David -> Vid -> pit -> armpit
- Joshua -> meanie (cuz he is one)
So yea Mariska got a nickname for me.
Garis pantat.
I have no idea why she calls me that. She's so random
Yea. I'm just outta ideas without pictures.
But I'd probably post another post later tonight or tomorrow morning. I get my laptop back.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Just another post ...
Umm, so, until, like,.....
FOUR DAYS LATER (saturday night, or possible sunday morning??....)
I'm not posting anything.
Hmm, so this is like my last night here.
This is the one of the very main reasons why I don't wanna go.
I really, really wanna come. I mean, I've never been to a formal piano concert before. Well, one I wasn't forced to go to.
Like, my mum makes me join these piano concerts every year. It's annoying.
I barely even like to play piano.
Umm, well, one of my friends told me I was lucky I was going, because I don't have to decide whether or not I have to go to Wyn's concert.
Why we should come -> Wyn's the best piano player I know and also it's gonna be her goodbye soon.
Why we shouldn't come -> FORMALITY.
Sef had a problem on coming or not. I know she extremely hates wearing dressies. And she decided to come. I wanna come too cuz I wanna see Sef in a dress but if I do come I have to wear a dress too or else I'm gonna be kicked out.
Well, I'm not coming anyway, so for you people who'd like to see me in a dress, good luck guys xPP
And, for you people who wanna come this Friday, go to ICA and buy a ticket (it's Rp 100 000!). I got one for free cuz I go to Wyn's school. I could get another one for free cuz I'm an FNLer.
So yea I have an invitation in my bag and if you actually manage to go to my house tonight or tomorrow morning before 12 PM to ask me for a ticket, you're lucky! lol
Just kidding. I luv that ticket. I'm gonna pajang it on my wall. It looks so artistic. lol...I mean, seriously! It is!!
It looks more like an ID card then an invitation.
I'm gonna miss lotsa stuff.
First of all, I'm gonna miss an FNL.
Secondly, I'm gonna miss chatting.
Thirdly, I'm gonna miss FaceBook.
Fourthly, I'm gonna miss music. Well, I'm bringing an MP3 player but that doesn't count.
Fifthly, I'm gonna miss ... no......I'm not gonna miss school.
Anyway, it'll only be for a few days. I won't be long gone.
I know you people'll miss me. Especially Aileen. xDD jK"
Hmm, so, yea that concludes today's post.
I know it isn't long but I have to do some stuff. Packing stuff. *grabs playstation*
FOUR DAYS LATER (saturday night, or possible sunday morning??....)
I'm not posting anything.
Hmm, so this is like my last night here.
This is the one of the very main reasons why I don't wanna go.
I really, really wanna come. I mean, I've never been to a formal piano concert before. Well, one I wasn't forced to go to.
Like, my mum makes me join these piano concerts every year. It's annoying.
I barely even like to play piano.
Umm, well, one of my friends told me I was lucky I was going, because I don't have to decide whether or not I have to go to Wyn's concert.
Why we should come -> Wyn's the best piano player I know and also it's gonna be her goodbye soon.
Why we shouldn't come -> FORMALITY.
Sef had a problem on coming or not. I know she extremely hates wearing dressies. And she decided to come. I wanna come too cuz I wanna see Sef in a dress but if I do come I have to wear a dress too or else I'm gonna be kicked out.
Well, I'm not coming anyway, so for you people who'd like to see me in a dress, good luck guys xPP
And, for you people who wanna come this Friday, go to ICA and buy a ticket (it's Rp 100 000!). I got one for free cuz I go to Wyn's school. I could get another one for free cuz I'm an FNLer.
So yea I have an invitation in my bag and if you actually manage to go to my house tonight or tomorrow morning before 12 PM to ask me for a ticket, you're lucky! lol
Just kidding. I luv that ticket. I'm gonna pajang it on my wall. It looks so artistic. lol...I mean, seriously! It is!!
It looks more like an ID card then an invitation.
I'm gonna miss lotsa stuff.
First of all, I'm gonna miss an FNL.
Secondly, I'm gonna miss chatting.
Thirdly, I'm gonna miss FaceBook.
Fourthly, I'm gonna miss music. Well, I'm bringing an MP3 player but that doesn't count.
Fifthly, I'm gonna miss ... no......I'm not gonna miss school.
Anyway, it'll only be for a few days. I won't be long gone.
I know you people'll miss me. Especially Aileen. xDD jK"
Hmm, so, yea that concludes today's post.
I know it isn't long but I have to do some stuff. Packing stuff. *grabs playstation*
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