Dear readers,
(looky a pyramid :D:D:D:D)
K I'm just posting this cuz Jessica and Nina's making me.
I don't even know what to post.
I don't even feel like posting anything 'till October.
What to talk about what to talk about what to talk about (my blog's turning more into Aileen's blog ..btw.... Aileen... when was the last time you posted????) .....................
Ohhhh I know!
Yea I'm getting sick of posting stuff about Sims 2 in my blog but whatever.
Uhh so yea many of you know my laptop broke 3 times in the last 2 weeks. But that basically means I have to reinstall Sims 2 if I ever wanna play it again.
I don't wanna end up like Cindy who gave up Sims 2 and missing AAAAALLLLLLLLLL the fun.
The fun is you don't use cheats. It's actually WAY funner.
In my laptop before it got formatted, I passed, like, 2 whole generations. It was SO hard. But fun X)
I'm working on the first generation now. I planned for one kid, but she gave birth to TWO. 2 DUMB STINKIN' TWINS. I hate twins.
And every 3 minutes they'll just start crying and crying..............
Reminds me of my brother.
It's friggin' annoying, so....
I don't know if I'm gonna play that family for about a week now.
I think this is even shorter than my first post. But I don't care.
(btw, if this post looks really, REALLY weird (like... repeats stuff) to you, it's not me. It's blogger. blame THEM.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
I am NOT addicted to Pokemon.
I just...think.... Palkia sucks and I regret playing Pearl instead of Diamond.
And... I just check the game on my DS a few times a day just to make sure if my berries are grown yet. xDD of my favorite parts of the whole game are contests.
Part of the contest is the dress-up.
And I need more stuff for the fashion case.
Yea...... I can trade berries for stuff.
And also berries raise the spicyness/bitterness/whateverness of a Pokemon to help it win a contest :)
JE NE SUIS PAS UN CHEATER. (how do you say "cheater" in French? ....ak ketularan Sef...... pke boso Prancis...hahaha)
You know when I went to that Hillsong concert on Thursday? Well, there was another one on Monday. No, it wasn't a concert. It was more like.... a worship conference :)
After the conference, they were selling Hillsong CDs outside. One of them was FAITH+HOPE+LOVE (it's an album name, by the way..hahahah). There were the CDs and DVDs. CDs costed 60k, I think, and DVDs cost 75k.
I thought maybe since the DVDs were more expensive, they were better.
I learned something new that night. That you can't copy the songs from your DVD to your computer directly.
If anyone knows how to do that, help :)
So, I spent 15k more than I could've just to find out I can't copy all that stuff.
But, anyway, I watched the DVD. I loved the songs. Hillsong rocks!! GOD ROCKS!!!!
It's so hard to keep up with schoolwork.
Firstly, quizzes. I've only had 2 quizzes so far, which are math and geography.
I got SO bad in geography.
I 15 out of 22 :(
Which is.........
68%!! DDX
Well, 60 is the passing grade.
68 isn't the grade my parents are asking for.
They're asking for a 90. Or a 100. (yes, yes, my parents know......... "I want my kid to be the beeest *bratty tone* I want her to do this and this and this and this......" which is clearly impossible. So, I ignore them. xDDDD
My math ain't so bad. Actually, I kind of forgot the score. I think it was somewhere between 70-90. Not 90 though. Hahaha.
Homework isn't so bad. I managed to catch up with my homework AND go to FNL AND play 2 hours of Guitar Hero a day.
But, for extra credit, and showing my parents how "responsible" I can be, I joined this reading program at my school called Reading Adventure. Like, I have to read a book, and the teacher asks me questions about the book. If I get the questions right, I get a sticker.
In the end of the school period, the dude with the most stickers in each grade gets this voucher to buy books and stuff.
And probably, extra credit on my report card. Who knows? lol
Umm, and we have this reading thing we have to do... but only this time we don't sign up. We HAVE to do it.
project #1: we have to pick a book from the library (my school has a really tiny library) and answer questions and fill in stuff like "plot" and "summary" and etc.....
project #2: we have to pick another book, either from the library or at home, and we have to write a report about it or something.
So, in total, I'm supposed to read 3 books at the same time.
2 now, though. I'm done reading the project #1 book. I just have to fill in the questions. This is due sometime in the beginning of September.
My dad's on the way home from Singapore right now. I asked him if he could buy me some books there (cuz Periplus is EXPENSIVE), and for this book called Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2: Rodrick Rules. I'm probably gonna use that book for project #2, cuz the first Diary of a Wimpy Kid was really fun to read. EXTREMELY funny.
And, for my personal reading, I'm reading this book called Tending to Grace. I got it for free on this Periplus sale, and I get to buy 75k worth of books. That novel was the only thing that costed less than 75k, so, whatever.
It's about a shy girl named Cornelia who loved reading but stayed in the lowest class of English in school cuz she doesn't talk (she isn't mute, she just doesn't want to talk. She rarely talks). Then her mom and her mom's boyfriend moved to Vegas to try to get money, and she's sent to live with her great aunt Agatha. I'm in the part when she just moved in.
Last Saturday (not yesterday lho ya) there was another visit to the Dr. Sutomo hospital!
Only I completely forgot how it went. I have the absolute WORST MEMORY EVER.
I'm gonna post random inventions people posted at I mean, ones I really like.
First.. this isn't really the awesomest thing on the site, but they look cool, so....
Ladies and gentlemen, I present you..... cooking drumsticks xDD (they call it mix-stix)

Hmm... and next..... I think this is really awesome.....
They made a Mona Lisa out of 3 604 cups of coffee!

Is that awesome or WHAT?? xDDDDDD
I had my second FNL sports nite on Friday!
My first sports nite was at SIS gym, which was way COLDER than the Ciputra gym.
Yea, this sports nite was at Ciputz.
It was HOT.
But, still, an awesome gym.
Well, I wasn't much help to my team, anyway. Even if I loved basketball, I've never been good at it. I don't even know how to shoot properly.
My new laptop broke.
It's not broken.
It broke.
Like, it was Tuesday's recess, like usual, I went to the other side of the building to reach the wi-fi. Unfortunately, the wi-fi's off :( so I went back to class.
Then I turned on my laptop and it kept on restarting and restarting and turned out the Windows XP is broken.
It didn't get fixed until Friday, when Mr. Agus saved its life X))
But the screen's flat and earphones don't work and camera doesn't work, just cuz I didn't install those stuff... but the screen's flat. Haha.
And it's (WAY) slower than usual.
But I'm still happy it works :)
Here's the last touch of randomness of the daaaayy!!!!!
People with weird, but somehow cool, hair:
- Ernesto ~ BOTAK.
- Mr. Agus ~ hmm..... how do I describe it...................
- Ko Richie ~ weird, OK. I don't even need to explain it. xDDD
- Jessica and Nina ~ JAMORHEEEAADDS!!!!!!!!
- Kelly ~ chindo. xDD
- Cindy's old hair ~ horsey.
Comics that should have written "FOR 18 AND ABOVE ONLY" on their covers so people like me could tell it's actually bad without having to buy and open it (if they do have that sign, they should make it bigger):
- Midori is a Tomboy
- Orange Afterschool (a little)
Comics that are fine and cute and I recommend you read:
- Miiko
- Naruto
- One Piece
- Death Note
- comics by Iwaoka Meme (her drawings are so CUTE!!), like for example, Mysterious Thief Milky Drop, Let's Meet at the Clinic, and Hold Me Guard Me! Aww I love her comics their so cuuuute!! :33333
Novels I recommend you read:
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid
- Amazing Days of Abby Hayes (I'm reading these for Reading Adventure. They're the thinnest books on the list, so I picked them, and I guess they're kinda fun to read)
- Good Morning, Holy Spirit, by Benny Hinn
Novels I recommend you DON'T read:
- The Pearl
- Anything in the Twilight Series
Novels I'm reading right now/very soon and I'm gonna tell you guys if you should read it or not:
- Tending to Grace
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2: Rodrick Rules
- The Host by Stephanie Meyer
Something pretty funny that happened on Friday.
My teacher Mr. Agus came to class and he told us he spilled hot water on our principle Mrs. Tjandra xDDDDDD
Then he told us another story he accidentally did.
It was a few months after he started working in Maple Leaf and some dude put tea on the table he was working on. He thought it was his tea, so he drank it.
Turns out it was Mrs. Tjandra's tea, and she had no idea why the cup was empty.
N she hadn't found out yet. Not even now. HAAAHAHAHAHA!!!
Anyway, see ya guys later!!
I just...think.... Palkia sucks and I regret playing Pearl instead of Diamond.
And... I just check the game on my DS a few times a day just to make sure if my berries are grown yet. xDD of my favorite parts of the whole game are contests.
Part of the contest is the dress-up.
And I need more stuff for the fashion case.
Yea...... I can trade berries for stuff.
And also berries raise the spicyness/bitterness/whateverness of a Pokemon to help it win a contest :)
JE NE SUIS PAS UN CHEATER. (how do you say "cheater" in French? ....ak ketularan Sef...... pke boso Prancis...hahaha)
You know when I went to that Hillsong concert on Thursday? Well, there was another one on Monday. No, it wasn't a concert. It was more like.... a worship conference :)
After the conference, they were selling Hillsong CDs outside. One of them was FAITH+HOPE+LOVE (it's an album name, by the way..hahahah). There were the CDs and DVDs. CDs costed 60k, I think, and DVDs cost 75k.
I thought maybe since the DVDs were more expensive, they were better.
I learned something new that night. That you can't copy the songs from your DVD to your computer directly.
If anyone knows how to do that, help :)
So, I spent 15k more than I could've just to find out I can't copy all that stuff.
But, anyway, I watched the DVD. I loved the songs. Hillsong rocks!! GOD ROCKS!!!!
It's so hard to keep up with schoolwork.
