Friday, June 19, 2009

No longer PHONELESS!

Yes! That's right, peeps!! I am, once more, NO LONGER PHONELESS!! My beautiful Sony Ericsson W830i is back!

But there are bad news too. I mean, I'm not allowed to go online with it anymore (my dad says that's the reason why it broke in the first place), all my numbers are gone (thank God I found some in the scrap papers in my drawers), and all the beautiful GAMES I downloaded to it are gone too.
But I can almost SWEAR that it wasn't the internet that broke my phone. I bet. I have plenty of friends who go online using their phones, like, 24/7, and their phones aren't broken, are they?
I think that it's cuz my phone is a HP bekas, and that the dude who owned it before I did had done something to it.

Uhh and somehow my dad got rid of my eBuddy and Mini Opera apps so I can't go online anymore.
One day, I'm gonna head to that Telkomsel store and get the internet back. But it closed TT ..I think....

I know I haven't been posting in my blog for long times. It's just that .....IT'S HOLIDAY!! Aww come on, what kind of person would stay at home ALL holiday and not go anywhere?
Uhh no I'm not really going anywhere. OK, I'm going to PTC! Everyday!! Almost.

But I also get to go to my cousin Casey's house as much as I want during the weekdays cuz my mum is taking this weird lesson and she can drop me off at her's and then pick me up.

So far, I've been to PTC 3 days in a row, I have no idea why. On Wednesday, my mum dropped me off there for GO Group.
On Thursday, I bought stuff. Like paint. I painted something for Father's Day, and I hid it on top of my fridge so he can't find it.
Yesterday, I went there at 11 for Bellinda's birthday party and ....uh......I was nganggor until 5 then I did some stuff then I went to FNL xD

So, I'm planning to stop it right now. I'm not going anywhere today! Which is why I have time to post a post.

Today, I am planning to ...stay at home and read comics and paint stuff and try to get Sims 2 Open For Business to work on my laptop. Or not. I don't feel like playing sims.

I'm getting too used to holidays. Like, I'm pretty scared. If we go back to school, I don't think I'm gonna get used to all the hard-worky homeworky terror again.

I mean, I'm starting to get used to sleeping over 1, watching TV 'till my eyes go blank (YAY TIMON AND PUMBA!!).
Going to the mall everyday.
Going online a bit more than usual.
Listening to more and more and more and more and more music.
Being more ......nganggor (but, isn't this way better than school?).

Uhh...I don't know if there's a kid out there who wants to go to go back to school. Well, yea there are some people who are sick of being bored and wanna meet their friends again. THEY probably wanna go back.
But my school is so suckish that I know there is no one in my class who wants to go back to school.

I decorated my room in Pet Society a little bit more.
I can't really add it here. Some error in Pet Society.

OK, it hasn't changed a lot, but I added some extra stuff. Like the guitar. It took me a few days to save up for that.

This post is pretty long. I mean, for a photoless post.
- I miss going online using my phone. If I wanna go online at the mall, I have the head over to the warnet.
- holidays are addictive. But FUN!!
- make sure your mom has lotsa friends so they can drag you in to their kid's birthday party like Bellinda's mom did to Winona.


  1. mian... now i'm the only phoneless person in class... crap.

  2. no ur not. mrs tjandra dsnt hav 1 2 xDDD
