I just...think.... Palkia sucks and I regret playing Pearl instead of Diamond.
And... I just check the game on my DS a few times a day just to make sure if my berries are grown yet. xDD
Umm..one of my favorite parts of the whole game are contests.
Part of the contest is the dress-up.
And I need more stuff for the fashion case.
Yea...... I can trade berries for stuff.
And also berries raise the spicyness/bitterness/whateverness of a Pokemon to help it win a contest :)
JE NE SUIS PAS UN CHEATER. (how do you say "cheater" in French? ....ak ketularan Sef...... pke boso Prancis...hahaha)
You know when I went to that Hillsong concert on Thursday? Well, there was another one on Monday. No, it wasn't a concert. It was more like.... a worship conference :)
After the conference, they were selling Hillsong CDs outside. One of them was FAITH+HOPE+LOVE (it's an album name, by the way..hahahah). There were the CDs and DVDs. CDs costed 60k, I think, and DVDs cost 75k.
I thought maybe since the DVDs were more expensive, they were better.
I learned something new that night. That you can't copy the songs from your DVD to your computer directly.
If anyone knows how to do that, help :)
So, I spent 15k more than I could've just to find out I can't copy all that stuff.
But, anyway, I watched the DVD. I loved the songs. Hillsong rocks!! GOD ROCKS!!!!
It's so hard to keep up with schoolwork.
Firstly, quizzes. I've only had 2 quizzes so far, which are math and geography.
I got SO bad in geography.
I got...like.... 15 out of 22 :(
Which is.........
68%!! DDX
Well, 60 is the passing grade.
68 isn't the grade my parents are asking for.
They're asking for a 90. Or a 100. (yes, yes, my parents are....you know......... "I want my kid to be the beeest *bratty tone* I want her to do this and this and this and this......" which is clearly impossible. So, I ignore them. xDDDD
My math ain't so bad. Actually, I kind of forgot the score. I think it was somewhere between 70-90. Not 90 though. Hahaha.
Homework isn't so bad. I managed to catch up with my homework AND go to FNL AND play 2 hours of Guitar Hero a day.
But, for extra credit, and showing my parents how "responsible" I can be, I joined this reading program at my school called Reading Adventure. Like, I have to read a book, and the teacher asks me questions about the book. If I get the questions right, I get a sticker.
In the end of the school period, the dude with the most stickers in each grade gets this voucher to buy books and stuff.
And probably, extra credit on my report card. Who knows? lol
Umm, and we have this reading thing we have to do... but only this time we don't sign up. We HAVE to do it.
project #1: we have to pick a book from the library (my school has a really tiny library) and answer questions and fill in stuff like "plot" and "summary" and etc.....
project #2: we have to pick another book, either from the library or at home, and we have to write a report about it or something.
So, in total, I'm supposed to read 3 books at the same time.
2 now, though. I'm done reading the project #1 book. I just have to fill in the questions. This is due sometime in the beginning of September.
My dad's on the way home from Singapore right now. I asked him if he could buy me some books there (cuz Periplus is EXPENSIVE), and for this book called Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2: Rodrick Rules. I'm probably gonna use that book for project #2, cuz the first Diary of a Wimpy Kid was really fun to read. EXTREMELY funny.
And, for my personal reading, I'm reading this book called Tending to Grace. I got it for free on this Periplus sale, and I get to buy 75k worth of books. That novel was the only thing that costed less than 75k, so, whatever.
It's about a shy girl named Cornelia who loved reading but stayed in the lowest class of English in school cuz she doesn't talk (she isn't mute, she just doesn't want to talk. She rarely talks). Then her mom and her mom's boyfriend moved to Vegas to try to get money, and she's sent to live with her great aunt Agatha. I'm in the part when she just moved in.
Last Saturday (not yesterday lho ya) there was another visit to the Dr. Sutomo hospital!
Only I completely forgot how it went. I have the absolute WORST MEMORY EVER.
I'm gonna post random inventions people posted at LikeCool.com. I mean, ones I really like.
First.. this isn't really the awesomest thing on the site, but they look cool, so....
Ladies and gentlemen, I present you..... cooking drumsticks xDD (they call it mix-stix)
Hmm... and next..... I think this is really awesome.....
They made a Mona Lisa out of 3 604 cups of coffee!
Is that awesome or WHAT?? xDDDDDD
I had my second FNL sports nite on Friday!
My first sports nite was at SIS gym, which was way COLDER than the Ciputra gym.
Yea, this sports nite was at Ciputz.
It was HOT.
But, still, an awesome gym.
Well, I wasn't much help to my team, anyway. Even if I loved basketball, I've never been good at it. I don't even know how to shoot properly.
My new laptop broke.
It's not broken.
It broke.
Like, it was Tuesday's recess, like usual, I went to the other side of the building to reach the wi-fi. Unfortunately, the wi-fi's off :( so I went back to class.
Then I turned on my laptop and it kept on restarting and restarting and turned out the Windows XP is broken.
It didn't get fixed until Friday, when Mr. Agus saved its life X))
But the screen's flat and earphones don't work and camera doesn't work, just cuz I didn't install those stuff... but the screen's flat. Haha.
And it's (WAY) slower than usual.
But I'm still happy it works :)
Here's the last touch of randomness of the daaaayy!!!!!
People with weird, but somehow cool, hair:
- Ernesto ~ BOTAK.
- Mr. Agus ~ hmm..... how do I describe it...................
- Ko Richie ~ weird, OK. I don't even need to explain it. xDDD
- Jessica and Nina ~ JAMORHEEEAADDS!!!!!!!!
- Kelly ~ chindo. xDD
- Cindy's old hair ~ horsey.
Comics that should have written "FOR 18 AND ABOVE ONLY" on their covers so people like me could tell it's actually bad without having to buy and open it (if they do have that sign, they should make it bigger):
- Midori is a Tomboy
- Orange Afterschool (a little)
Comics that are fine and cute and I recommend you read:
- Miiko
- Naruto
- One Piece
- Death Note
- comics by Iwaoka Meme (her drawings are so CUTE!!), like for example, Mysterious Thief Milky Drop, Let's Meet at the Clinic, and Hold Me Guard Me! Aww I love her comics their so cuuuute!! :33333
Novels I recommend you read:
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid
- Amazing Days of Abby Hayes (I'm reading these for Reading Adventure. They're the thinnest books on the list, so I picked them, and I guess they're kinda fun to read)
- Good Morning, Holy Spirit, by Benny Hinn
Novels I recommend you DON'T read:
- The Pearl
- Anything in the Twilight Series
Novels I'm reading right now/very soon and I'm gonna tell you guys if you should read it or not:
- Tending to Grace
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2: Rodrick Rules
- The Host by Stephanie Meyer
Something pretty funny that happened on Friday.
My teacher Mr. Agus came to class and he told us he spilled hot water on our principle Mrs. Tjandra xDDDDDD
Then he told us another story he accidentally did.
It was a few months after he started working in Maple Leaf and some dude put tea on the table he was working on. He thought it was his tea, so he drank it.
Turns out it was Mrs. Tjandra's tea, and she had no idea why the cup was empty.
N she hadn't found out yet. Not even now. HAAAHAHAHAHA!!!
Anyway, see ya guys later!!
WOHOOOO!!! Another awesome post by Devina~
ReplyDeleteI'm your biggest fannn!!!
The Mona Lisa made out of coffee cups thing IS interesting! =)
Keep on writing~