Firstly, quizzes. I've only had 2 quizzes so far, which are math and geography.
I got SO bad in geography.
I 15 out of 22 :(
Which is.........
68%!! DDX
Well, 60 is the passing grade.
68 isn't the grade my parents are asking for.
They're asking for a 90. Or a 100. (yes, yes, my parents know......... "I want my kid to be the beeest *bratty tone* I want her to do this and this and this and this......" which is clearly impossible. So, I ignore them. xDDDD
My math ain't so bad. Actually, I kind of forgot the score. I think it was somewhere between 70-90. Not 90 though. Hahaha.
Homework isn't so bad. I managed to catch up with my homework AND go to FNL AND play 2 hours of Guitar Hero a day.
But, for extra credit, and showing my parents how "responsible" I can be, I joined this reading program at my school called Reading Adventure. Like, I have to read a book, and the teacher asks me questions about the book. If I get the questions right, I get a sticker.
In the end of the school period, the dude with the most stickers in each grade gets this voucher to buy books and stuff.
And probably, extra credit on my report card. Who knows? lol
Umm, and we have this reading thing we have to do... but only this time we don't sign up. We HAVE to do it.
project #1: we have to pick a book from the library (my school has a really tiny library) and answer questions and fill in stuff like "plot" and "summary" and etc.....
project #2: we have to pick another book, either from the library or at home, and we have to write a report about it or something.
So, in total, I'm supposed to read 3 books at the same time.
2 now, though. I'm done reading the project #1 book. I just have to fill in the questions. This is due sometime in the beginning of September.
My dad's on the way home from Singapore right now. I asked him if he could buy me some books there (cuz Periplus is EXPENSIVE), and for this book called Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2: Rodrick Rules. I'm probably gonna use that book for project #2, cuz the first Diary of a Wimpy Kid was really fun to read. EXTREMELY funny.
And, for my personal reading, I'm reading this book called Tending to Grace. I got it for free on this Periplus sale, and I get to buy 75k worth of books. That novel was the only thing that costed less than 75k, so, whatever.
It's about a shy girl named Cornelia who loved reading but stayed in the lowest class of English in school cuz she doesn't talk (she isn't mute, she just doesn't want to talk. She rarely talks). Then her mom and her mom's boyfriend moved to Vegas to try to get money, and she's sent to live with her great aunt Agatha. I'm in the part when she just moved in.
Last Saturday (not yesterday lho ya) there was another visit to the Dr. Sutomo hospital!
Only I completely forgot how it went. I have the absolute WORST MEMORY EVER.
I'm gonna post random inventions people posted at I mean, ones I really like.
First.. this isn't really the awesomest thing on the site, but they look cool, so....
Ladies and gentlemen, I present you..... cooking drumsticks xDD (they call it mix-stix)
Hmm... and next..... I think this is really awesome.....
They made a Mona Lisa out of 3 604 cups of coffee!
Is that awesome or WHAT?? xDDDDDD
I had my second FNL sports nite on Friday!
My first sports nite was at SIS gym, which was way COLDER than the Ciputra gym.
Yea, this sports nite was at Ciputz.
It was HOT.
But, still, an awesome gym.
Well, I wasn't much help to my team, anyway. Even if I loved basketball, I've never been good at it. I don't even know how to shoot properly.
My new laptop broke.
It's not broken.
It broke.
Like, it was Tuesday's recess, like usual, I went to the other side of the building to reach the wi-fi. Unfortunately, the wi-fi's off :( so I went back to class.
Then I turned on my laptop and it kept on restarting and restarting and turned out the Windows XP is broken.
It didn't get fixed until Friday, when Mr. Agus saved its life X))
But the screen's flat and earphones don't work and camera doesn't work, just cuz I didn't install those stuff... but the screen's flat. Haha.
And it's (WAY) slower than usual.
But I'm still happy it works :)
Here's the last touch of randomness of the daaaayy!!!!!
People with weird, but somehow cool, hair:
- Ernesto ~ BOTAK.
- Mr. Agus ~ hmm..... how do I describe it...................
- Ko Richie ~ weird, OK. I don't even need to explain it. xDDD
- Jessica and Nina ~ JAMORHEEEAADDS!!!!!!!!
- Kelly ~ chindo. xDD
- Cindy's old hair ~ horsey.
Comics that should have written "FOR 18 AND ABOVE ONLY" on their covers so people like me could tell it's actually bad without having to buy and open it (if they do have that sign, they should make it bigger):
- Midori is a Tomboy
- Orange Afterschool (a little)
Comics that are fine and cute and I recommend you read:
- Miiko
- Naruto
- One Piece
- Death Note
- comics by Iwaoka Meme (her drawings are so CUTE!!), like for example, Mysterious Thief Milky Drop, Let's Meet at the Clinic, and Hold Me Guard Me! Aww I love her comics their so cuuuute!! :33333
Novels I recommend you read:
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid
- Amazing Days of Abby Hayes (I'm reading these for Reading Adventure. They're the thinnest books on the list, so I picked them, and I guess they're kinda fun to read)
- Good Morning, Holy Spirit, by Benny Hinn
Novels I recommend you DON'T read:
- The Pearl
- Anything in the Twilight Series
Novels I'm reading right now/very soon and I'm gonna tell you guys if you should read it or not:
- Tending to Grace
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2: Rodrick Rules
- The Host by Stephanie Meyer
Something pretty funny that happened on Friday.
My teacher Mr. Agus came to class and he told us he spilled hot water on our principle Mrs. Tjandra xDDDDDD
Then he told us another story he accidentally did.
It was a few months after he started working in Maple Leaf and some dude put tea on the table he was working on. He thought it was his tea, so he drank it.
Turns out it was Mrs. Tjandra's tea, and she had no idea why the cup was empty.
N she hadn't found out yet. Not even now. HAAAHAHAHAHA!!!
Anyway, see ya guys later!!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Together =)
Hey, welcome back to my bloggy!!
Now, I'm having a hard time installing games in my laptop.
First of all, every single of my favourite games suddenly disappeared. I mean, the CD's.
Like for example, Sims 2 Pets, Plant Tycoon, and a lot of mini games.
Secondly, Sims 2 University errors every single time I install it. So, whatever. Who needs to go to university anyway?
And now, Sims 2 Nightlife is installing itself. If this errors, I am gonna cry. Seriously, MY SIMS NEED CARS!!!
Ohh... and fourth...... lotsa lotsa lotsa dumb errors. In other games, I mean.
Hey, this is something really interesting I found in my geography textbook. I find it really ....yea... interesting.
So like, if the entire world's population were to shrink to 100 people, "with all the existing human ratios remaining the same", it'll be like.....
62 Asians
10 Europeans
14 from the western hemisphere (8 from North America)
13 Africans
1 Oceanian
70 non-"white"s
30 "white"s
52 females
48 males
70 Christians
30 non-Christians
Oh no, wait, it's the other way around. Sorry =(
30 Christians
70 non-Christians
1 would be near death
2 would be near birth
Ohh, and I find this part really, really interesting.....
6 people would posses 59% of the entire world's wealth
80 would live in substandard housing (I think that means.. like...... bad houses.
70 wouldn'tk now how to read
50 would suffer from lack of food
(ONLY) 1 would have a college education
1 would own a computer
I'm happy that "1" is me =)
Or else this blog wouldn't have existed in the first place. xDDD
- go to the rooftop! But I don't recommend you do this when you have no one to go up there with... and it's like, 9 PM at night.
- go read comics
- go to FNL!!
- stalk people. Randomly. Find out their name and their email/number so you can prank them xDDDD hahaha...jk.... but I've tried doing that a few times.
- buy me Starbucks
Here's some stuff I memorized my school principle (this spelled correctly?) told me about the one and only piggy flu *dramatic music*.
- it doesn't really kill people. Small chance of death.
- it affects mostly people under the age of 24 (that's me :S)
- it affects mostly people with asthma (that's me too :SS)
- schools will be closed when swine flu comes to the school (hmm....*evil laugh*)
- lasts for about 3 weeks. Nothing'll happen to you in the first week. You'll start fevering and vomiting and all that other stuff in the second week.
How's school lately?
There's this thing about me that I prefer to do work at school than at home. Cuz at school, there's nothing else I can do than homework.
But at home, there are billions of other things I can do.
So in order to fix that, I tell my mum NOT to bring me lunch (my school doesn't sell lunch, we have to bring our own) so I can do my homework during lunchtime, than eat at home.
It works well =)
Except for right now. It's the one and only WEEKEND. Yes, I love weekends. But I hate the fact that piles of homework gets thrown to use on Friday morning.
And this is my first weekend this school year. There's a billion of stuff I wanna do right now. Like install Sims 2 (not working well).
And I got a Mount Everest of homework. There's lotsa geography and science and art homework.
I'm supposed to finish 2 biographies, a bunch of question-answers, and a graph of unicellular and multicellular organisms by today or else I'm not allowed to go to the mall tomorrow =((
Thank God I'm done with a biography. Almost done with the other. I'm halfway done with the question-answers. And the unicellular organisms. But I don't feel like opening Google right now and looking for multicellular ones.
Maybe later. After this dumb installation's done.
NO!! DEV!!! REPENT!!!!
Nanti aja lah xDD
That's right. Only my brother would think of eating cookies in the bathroom.
For those of you who don't know, my brother kinda like has problems (I'm serious....).
So earlier yesterday, he actually brought cookies to the bathroom while taking a bath. And they all fell into the toilet. And he wanted to pick em up and eat em but my mum said no. And he started to cry.
And he slipped and fell flat on his face xDDDDDDDD
I laughed my butt off. Sorry, bro. It was hilarious. Not the falling part....the whole thing. xDD
That was the best thing that has ever happened to me throughout the month.
So, like, we didn't have GO Group this week cuz we were going to the Hillsong Concert on Thursday.
