Just that every single person I know in my life (excluding the amazing Aileen and my parents) is sick. Most of them have the cough.
Including me. I have the absolute weirdest-sounded cough ever. it's louder than the song that's playing on my iTunes right now (yea... Tiffany Blews..).
Or that little cute noise that MSN makes when you get an IM.
And I went to the doctor this morning, and he gave me like the absolute WORST-TASTING medicine I have ever tasted.
I mean, after I went home from the doc (it was like 12) I had lunch and drank the med and slept. Then I woke up at 4 and MY MOUTH TASTED LIKE CRAP!!!
I don't really know how I got that cough, but I think it's cuz of my bro...
He, like, somehow got the cough and he keeps on coughing at me, thinking it'll somehow transfer all of his cough-ness to me.
But it didn't. Turns out he still has the cough, and I got it too.
Well, before I had the cough I also ate mi goreng and this new thing called butterfries they sell at PTC... which is like one of the best things I've ever tasted!!!
Ohh, and did I tell you I slept at 5 monday morning??
I spent all sunday nite/monday morning reading comiks and drawing and playing Pokemon on my DS (lite!!).
Then I fell asleep at 5 then my bro woke me up at 9 (you know how) and I got dragged to church.
Then came the cough.
I'm gonna get a new laptop soon!!
I was supposed to get it today, but turns out it was outta stock or something, so my dad'll get it on Saturday night.
Which is...
...when they get back from Jogja.
By "they" I mean him and my dad.
So... like....*cough*
3 days without David.
The annoying little bro that ruins my dreams.
I feel like I won a contest winning a 3-day trip to Hawaii with the dude of my dreams.
Well, there is my mum. Which is probably the fact I don't feel total freedom.
Total freedom are the times I have...like....camp. lol. jk" mum dad don't kill me.
I've taken interest in digital drawing.
I mean, drawing, scanning it, then digital coloring it.
Here I drew an original picture... something that just hit my mind like a golf ball. Like, I just drew it. lol
Here is a fan art I made of Sakura from Naruto.
COPYRIGHTED BY MEE!!!! I don't like people who copy my work.
It took me like at least 5 hours to make those.
Speaking about comiks.....
OK, like, I notice at trimedia that the comiks (wait... is this how you spell it??) that are really popular are Naruto, Miiko, and One Piece.
I read Naruto and Miiko, so I decided to read One Piece.
I looked it up at onemanga.com (best comik-reading website EVER) and started reading it. To like chapter 90 or something.
It was absolutely one of the best comiks I have ever read in my life.
It is HILARIOUS and AVENTUROUS and really ACTIONY (this a word?).
And I started buying the comiks from trimedia.
So.. what's the story about??
It's about a dude (I think he's about my age) named Monkey D. Luffy who's dreams are to become the pirate king... and getting this treasure called One Piece which can be found at the Grand Line, and where I am now is him being near that place.
Then when he was little, he met this famous pirate named Shanks and told him he wants to be a pirate. And Shanks gave him this straw hat, which Luffy wears everywhere. And Shanks asked him to give him back the hat when he becomes a great pirate.
But then Luffy ate one of the devil fruits called the Gomu-Gomu.
The devil fruits are stuff that when you eat you can't swim for the rest of your life, but it gives you powers.
Like, the Gomu-Gomu made Luffy a rubberman. lol. Randomness.
I really recommend you guys to read this.
I'm actually liking it more than Naruto.
I KNOW!! Awesome, eh??
But I don't like it more than Miiko. lol
For once, I'm happy that I study at a crappy school.
Like, school's gonna start on August.
And almost every other school in the city started last week.
My friends envy me, don't you, guys? *evil laugh*
*cough**cough* evil laughs aren't helping
But my parents said that if my grades don't go up in this next term or the one after that or the ones for the rest of my life....
They're gonna have to ban me from FNL.
FNL is like... a huge part of my life.
I'd literally kill myself.
But... God.......
no... kill myself....
no..... God............
I hate dilemmas.
No. I'm not gonna think about that.
In the name of Jesus Christ.
He'll help me =)
So, like my church is gonna build a whole new building.
ICA started in this hotel called Somerset or something. I started going there when I was 3 or 4.
Then it moved to this mall called PTC. It took up 3 storeys.
Now it's gonna move again.
Yes, still at PTC. But a different location.
It's not anywhere in the PTC building.
They're constructing it ON TOP of the mall. Which is really cool..I wanna see.. hahahaha
But it needs money.
So, if you're friends with Pastor Jeff (the dude that runs the place) on facebook .... go here and read that note.
If not.. I'll just tell you that they...we..... need $300,000 (that's 3 billion rp's 0.0) to build this thing... and so far we have $130,000 (1.3 billion rp's).
So... if you wanna participate,....... go to ICA and start donating!! X)
There's gonna be church on Sunday... and I'm planning to go up to the roof and look at the construction.
I'm excited for some reason. lol
I wanna see our future FNL space. haha
Alright, I think this post is long enough.
Please pray for us and our cough.
Cya!! =)
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