I had like absolutely NO idea where Dome of Harvest was. Scott said that if we make it to PTC at 4-5ish, we could get a ride.
Well so my mum couldn't give me a ride at 5.... so instead she sent me there right after school. Which was 3.
And then I had to wait wait wait wait..... till like 5 then Val, Danny, Deborah and left to the Dome of Havest and YAY!!
They were awesome.
GOD was awesome.
His presence was there. I could tell.
A quote I remember.... "there is Greatness in all of us"...........
The next day.... during FNL...... some of them showed up!! Awesome, eh??
Chris was awesome :)
This is the weirdest story in all of this blog.
I just found out about it 5 minutes ago..
So, like, I was online.... 15 minutes ago......
And my dad ran it and said "DEV!! Did you brush your teeth with this toothbrush?"
And I was "yea??"
And he said "OMG I dropped it in the toilet this morning!!!"
That very moment I felt like I wanna brush my teeth... but at the same time I don't.......
Alright, I'm sick of typing. Let's end this post!!
Now, I'm having a hard time installing games in my laptop.
First of all, every single of my favourite games suddenly disappeared. I mean, the CD's.
Like for example, Sims 2 Pets, Plant Tycoon, and a lot of mini games.
Secondly, Sims 2 University errors every single time I install it. So, whatever. Who needs to go to university anyway?
And now, Sims 2 Nightlife is installing itself. If this errors, I am gonna cry. Seriously, MY SIMS NEED CARS!!!
Ohh... and fourth...... lotsa lotsa lotsa dumb errors. In other games, I mean.
Hey, this is something really interesting I found in my geography textbook. I find it really ....yea... interesting.
So like, if the entire world's population were to shrink to 100 people, "with all the existing human ratios remaining the same", it'll be like.....
62 Asians
10 Europeans
14 from the western hemisphere (8 from North America)
13 Africans
1 Oceanian
70 non-"white"s
30 "white"s
52 females
48 males
70 Christians
30 non-Christians
Oh no, wait, it's the other way around. Sorry =(
30 Christians
70 non-Christians
1 would be near death
2 would be near birth
Ohh, and I find this part really, really interesting.....
6 people would posses 59% of the entire world's wealth
80 would live in substandard housing (I think that means.. like...... bad houses.
70 wouldn'tk now how to read
50 would suffer from lack of food
(ONLY) 1 would have a college education
1 would own a computer
I'm happy that "1" is me =)
Or else this blog wouldn't have existed in the first place. xDDD
- go to the rooftop! But I don't recommend you do this when you have no one to go up there with... and it's like, 9 PM at night.
- go read comics
- go to FNL!!
- stalk people. Randomly. Find out their name and their email/number so you can prank them xDDDD hahaha...jk.... but I've tried doing that a few times.
- buy me Starbucks
Here's some stuff I memorized my school principle (this spelled correctly?) told me about the one and only piggy flu *dramatic music*.
- it doesn't really kill people. Small chance of death.
- it affects mostly people under the age of 24 (that's me :S)
- it affects mostly people with asthma (that's me too :SS)
- schools will be closed when swine flu comes to the school (hmm....*evil laugh*)
- lasts for about 3 weeks. Nothing'll happen to you in the first week. You'll start fevering and vomiting and all that other stuff in the second week.
How's school lately?
There's this thing about me that I prefer to do work at school than at home. Cuz at school, there's nothing else I can do than homework.
But at home, there are billions of other things I can do.
So in order to fix that, I tell my mum NOT to bring me lunch (my school doesn't sell lunch, we have to bring our own) so I can do my homework during lunchtime, than eat at home.
It works well =)
Except for right now. It's the one and only WEEKEND. Yes, I love weekends. But I hate the fact that piles of homework gets thrown to use on Friday morning.
And this is my first weekend this school year. There's a billion of stuff I wanna do right now. Like install Sims 2 (not working well).
And I got a Mount Everest of homework. There's lotsa geography and science and art homework.
I'm supposed to finish 2 biographies, a bunch of question-answers, and a graph of unicellular and multicellular organisms by today or else I'm not allowed to go to the mall tomorrow =((
Thank God I'm done with a biography. Almost done with the other. I'm halfway done with the question-answers. And the unicellular organisms. But I don't feel like opening Google right now and looking for multicellular ones.
Maybe later. After this dumb installation's done.
NO!! DEV!!! REPENT!!!!
Nanti aja lah xDD
That's right. Only my brother would think of eating cookies in the bathroom.
For those of you who don't know, my brother kinda like has problems (I'm serious....).
So earlier yesterday, he actually brought cookies to the bathroom while taking a bath. And they all fell into the toilet. And he wanted to pick em up and eat em but my mum said no. And he started to cry.
And he slipped and fell flat on his face xDDDDDDDD
I laughed my butt off. Sorry, bro. It was hilarious. Not the falling part....the whole thing. xDD
That was the best thing that has ever happened to me throughout the month.
So, like, we didn't have GO Group this week cuz we were going to the Hillsong Concert on Thursday.
I had like absolutely NO idea where Dome of Harvest was. Scott said that if we make it to PTC at 4-5ish, we could get a ride.
Well so my mum couldn't give me a ride at 5.... so instead she sent me there right after school. Which was 3.
And then I had to wait wait wait wait..... till like 5 then Val, Danny, Deborah and left to the Dome of Havest and YAY!!
They were awesome.
GOD was awesome.
His presence was there. I could tell.
A quote I remember.... "there is Greatness in all of us"...........
The next day.... during FNL...... some of them showed up!! Awesome, eh??
Chris was awesome :)
This is the weirdest story in all of this blog.
I just found out about it 5 minutes ago..
So, like, I was online.... 15 minutes ago......
And my dad ran it and said "DEV!! Did you brush your teeth with this toothbrush?"
And I was "yea??"
And he said "OMG I dropped it in the toilet this morning!!!"
That very moment I felt like I wanna brush my teeth... but at the same time I don't.......
Alright, I'm sick of typing. Let's end this post!!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
I got a new laptop!!!
Awesome, eh?
Well, you should know about that right about now.
I've posted in a few of my posts lately about a new laptop.
Well, I finally got it!!!
You guys are probably wondering how the laptop looks like.
I'm gonna upload a picture soon, but not on this post. Haha... it looks like....
- a really really really wide screen. Kinda like a movie theatre one
- WEBCAM!! This one can record videos XD and it's really clear
- "Doly Home Theater" ...whatever that is
- 250 GB of memory on the hard disk!
- the cutest keyboard I've ever seen
lol. So yea. I kinda like this laptop.
But I'm gonna miss my old one. It's been my laptop for 6 years! If I could keep it until February, it'll be 7.
Sorry I had to type that. It was a song playing in my iTunes. Don't know who sang it. I think it's LP.
There's this shop me and Sef checked out a few weeks ago. It was called the T-Shop. It sold...umm..... T-shirts. Like, duh.
But they weren't just any T-shirts. They were shirts that the shop dude made. They were coooooooool.
And I think, for that kind of style, the shirts were really cool. Like, they should cost 100k or something. But they're.... like..... 50.
I bought 2 of em XD
One was a shirt that was like "abcdefghijklmnopqrs...T...uvwxyz". lol. I loved that shirt.
The other one was a purple one with lotsa writing on it. Scribbly, scrapbooky.
There are the shirts they sell in the shop for 95k, but I love them. I wanna buy one of them one day. Lemme ask my dad first.
You see, my dad really wants me to wear different stuff. So like, if I asked him for money, he'd gimme some but if I said "clothes", he'd gimme extra.
So like, once I got 300k instead of 200k cuz of mentioning the word "clothes". lol
I could've bought like, what? 6 Starbucks drinks?? lol
But my dad doesn't like Starbucks. He thinks it tastes bad. Like, duh. He ordered coffee of the day. Of course it tasted bad, dad.
And, I'm a good girl, you know? (yea right) ..I really did use the money to buy clothes. Like, I used 150k to buy 2 shirts! The rest was spent on comic books and ...*scared if dad reads this*...... bahan" untuk skolah. *cough*
lol. Just kidding. I just used 100k for comics. I seriously did use up 70k for school stuff.
But anyway, I seriously do recommend you check out this T-shop. It's awesome ;)
Nina's birthday was last Saturday, and we hung out at the mall.
We had lunch at Hoka Hoka Bento (ahh... I love that restaurant)
And guess where we went?
The rooftop of PTC!
Have you been up there?
Well, it's basically a parking lot, but not many cars park there, so it's pretty much open wide space with no one but the satpam and a few drivers.
So we went up there and started singing and taking pictures and stuff.
We sang loud xD
But, who cares? The only people who could hear us was the satpam and a few drivers. Who knows? Maybe they liked our voices.
We hung out for hours. Then we went back to Trimedia (which was where we met up at first). Nina and I said we'll go to the warnet, cuz I hadn't checked my FaceBook for like....5 hours. Gosh, how could I have survived?
But not much happened on FaceBook.
So Nina and I went up to the food court (lewat TimeWalk.... Nina made us go that way...hayo, Nina! nyari sapa ya......?? cieeee............) and I read some of the new comics I bought.
Then Nina was kinda bored, and she took out her Magic: The Gathering cards. And I was like "hey, why do you like that game so much?"
Well, I already know why. ;PPPPP
But anyway, Nina wanted me to learn that game. And I was like "OK fine, teach me."
And she taught me.
And I was amazed at how fun it was. I liked the game. Now I see why many people play it.
And she told me we were one of the only girls she knows playing that game. And I have no idea why but that game is fun you guys should try xDDD
And we played the game for like the rest of the day and then we went home.
I told her to bring the cards tomorrow so we could play after church.
And we did!!
Well, we had church first.
HardCore class was awesome!!!
Then Nina and I played in the ICA lobby. We wanted to play at the food court but the food court on Sundays is really crowded.
Uhh we met up with Daniel cuz he was waiting for a movie at 2. So yea... we hung out at ICA first then we went to the food court, don't know why. Ask Nina. (again, lewat TW)
At 2-ish, Daniel left for the movie and Nina went home. I went back to ICA to wait for my ride home and met Sef. We hung out again, for like a few minutes.
Then my ride came.
But on the way home, my dad saw this ad in a paper that said there was some sorta convention in PTC, and today was the last day. So we turned around and went back to PTC.
I met Sef again!
We went to the rooftop! We sang like we did on Saturday, but this time we took more pictures.
But than she had to leave in 15 minutes cuz she was gonna watch Public Enemies.
I'm into totally random bands. I mean, I just heard of Boys Like Girls, and all of the sudden their song On Top of the World has been stuck in my head for like 2 weeks.
Well, there's Do You Feel in my head too, but most of the time, it's On Top of the World.
But other than that, bands I recommend you listen to are....
Boys Like Girls, The Rocket Summer, All-American Rejects, Fall Out Boy, and most importantly, My Chemical Romance!! Maybe Secondhand Serenade but they're songs make me sleep.
Actually the song stuck in my head right now this moment isn't On Top of the World.... it's Dead! by My Chemical Romance. You should really listen to it. I love MCR.
I think I've told some of you this story before, but I don't know. I'll just post it in my blog.
Well, I was about to go to the mall. Don't know why. But, I was like... really really really needed to use the bathroom.
So I did. The downstairs bathroom. No one ever used that bathroom except some guests and maybe the mbak.
(I had to lho ya. It was an emergency.)
And after my relieving moment, I went out.
My mum went in afterwards.
A few seconds later she ran out SCREAMING.
She was like, "KODOOOOOOKKK!!!!"
And I went in and saw a huge warty frog in the toilet.
Gross...... DDDDDX
I never used that bathroom ever again since then.
School started this week.
I'm supposed to work harder, so I don't think I can post much in this blog =(
But... in my want of being a more responsible girl, I think I'll try to post my blog at least twice a week.
Anyway, I'm supposed to get really good grades, if possible, get an award, if I wanna keep on being an FNLer. Or else, I'm gonna have to quit FNL. And GO Group. And maybe even church.
*go Dev, go!!*
Lemme end this post right........
No advertisements today xDDDD
Except for one tiny tiny thing!!
Check out the pictures me and my friends took at the PTC rooftop
OK, ending the post now. Cya~
I got a new laptop!!!
Awesome, eh?
Well, you should know about that right about now.
I've posted in a few of my posts lately about a new laptop.
Well, I finally got it!!!
You guys are probably wondering how the laptop looks like.
I'm gonna upload a picture soon, but not on this post. Haha... it looks like....
- a really really really wide screen. Kinda like a movie theatre one
- WEBCAM!! This one can record videos XD and it's really clear
- "Doly Home Theater" ...whatever that is
- 250 GB of memory on the hard disk!
- the cutest keyboard I've ever seen
lol. So yea. I kinda like this laptop.
But I'm gonna miss my old one. It's been my laptop for 6 years! If I could keep it until February, it'll be 7.
Sorry I had to type that. It was a song playing in my iTunes. Don't know who sang it. I think it's LP.
There's this shop me and Sef checked out a few weeks ago. It was called the T-Shop. It sold...umm..... T-shirts. Like, duh.
But they weren't just any T-shirts. They were shirts that the shop dude made. They were coooooooool.
And I think, for that kind of style, the shirts were really cool. Like, they should cost 100k or something. But they're.... like..... 50.
I bought 2 of em XD
One was a shirt that was like "abcdefghijklmnopqrs...T...uvwxyz". lol. I loved that shirt.
The other one was a purple one with lotsa writing on it. Scribbly, scrapbooky.
There are the shirts they sell in the shop for 95k, but I love them. I wanna buy one of them one day. Lemme ask my dad first.
You see, my dad really wants me to wear different stuff. So like, if I asked him for money, he'd gimme some but if I said "clothes", he'd gimme extra.
So like, once I got 300k instead of 200k cuz of mentioning the word "clothes". lol
I could've bought like, what? 6 Starbucks drinks?? lol
But my dad doesn't like Starbucks. He thinks it tastes bad. Like, duh. He ordered coffee of the day. Of course it tasted bad, dad.
And, I'm a good girl, you know? (yea right) ..I really did use the money to buy clothes. Like, I used 150k to buy 2 shirts! The rest was spent on comic books and ...*scared if dad reads this*...... bahan" untuk skolah. *cough*
lol. Just kidding. I just used 100k for comics. I seriously did use up 70k for school stuff.
But anyway, I seriously do recommend you check out this T-shop. It's awesome ;)
Nina's birthday was last Saturday, and we hung out at the mall.
We had lunch at Hoka Hoka Bento (ahh... I love that restaurant)
And guess where we went?
The rooftop of PTC!
Have you been up there?
Well, it's basically a parking lot, but not many cars park there, so it's pretty much open wide space with no one but the satpam and a few drivers.
So we went up there and started singing and taking pictures and stuff.
We sang loud xD
But, who cares? The only people who could hear us was the satpam and a few drivers. Who knows? Maybe they liked our voices.
We hung out for hours. Then we went back to Trimedia (which was where we met up at first). Nina and I said we'll go to the warnet, cuz I hadn't checked my FaceBook for like....5 hours. Gosh, how could I have survived?
But not much happened on FaceBook.
So Nina and I went up to the food court (lewat TimeWalk.... Nina made us go that way...hayo, Nina! nyari sapa ya......?? cieeee............) and I read some of the new comics I bought.
Then Nina was kinda bored, and she took out her Magic: The Gathering cards. And I was like "hey, why do you like that game so much?"
Well, I already know why. ;PPPPP
But anyway, Nina wanted me to learn that game. And I was like "OK fine, teach me."
And she taught me.
And I was amazed at how fun it was. I liked the game. Now I see why many people play it.
And she told me we were one of the only girls she knows playing that game. And I have no idea why but that game is fun you guys should try xDDD
And we played the game for like the rest of the day and then we went home.
I told her to bring the cards tomorrow so we could play after church.
And we did!!
Well, we had church first.
HardCore class was awesome!!!
Then Nina and I played in the ICA lobby. We wanted to play at the food court but the food court on Sundays is really crowded.
Uhh we met up with Daniel cuz he was waiting for a movie at 2. So yea... we hung out at ICA first then we went to the food court, don't know why. Ask Nina. (again, lewat TW)
At 2-ish, Daniel left for the movie and Nina went home. I went back to ICA to wait for my ride home and met Sef. We hung out again, for like a few minutes.
Then my ride came.
But on the way home, my dad saw this ad in a paper that said there was some sorta convention in PTC, and today was the last day. So we turned around and went back to PTC.
I met Sef again!
We went to the rooftop! We sang like we did on Saturday, but this time we took more pictures.
But than she had to leave in 15 minutes cuz she was gonna watch Public Enemies.
I'm into totally random bands. I mean, I just heard of Boys Like Girls, and all of the sudden their song On Top of the World has been stuck in my head for like 2 weeks.
Well, there's Do You Feel in my head too, but most of the time, it's On Top of the World.
But other than that, bands I recommend you listen to are....
Boys Like Girls, The Rocket Summer, All-American Rejects, Fall Out Boy, and most importantly, My Chemical Romance!! Maybe Secondhand Serenade but they're songs make me sleep.
Actually the song stuck in my head right now this moment isn't On Top of the World.... it's Dead! by My Chemical Romance. You should really listen to it. I love MCR.
I think I've told some of you this story before, but I don't know. I'll just post it in my blog.
Well, I was about to go to the mall. Don't know why. But, I was like... really really really needed to use the bathroom.
So I did. The downstairs bathroom. No one ever used that bathroom except some guests and maybe the mbak.
(I had to lho ya. It was an emergency.)
And after my relieving moment, I went out.
My mum went in afterwards.
A few seconds later she ran out SCREAMING.
She was like, "KODOOOOOOKKK!!!!"
And I went in and saw a huge warty frog in the toilet.
Gross...... DDDDDX
I never used that bathroom ever again since then.
School started this week.
I'm supposed to work harder, so I don't think I can post much in this blog =(
But... in my want of being a more responsible girl, I think I'll try to post my blog at least twice a week.
Anyway, I'm supposed to get really good grades, if possible, get an award, if I wanna keep on being an FNLer. Or else, I'm gonna have to quit FNL. And GO Group. And maybe even church.
*go Dev, go!!*
Lemme end this post right........
No advertisements today xDDDD
Except for one tiny tiny thing!!
Check out the pictures me and my friends took at the PTC rooftop
OK, ending the post now. Cya~
Monday, July 27, 2009
I'm having my very very first sleepover!
Right now!
At Mariska's!!
She's beside me, by the way. She's playing Sims 2.
So... how I got my parents to allow me....wasn't really that hard.
My dad saw an ad on the paper... a few days ago....
It was a car convention. Obviously, David wanted it. It was at Jakarta.
Well, David doesn't seem to wanna go to Jakarta with dad alone. So my mum tagged along.
And they made me go too but I was like "NO!!! Can I just sleepover at my friend's house?"
And my mum was "NO WAY."
And my dad was "OK."
And my mum was "*sigh* OK fine."
And *poof!* here I am now at Mariska's house.
I saw this video by KevJumba/JumbaFund (I think) and it talked about Michael Jackson.
Made me change the way I think about Michael Jackson.
It said that the reason why MJ changed his skin color in the first place was cuz he had skin cancer and when you do get skin cancer, white patches of skin will start growing on your body. That'd be totally embarassing.
So he changed his skin color completely.
And also there's other stuff you should know about Michael HERE. CLICK ON IT.
I seriously want you to watch it.
I'm just really tired today. I woke up at 11. And now it's 10.30 anyway. So...cya....
Right now!
At Mariska's!!
She's beside me, by the way. She's playing Sims 2.
So... how I got my parents to allow me....wasn't really that hard.
My dad saw an ad on the paper... a few days ago....
It was a car convention. Obviously, David wanted it. It was at Jakarta.
Well, David doesn't seem to wanna go to Jakarta with dad alone. So my mum tagged along.
And they made me go too but I was like "NO!!! Can I just sleepover at my friend's house?"
And my mum was "NO WAY."
And my dad was "OK."
And my mum was "*sigh* OK fine."
And *poof!* here I am now at Mariska's house.
I saw this video by KevJumba/JumbaFund (I think) and it talked about Michael Jackson.
Made me change the way I think about Michael Jackson.
It said that the reason why MJ changed his skin color in the first place was cuz he had skin cancer and when you do get skin cancer, white patches of skin will start growing on your body. That'd be totally embarassing.
So he changed his skin color completely.
And also there's other stuff you should know about Michael HERE. CLICK ON IT.
I seriously want you to watch it.
I'm just really tired today. I woke up at 11. And now it's 10.30 anyway. So...cya....
Saturday, July 25, 2009
A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me
I have no idea who's song the title is, it's just on shuffle. lol.'s some interesting stuff I'm talking about today..........
I think I told most of you already. haha. I brag lots. Sorry. Just...excited. hahaha..
I have no idea what type it is... but all I know that it's gonna be an Acer laptop... and it'll be Windows XP (CUZ VISTA SUCKS!!! YEAAAA!!!!! WHO'S WITH ME ON THIS ONE??) and it'll have a built in camera and lotsa memory space!! Enough to probably fit Sims 3...but I don't know if I'm gonna install that..hahahaha. I don't think any laptop can fit Sims 3 in it.
And I'm gonna take up all the memory for MUUUUUSICCC!!!!!
And pictures with the camera built in on it. Yes, for those who don't know, I'm so narcis. lol. I'm not like Sef.
FNL last night was awesome.
Well, it wasn't at first. Cuz I had to do set-up. And it was tiring...I had to walk back and forth from and to the ICA office and FNL room. And I was SICK, dikit demam, watok parah, and piiiilekk...... so I almost fainted when I was done.
But that was when FNL began, so I didn't really get to rest.
Cindy (CnD Ellen, not Cindy Halim lho ya ....but it would be cool if Cindy Halim tried to go to FNL XD CINDY COOOOMME!!!!) led worship for the first time. It was awesome =)
And there was a game!
They like, had a table and piled different typa sauces on it. I remember there was saos tomat, saos manis, and this other white saos that looks like shaving cream. I think it was.
And 4...6.....I think........ (one of them was me) people volunteered to slide a sardine fish from one side of the table to the other ..
With no hands.
So yea we used our noses. Maybe someone used their tongue. But that'd be gross, cuz I tasted it and it was soooooo bad.
So I lost the sardine-sliding race against Steffi (my own daughter! DX), and I got sardine-smelling sauce on places like my ears, some parts of my hair, in my nostrils, and other places you don't wanna know...
Then Scott preached about the ...yea....let's say it altogether....
He talked about part 3 of this series at FNL he talks about...about the book of Acts. Mostly about the one and only HOLY SPIRIT
But, it was great. Like we did last week, Scott asked us all to go up to the front to be prayed for by the Holy Spirit.
It felt good though. I felt alive.
I love you, Holy Spirit =)
I kind of read more of Good Morning, Holy Spirit (HAAA!!! I REALLY RECOMMEND YOU PEOPLE READ THIS!!!!! IT'S AWESOME!!! I'll lend it to you if you want, I mean, once I'm done xD), and I'm not exactly where I'm supposed to be. Like, today, I'm supposed to be done with the study and discussion guide of chapter 9....but I'm like.... way over at chapter 4..... TT
So I just found out last night at 2 AM..... and I like had to read 5 chapters before 11 that morning.................
And so I read up to chapter 6ish that night (or...morning......) but fell asleep on the book (haha...I've been lacking more sleep lately......)
And I woke up at 10.
Not 8...not 9.........10.
So, I had to finish 3 chapters of that book... plus the study and discussion guide questions (they have like....7 questions per chapter........ and they're complicated like the questions on my textbook of Language Arts class).............. in an hour.
That's not literally possible. I actually thought about looking up the summary in the internet but then it hit my head that it's not possible too, because Good Morning, Holy Spirit isn't something that can be summarized.
So, like, I was like... "OK, just forget about the study and discussion guide...I'll just read this up quick."
No, I'm not a fast reader like Aileen is.
Especially cuz Benny Hinn is from the 70-80s, so the language ain't as easy to read as comiks.
And so I didn't really have much time to wash my hair. And I had to leave that sardine-smelling sauce on some parts.
And it took me like fifteen minutes to get my dad off his chair to the bathroom to take a bath to drive me to PTC.
When I got there, I was halfway through chapter 9. And without the study and discussion guide. I was kinda scared that Andy would be angry (turns out he didn't read up to chapter 9 neither did anyone else in the discussion..).
And it was like nearly 12 o'clock already. (meeting was at 11.30)
OK, I wasn't worried. We Asians start everything 2 late anyway, right?
And yea, the FNL door was locked.
So I SMS'd Sef, Nadia, Steffi, and Fish if they were there.
Sef and Nadia got no ride,
Steffi wasn't coming,
and Fish forgot about the discussion.
I was about to SMS Andy (aka Cancut) if there was even gonna be a discussion, but I met him at PTC and he was going to there. Gee, Cancut, 30 minutes late...
I thought like 20 people were supposed to come, cuz there are about 20 people in the FNL band, but like 8 showed up. Hahahaha..
I think it's cuz everyone's sick. *cough*
And the discussion was awesome. It made me think more and more into the Holy Spirit.
But it lasted for like just an hour, so..........
So, I was like supposed to sing for Sunday School again tomorrow...but I couldn't show up for practice =(
and if this party HADN'T happened.... I probably would've gone. So there was absolutely no chance I could've sang in the choir upstairs with FNL.
They're lacking singers.
But the party was awesome!!
After the discussion, I helped a little bit with making the sign for the cookie-selling stand for tomorrow. The sign said "FNL cookies! Feed your face, help us get a new place!" cuz the reason we're selling cookies is for money for the new ICA building on top of ICA (if you didn't that already).
But at 3.30 I left with Scott to his house. Where he had his awesome pizza party!!
Lotsa people came, like Nyak, Agoes, Shorty, Kelly, Leah, and other people, mostly people going from 6th grade to the 7th.
First we played badminton and ate snacks and stuff.
Then we went to an open free space and had a water balloon-tossing game.
Then we had a scavenger hunt around Scott, Adel, and Leanne's neighborhood.
Then we ate pizza!!!
Then we played Mafia.
Then my mum called me to let me know that she can't pick me up 'till 8.30 so Mrs. Liz dropped me off at PTC.
Then I went home~
note that anything written above was written on Saturday night.
The rest are on Sunday..
So anyway, I just got back from the mall.
It's earlier than usual.
I was about to buy shirts from this new shirts store I love, but I forgot. lol
And my mum picked me up at 2......
We sold cookies today.
OK, they did. Not me. I suck at selling stuff.
And when I like came out of hardcore class, they entire ICA lobby was flooded with kids lining up to buy cookies and Kelly and Scott and Agoes were like selling 'em.
I wanted to buy the cookies, but they were like Rp 50k per jar. You could buy like StarBucks with that.
So I didn't buy the cookies. Even though my mum told me to.
And when I got home David was like crying, "I WANT COOOOOOKIES!!!!"
And we had to go to the bakery to buy some cookies to make him stop crying.
Argh I hate my bro.
This is a song that's been stuck in my head all day yesterday, all last night, and all this morning.
It's a song by The Rocket Summer, which is a dude named Bryce Avary who plays all the instruments and combines them with a computer or something.
I love him and his music. And I love Sef for introducing me to him =)
My keyboard kinda sucks.
Like, every 5 minutes, the characters c,d,e, and 3 don't work.
So I'm kinda excited for the new laptop. Probably coming tonight.
And yesterday, at like, nearly 12 AM, the characters don't work again, so I banged my laptop's keyboard for those 4 characters (usually if I bang it it'll work), but it system error-ed so I went to bed without finishing my blog post.
And.. I don't feel like typing anymore.
So, CYA~~~
I'm gonna be posting my next post with my new laptop XD
Ohh, and I'm gonna sleepover at Mariska's house tomorrow!!
I'm excited =)
Cuz like my parents and bro are going to Jakarta for a night and I should be coming too but I am NOT going to a city where bombs are happening so I'm gonna stay but they want me outta the house so I'm gonna sleepover at Mar's xDDDD
THIS IS MY FIRST SLEEPOVER EVER!!! I know that sounds weird especially for a teenager but yea I've never been allowed to sleepover before. Hahahaha...
Do you feeeeeeeeeeel~'s some interesting stuff I'm talking about today..........
I think I told most of you already. haha. I brag lots. Sorry. Just...excited. hahaha..
I have no idea what type it is... but all I know that it's gonna be an Acer laptop... and it'll be Windows XP (CUZ VISTA SUCKS!!! YEAAAA!!!!! WHO'S WITH ME ON THIS ONE??) and it'll have a built in camera and lotsa memory space!! Enough to probably fit Sims 3...but I don't know if I'm gonna install that..hahahaha. I don't think any laptop can fit Sims 3 in it.
And I'm gonna take up all the memory for MUUUUUSICCC!!!!!
And pictures with the camera built in on it. Yes, for those who don't know, I'm so narcis. lol. I'm not like Sef.
FNL last night was awesome.
Well, it wasn't at first. Cuz I had to do set-up. And it was tiring...I had to walk back and forth from and to the ICA office and FNL room. And I was SICK, dikit demam, watok parah, and piiiilekk...... so I almost fainted when I was done.
But that was when FNL began, so I didn't really get to rest.
Cindy (CnD Ellen, not Cindy Halim lho ya ....but it would be cool if Cindy Halim tried to go to FNL XD CINDY COOOOMME!!!!) led worship for the first time. It was awesome =)
And there was a game!
They like, had a table and piled different typa sauces on it. I remember there was saos tomat, saos manis, and this other white saos that looks like shaving cream. I think it was.
And 4...6.....I think........ (one of them was me) people volunteered to slide a sardine fish from one side of the table to the other ..
With no hands.
So yea we used our noses. Maybe someone used their tongue. But that'd be gross, cuz I tasted it and it was soooooo bad.
So I lost the sardine-sliding race against Steffi (my own daughter! DX), and I got sardine-smelling sauce on places like my ears, some parts of my hair, in my nostrils, and other places you don't wanna know...
Then Scott preached about the ...yea....let's say it altogether....
He talked about part 3 of this series at FNL he talks about...about the book of Acts. Mostly about the one and only HOLY SPIRIT
But, it was great. Like we did last week, Scott asked us all to go up to the front to be prayed for by the Holy Spirit.
It felt good though. I felt alive.
I love you, Holy Spirit =)
I kind of read more of Good Morning, Holy Spirit (HAAA!!! I REALLY RECOMMEND YOU PEOPLE READ THIS!!!!! IT'S AWESOME!!! I'll lend it to you if you want, I mean, once I'm done xD), and I'm not exactly where I'm supposed to be. Like, today, I'm supposed to be done with the study and discussion guide of chapter 9....but I'm like.... way over at chapter 4..... TT
So I just found out last night at 2 AM..... and I like had to read 5 chapters before 11 that morning.................
And so I read up to chapter 6ish that night (or...morning......) but fell asleep on the book (haha...I've been lacking more sleep lately......)
And I woke up at 10.
Not 8...not 9.........10.
So, I had to finish 3 chapters of that book... plus the study and discussion guide questions (they have like....7 questions per chapter........ and they're complicated like the questions on my textbook of Language Arts class).............. in an hour.
That's not literally possible. I actually thought about looking up the summary in the internet but then it hit my head that it's not possible too, because Good Morning, Holy Spirit isn't something that can be summarized.
So, like, I was like... "OK, just forget about the study and discussion guide...I'll just read this up quick."
No, I'm not a fast reader like Aileen is.
Especially cuz Benny Hinn is from the 70-80s, so the language ain't as easy to read as comiks.
And so I didn't really have much time to wash my hair. And I had to leave that sardine-smelling sauce on some parts.
And it took me like fifteen minutes to get my dad off his chair to the bathroom to take a bath to drive me to PTC.
When I got there, I was halfway through chapter 9. And without the study and discussion guide. I was kinda scared that Andy would be angry (turns out he didn't read up to chapter 9 neither did anyone else in the discussion..).
And it was like nearly 12 o'clock already. (meeting was at 11.30)
OK, I wasn't worried. We Asians start everything 2 late anyway, right?
And yea, the FNL door was locked.
So I SMS'd Sef, Nadia, Steffi, and Fish if they were there.
Sef and Nadia got no ride,
Steffi wasn't coming,
and Fish forgot about the discussion.
I was about to SMS Andy (aka Cancut) if there was even gonna be a discussion, but I met him at PTC and he was going to there. Gee, Cancut, 30 minutes late...
I thought like 20 people were supposed to come, cuz there are about 20 people in the FNL band, but like 8 showed up. Hahahaha..
I think it's cuz everyone's sick. *cough*
And the discussion was awesome. It made me think more and more into the Holy Spirit.
But it lasted for like just an hour, so..........
So, I was like supposed to sing for Sunday School again tomorrow...but I couldn't show up for practice =(
and if this party HADN'T happened.... I probably would've gone. So there was absolutely no chance I could've sang in the choir upstairs with FNL.
They're lacking singers.
But the party was awesome!!
After the discussion, I helped a little bit with making the sign for the cookie-selling stand for tomorrow. The sign said "FNL cookies! Feed your face, help us get a new place!" cuz the reason we're selling cookies is for money for the new ICA building on top of ICA (if you didn't that already).
But at 3.30 I left with Scott to his house. Where he had his awesome pizza party!!
Lotsa people came, like Nyak, Agoes, Shorty, Kelly, Leah, and other people, mostly people going from 6th grade to the 7th.
First we played badminton and ate snacks and stuff.
Then we went to an open free space and had a water balloon-tossing game.
Then we had a scavenger hunt around Scott, Adel, and Leanne's neighborhood.
Then we ate pizza!!!
Then we played Mafia.
Then my mum called me to let me know that she can't pick me up 'till 8.30 so Mrs. Liz dropped me off at PTC.
Then I went home~
note that anything written above was written on Saturday night.
The rest are on Sunday..
So anyway, I just got back from the mall.
It's earlier than usual.
I was about to buy shirts from this new shirts store I love, but I forgot. lol
And my mum picked me up at 2......
We sold cookies today.
OK, they did. Not me. I suck at selling stuff.
And when I like came out of hardcore class, they entire ICA lobby was flooded with kids lining up to buy cookies and Kelly and Scott and Agoes were like selling 'em.
I wanted to buy the cookies, but they were like Rp 50k per jar. You could buy like StarBucks with that.
So I didn't buy the cookies. Even though my mum told me to.
And when I got home David was like crying, "I WANT COOOOOOKIES!!!!"
And we had to go to the bakery to buy some cookies to make him stop crying.
Argh I hate my bro.
This is a song that's been stuck in my head all day yesterday, all last night, and all this morning.
It's a song by The Rocket Summer, which is a dude named Bryce Avary who plays all the instruments and combines them with a computer or something.
I love him and his music. And I love Sef for introducing me to him =)
My keyboard kinda sucks.
Like, every 5 minutes, the characters c,d,e, and 3 don't work.
So I'm kinda excited for the new laptop. Probably coming tonight.
And yesterday, at like, nearly 12 AM, the characters don't work again, so I banged my laptop's keyboard for those 4 characters (usually if I bang it it'll work), but it system error-ed so I went to bed without finishing my blog post.
And.. I don't feel like typing anymore.
So, CYA~~~
I'm gonna be posting my next post with my new laptop XD
Ohh, and I'm gonna sleepover at Mariska's house tomorrow!!
I'm excited =)
Cuz like my parents and bro are going to Jakarta for a night and I should be coming too but I am NOT going to a city where bombs are happening so I'm gonna stay but they want me outta the house so I'm gonna sleepover at Mar's xDDDD
THIS IS MY FIRST SLEEPOVER EVER!!! I know that sounds weird especially for a teenager but yea I've never been allowed to sleepover before. Hahahaha...
Do you feeeeeeeeeeel~
Thursday, July 23, 2009
lol I don't really like Family Force 5 but I had to put that title in there cuz
Last time I checked (about an hour ago), my body temperature was 38 degrees celsius.
I have this really cool temperature thing, like, you don't have to put it in your armpit or anything. You just stick it in your ear and press a button and the temperature pops up. hahaha (I tried sticking it in my mouth once)..
So...yea this won't be a really long post cuz I don't have the strength to type one.
Just to tell you one of the WORST dreams I've ever had.
At around 12 PM...before I even had lunch... I fell asleep.
I was completely tired..worn out and my eyes hurt.
So, it was this really weird dream, that me and a bunch of my classmates took the wrong train and ended up in Melbourne, where my auntie works as a doctor (this is real).
And for no reason, a doctor got a hold of me and dragged me to be hospitalized.
This is weird... but each hospital room takes up a whole storey. Only the first 2 storeys were normal... the third one was my room.
I could hear from the top of the stairs, one of the doctors say "hey, are you seriously gonna kill all of the patients?"
Then I heard the big boss (that sorta looked like my school principal) "yes. I'll start with Devina first."
I, like, ran out. I could see her chasing me... but she was far away behind me.
So, I ran out and got lost somewhere in Melbourne.
Did I tell you about the baking cookies thing I did yesterday at Steffi's (and Esther's... and Wijaya's.........)?
Well, if not, I did. lol
I went there at 6...but everyone else came at 7. Which wasn't cool because the whole appointment thing was at 6.
And I helped bake cookies!!
I found out I suck at baking.
Some of the cookies turned out really ..uhh...(opo yo inggris.e??)....uhhh....
*looks in dictionary*
bitter. lol
And one of the batches actually tasted spicy, which was sorta weird... who's heard of a spicy batch of cookies? (but this batch looked cute!!)
Then I went home at 9.30ish cuz my mum got lost in the neighborhood, trying to find Steffi's house.
This work ain't a fan art... but I used the same person as I used in my first original artwork (the girl sitting on the moon).
This time it's a mermaid!!
I finally opened the 3rd batch in my Pet Society shop at the forums.
So far I got around 40 000 totally, if it wasn't for the mystery eggs and boxes and other stuff I bought using it.
So, like, I opened it on Tuesday. Bad idea.
And yesterday, like, my dad had to take my TelkomFlash modem (hey, use it! It's really fast, and you can use it ANYWHERE) until he comes home (which was like, 11.30 at nite).
At first I got 6 requests on Tuesday.
On Wednesday nite, I got 9 more requests.
So, I'm like, supposed to finish 15 requests by next week.
Actually, I finished 3 requests already, so it makes it 12.
But that's it!
Then I'm gonna permanently close my shop, until probably that national Idul Fitri holiday. That's when I'm gonna open a new shop.
My old shop is running outta space.
And I thought it'd be short.
Most of my newer posts are long and picture-less.
I'm probably gonna upload a few pics of camp in the next one. Like, if my internet ain't crappy.
Cuz it's really crappy again now.
Here are a bunch of cool websites I spend my holz on... (thanks to Kayley) (thanks to Josh, Joe, and Kayley)**(this is my current fav,...he's HILARIOUS!!!)
(*kinda bad, but still funny)
So..I beg Jesus Christ that he would heal my fever tonite so I can go to FNL tomorrow.
And...cya guys later!!
Last time I checked (about an hour ago), my body temperature was 38 degrees celsius.
I have this really cool temperature thing, like, you don't have to put it in your armpit or anything. You just stick it in your ear and press a button and the temperature pops up. hahaha (I tried sticking it in my mouth once)..
So...yea this won't be a really long post cuz I don't have the strength to type one.
Just to tell you one of the WORST dreams I've ever had.
At around 12 PM...before I even had lunch... I fell asleep.
I was completely tired..worn out and my eyes hurt.
So, it was this really weird dream, that me and a bunch of my classmates took the wrong train and ended up in Melbourne, where my auntie works as a doctor (this is real).
And for no reason, a doctor got a hold of me and dragged me to be hospitalized.
This is weird... but each hospital room takes up a whole storey. Only the first 2 storeys were normal... the third one was my room.
I could hear from the top of the stairs, one of the doctors say "hey, are you seriously gonna kill all of the patients?"
Then I heard the big boss (that sorta looked like my school principal) "yes. I'll start with Devina first."
I, like, ran out. I could see her chasing me... but she was far away behind me.
So, I ran out and got lost somewhere in Melbourne.
Did I tell you about the baking cookies thing I did yesterday at Steffi's (and Esther's... and Wijaya's.........)?
Well, if not, I did. lol
I went there at 6...but everyone else came at 7. Which wasn't cool because the whole appointment thing was at 6.
And I helped bake cookies!!
I found out I suck at baking.
Some of the cookies turned out really ..uhh...(opo yo inggris.e??)....uhhh....
*looks in dictionary*
bitter. lol
And one of the batches actually tasted spicy, which was sorta weird... who's heard of a spicy batch of cookies? (but this batch looked cute!!)
Then I went home at 9.30ish cuz my mum got lost in the neighborhood, trying to find Steffi's house.
This work ain't a fan art... but I used the same person as I used in my first original artwork (the girl sitting on the moon).
This time it's a mermaid!!
I finally opened the 3rd batch in my Pet Society shop at the forums.
So far I got around 40 000 totally, if it wasn't for the mystery eggs and boxes and other stuff I bought using it.
So, like, I opened it on Tuesday. Bad idea.
And yesterday, like, my dad had to take my TelkomFlash modem (hey, use it! It's really fast, and you can use it ANYWHERE) until he comes home (which was like, 11.30 at nite).
At first I got 6 requests on Tuesday.
On Wednesday nite, I got 9 more requests.
So, I'm like, supposed to finish 15 requests by next week.
Actually, I finished 3 requests already, so it makes it 12.
But that's it!
Then I'm gonna permanently close my shop, until probably that national Idul Fitri holiday. That's when I'm gonna open a new shop.
My old shop is running outta space.
And I thought it'd be short.
Most of my newer posts are long and picture-less.
I'm probably gonna upload a few pics of camp in the next one. Like, if my internet ain't crappy.
Cuz it's really crappy again now.
Here are a bunch of cool websites I spend my holz on... (thanks to Kayley) (thanks to Josh, Joe, and Kayley)**(this is my current fav,...he's HILARIOUS!!!)
(*kinda bad, but still funny)
So..I beg Jesus Christ that he would heal my fever tonite so I can go to FNL tomorrow.
And...cya guys later!!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
OK, the title ain't a song.
I was sleepy when I wrote my last post, so here's what I wanna revise. And add.
Well, I'm sleepy now too though... it's 12 AM here............
Umm... I didn't sleep at 5 on monday morning... it was a sunday morning, =)
And the fact that I first got the cough on a monday morning.
That was the one and only P dan K national piano exam.
P DAN K ...DAN BATUK, I hate P dan K.
We have to wear a white formal shirt that usually guys wear, and a black skirt.
My mum bought me a white formal shirt that looks actually kinda cute, but she made me wear her black skirt, which was extremely big and ugly and like the stuff only people in the 1800's wear.
And I slept at 2 or 3ish on monday morning and had to wake up at 7. 6, actually. The exam was at 7.
Yes, I was grouchy. I actually yelled at the people who woke me up (parents).
Then my dad drove me to the P dan K place. And I had to wait for like 20 minutes. That was NOT worth waking up at 6.
And when it was my turn, something came up from my throat.
It was one of the loudest coughs EVER.
Ahh... but I held it in.
I think I did pretty well though, throughout the exam. I made very few mistakes...fewer than those who I had to wait for.
I had to do a scale of F, the normal one for 2 octaves, contrary 2 octaves, and the other 2 stuff I had no idea what they were called for 3 octaves.
And I don't know why they do's either because of the judges' lack of time or their total lazyness of waiting through the song ......but they said "stop" usually when I'm 3/4 done and asked me to play the next song.
The truth is I have no idea what P dan K is, what it's for, and what grade I'm in.
I pay attention to the Royal exam more.
I'm gonna be in 6th grade after that dumb exam on September. Or October.
PLEASE make it October.
I'm spending most of my holiday drawing, and now I'm drawing a mermaid (I don't know if I told you this). I'm pretty much almost done. Gonna post it on quite soon. I just need to color the tail and add background and stuff.
I was sleepy when I wrote my last post, so here's what I wanna revise. And add.
Well, I'm sleepy now too though... it's 12 AM here............
Umm... I didn't sleep at 5 on monday morning... it was a sunday morning, =)
And the fact that I first got the cough on a monday morning.
That was the one and only P dan K national piano exam.
P DAN K ...DAN BATUK, I hate P dan K.
We have to wear a white formal shirt that usually guys wear, and a black skirt.
My mum bought me a white formal shirt that looks actually kinda cute, but she made me wear her black skirt, which was extremely big and ugly and like the stuff only people in the 1800's wear.
And I slept at 2 or 3ish on monday morning and had to wake up at 7. 6, actually. The exam was at 7.
Yes, I was grouchy. I actually yelled at the people who woke me up (parents).
Then my dad drove me to the P dan K place. And I had to wait for like 20 minutes. That was NOT worth waking up at 6.
And when it was my turn, something came up from my throat.
It was one of the loudest coughs EVER.
Ahh... but I held it in.
I think I did pretty well though, throughout the exam. I made very few mistakes...fewer than those who I had to wait for.
I had to do a scale of F, the normal one for 2 octaves, contrary 2 octaves, and the other 2 stuff I had no idea what they were called for 3 octaves.
And I don't know why they do's either because of the judges' lack of time or their total lazyness of waiting through the song ......but they said "stop" usually when I'm 3/4 done and asked me to play the next song.
The truth is I have no idea what P dan K is, what it's for, and what grade I'm in.
I pay attention to the Royal exam more.
I'm gonna be in 6th grade after that dumb exam on September. Or October.
PLEASE make it October.
I'm spending most of my holiday drawing, and now I'm drawing a mermaid (I don't know if I told you this). I'm pretty much almost done. Gonna post it on quite soon. I just need to color the tail and add background and stuff.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Tiffany Blews
What's up lately??
Just that every single person I know in my life (excluding the amazing Aileen and my parents) is sick. Most of them have the cough.
Including me. I have the absolute weirdest-sounded cough ever. it's louder than the song that's playing on my iTunes right now (yea... Tiffany Blews..).
Or that little cute noise that MSN makes when you get an IM.
And I went to the doctor this morning, and he gave me like the absolute WORST-TASTING medicine I have ever tasted.
I mean, after I went home from the doc (it was like 12) I had lunch and drank the med and slept. Then I woke up at 4 and MY MOUTH TASTED LIKE CRAP!!!
I don't really know how I got that cough, but I think it's cuz of my bro...
He, like, somehow got the cough and he keeps on coughing at me, thinking it'll somehow transfer all of his cough-ness to me.
But it didn't. Turns out he still has the cough, and I got it too.
Well, before I had the cough I also ate mi goreng and this new thing called butterfries they sell at PTC... which is like one of the best things I've ever tasted!!!
Ohh, and did I tell you I slept at 5 monday morning??
I spent all sunday nite/monday morning reading comiks and drawing and playing Pokemon on my DS (lite!!).
Then I fell asleep at 5 then my bro woke me up at 9 (you know how) and I got dragged to church.
Then came the cough.
I'm gonna get a new laptop soon!!
I was supposed to get it today, but turns out it was outta stock or something, so my dad'll get it on Saturday night.
Which is...
...when they get back from Jogja.
By "they" I mean him and my dad.
So... like....*cough*
3 days without David.
The annoying little bro that ruins my dreams.
I feel like I won a contest winning a 3-day trip to Hawaii with the dude of my dreams.
Well, there is my mum. Which is probably the fact I don't feel total freedom.
Total freedom are the times I lol. jk" mum dad don't kill me.
I've taken interest in digital drawing.
I mean, drawing, scanning it, then digital coloring it.
Here I drew an original picture... something that just hit my mind like a golf ball. Like, I just drew it. lol
Here is a fan art I made of Sakura from Naruto.
COPYRIGHTED BY MEE!!!! I don't like people who copy my work.
It took me like at least 5 hours to make those.
Speaking about comiks.....
OK, like, I notice at trimedia that the comiks (wait... is this how you spell it??) that are really popular are Naruto, Miiko, and One Piece.
I read Naruto and Miiko, so I decided to read One Piece.
I looked it up at (best comik-reading website EVER) and started reading it. To like chapter 90 or something.
It was absolutely one of the best comiks I have ever read in my life.
It is HILARIOUS and AVENTUROUS and really ACTIONY (this a word?).
And I started buying the comiks from trimedia.
So.. what's the story about??
It's about a dude (I think he's about my age) named Monkey D. Luffy who's dreams are to become the pirate king... and getting this treasure called One Piece which can be found at the Grand Line, and where I am now is him being near that place.

Then when he was little, he met this famous pirate named Shanks and told him he wants to be a pirate. And Shanks gave him this straw hat, which Luffy wears everywhere. And Shanks asked him to give him back the hat when he becomes a great pirate.
But then Luffy ate one of the devil fruits called the Gomu-Gomu.
The devil fruits are stuff that when you eat you can't swim for the rest of your life, but it gives you powers.
Like, the Gomu-Gomu made Luffy a rubberman. lol. Randomness.
I really recommend you guys to read this.
I'm actually liking it more than Naruto.
I KNOW!! Awesome, eh??
But I don't like it more than Miiko. lol
For once, I'm happy that I study at a crappy school.
Like, school's gonna start on August.
And almost every other school in the city started last week.
My friends envy me, don't you, guys? *evil laugh*
*cough**cough* evil laughs aren't helping
But my parents said that if my grades don't go up in this next term or the one after that or the ones for the rest of my life....
They're gonna have to ban me from FNL.
FNL is like... a huge part of my life.
I'd literally kill myself.
But... God.......
no... kill myself....
no..... God............
I hate dilemmas.
No. I'm not gonna think about that.
In the name of Jesus Christ.
He'll help me =)
So, like my church is gonna build a whole new building.
ICA started in this hotel called Somerset or something. I started going there when I was 3 or 4.
Then it moved to this mall called PTC. It took up 3 storeys.
Now it's gonna move again.
Yes, still at PTC. But a different location.
It's not anywhere in the PTC building.
They're constructing it ON TOP of the mall. Which is really cool..I wanna see.. hahahaha
But it needs money.
So, if you're friends with Pastor Jeff (the dude that runs the place) on facebook .... go here and read that note.
If not.. I'll just tell you that they...we..... need $300,000 (that's 3 billion rp's 0.0) to build this thing... and so far we have $130,000 (1.3 billion rp's).
So... if you wanna participate,....... go to ICA and start donating!! X)
There's gonna be church on Sunday... and I'm planning to go up to the roof and look at the construction.
I'm excited for some reason. lol
I wanna see our future FNL space. haha
Alright, I think this post is long enough.
Please pray for us and our cough.
Cya!! =)
Just that every single person I know in my life (excluding the amazing Aileen and my parents) is sick. Most of them have the cough.
Including me. I have the absolute weirdest-sounded cough ever. it's louder than the song that's playing on my iTunes right now (yea... Tiffany Blews..).
Or that little cute noise that MSN makes when you get an IM.
And I went to the doctor this morning, and he gave me like the absolute WORST-TASTING medicine I have ever tasted.
I mean, after I went home from the doc (it was like 12) I had lunch and drank the med and slept. Then I woke up at 4 and MY MOUTH TASTED LIKE CRAP!!!
I don't really know how I got that cough, but I think it's cuz of my bro...
He, like, somehow got the cough and he keeps on coughing at me, thinking it'll somehow transfer all of his cough-ness to me.
But it didn't. Turns out he still has the cough, and I got it too.
Well, before I had the cough I also ate mi goreng and this new thing called butterfries they sell at PTC... which is like one of the best things I've ever tasted!!!
Ohh, and did I tell you I slept at 5 monday morning??
I spent all sunday nite/monday morning reading comiks and drawing and playing Pokemon on my DS (lite!!).
Then I fell asleep at 5 then my bro woke me up at 9 (you know how) and I got dragged to church.
Then came the cough.
I'm gonna get a new laptop soon!!
I was supposed to get it today, but turns out it was outta stock or something, so my dad'll get it on Saturday night.
Which is...
...when they get back from Jogja.
By "they" I mean him and my dad.
So... like....*cough*
3 days without David.
The annoying little bro that ruins my dreams.
I feel like I won a contest winning a 3-day trip to Hawaii with the dude of my dreams.
Well, there is my mum. Which is probably the fact I don't feel total freedom.
Total freedom are the times I lol. jk" mum dad don't kill me.
I've taken interest in digital drawing.
I mean, drawing, scanning it, then digital coloring it.
Here I drew an original picture... something that just hit my mind like a golf ball. Like, I just drew it. lol
Here is a fan art I made of Sakura from Naruto.
COPYRIGHTED BY MEE!!!! I don't like people who copy my work.
It took me like at least 5 hours to make those.
Speaking about comiks.....
OK, like, I notice at trimedia that the comiks (wait... is this how you spell it??) that are really popular are Naruto, Miiko, and One Piece.
I read Naruto and Miiko, so I decided to read One Piece.
I looked it up at (best comik-reading website EVER) and started reading it. To like chapter 90 or something.
It was absolutely one of the best comiks I have ever read in my life.
It is HILARIOUS and AVENTUROUS and really ACTIONY (this a word?).
And I started buying the comiks from trimedia.
So.. what's the story about??
It's about a dude (I think he's about my age) named Monkey D. Luffy who's dreams are to become the pirate king... and getting this treasure called One Piece which can be found at the Grand Line, and where I am now is him being near that place.
Then when he was little, he met this famous pirate named Shanks and told him he wants to be a pirate. And Shanks gave him this straw hat, which Luffy wears everywhere. And Shanks asked him to give him back the hat when he becomes a great pirate.
But then Luffy ate one of the devil fruits called the Gomu-Gomu.
The devil fruits are stuff that when you eat you can't swim for the rest of your life, but it gives you powers.
Like, the Gomu-Gomu made Luffy a rubberman. lol. Randomness.
I really recommend you guys to read this.
I'm actually liking it more than Naruto.
I KNOW!! Awesome, eh??
But I don't like it more than Miiko. lol
For once, I'm happy that I study at a crappy school.
Like, school's gonna start on August.
And almost every other school in the city started last week.
My friends envy me, don't you, guys? *evil laugh*
*cough**cough* evil laughs aren't helping
But my parents said that if my grades don't go up in this next term or the one after that or the ones for the rest of my life....
They're gonna have to ban me from FNL.
FNL is like... a huge part of my life.
I'd literally kill myself.
But... God.......
no... kill myself....
no..... God............
I hate dilemmas.
No. I'm not gonna think about that.
In the name of Jesus Christ.
He'll help me =)
So, like my church is gonna build a whole new building.
ICA started in this hotel called Somerset or something. I started going there when I was 3 or 4.
Then it moved to this mall called PTC. It took up 3 storeys.
Now it's gonna move again.
Yes, still at PTC. But a different location.
It's not anywhere in the PTC building.
They're constructing it ON TOP of the mall. Which is really cool..I wanna see.. hahahaha
But it needs money.
So, if you're friends with Pastor Jeff (the dude that runs the place) on facebook .... go here and read that note.
If not.. I'll just tell you that they...we..... need $300,000 (that's 3 billion rp's 0.0) to build this thing... and so far we have $130,000 (1.3 billion rp's).
So... if you wanna participate,....... go to ICA and start donating!! X)
There's gonna be church on Sunday... and I'm planning to go up to the roof and look at the construction.
I'm excited for some reason. lol
I wanna see our future FNL space. haha
Alright, I think this post is long enough.
Please pray for us and our cough.
Cya!! =)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Points of Authority
WEEEEEEEEEE this is the busiest holiday everr......
I just have 3 more requests to finish at my Pet Society shop.
Cuz I got, like, 25 000 coins or more. But I bought a few couple of things with it. lol
And no, Noel, I'm not getting you ninja knuckles anytime this week.
Maybe one day, but not this week. And most likely not the next. *evil laugh*
I don't know when the last time I posted on my blog was. But it's Friday morning now.
Yeapp, still scanning.
I think this is the 5th book I'm scanning for my dad. Only this one isn't with the T's. It's just up to page 190.
Yesterday was the day when lotsa things happened.
Stuff that happened:
- when I woke up it was 7, waited 'till 11, just to figure out my laptop charger kobong.
- I think I got a lotta friends but I don't hear from them, just cuz I found out my hp rusak lagi.
- (enough with I'm just a kid) I found out I have a piano exam on Monday. THIS Monday. Which is like, the day after tomorrow?? TT
- I read Nakayoshi 70 XD
- I drew something!! You can find it here.
- weeee I got a graphics tablet!!!!! X))))))))))) YAAAAAAYYY!!!!!!
- the internet modem was being gayer than usual. I had to refresh facebook like, 3 times.
- I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare~
- I slept at 1. That's early. During the holidays I sleep at 4.
- I dreamed of another FNL retreat! Only this time it was in a place where they had a huge cute no-frogs pool.
- I also dreamed of me going to the Merlion and I found out that inside it they had some sorta club/bar/wtv.
- I played Guitar Hero Extreme Vol.4. I know this is weird but I don't have the guitar. I use the PS2 controller. lol.
And I beat a few levels in the XPose I couldn't beat before.
- I washed my hair twice!! This has never happened since 1st grade.
- I read about the first 30 chapters of One Piece. OMG this comik is HILARIOUS I love it.
I read this article in one of the books my dad asked me to scan.
It was like, "have you ever wondered why parents notice their teens could stay up so late and teachers wonder why they fall asleep in class?"
It said it's because when a kid hits a certain age, their brain's timing will start to move forward a little.
(sad part) And how to fix this is ....*sigh*....... the parents should make the teens sleep earlier. Ohh crap I wish my parents don't read that article.
Cindy, one of my biggest fans (XPP) decides to make a shop too. Hers went well. I'm lazy to post the link here, but go to my shop and click on the link on my siggy.
And her shop is going pretty well! She got about 20-25 customers.
And for some reason she likes being busy, which is totally retarded.
I'm gonna close my shop soon. After I finish these 3 requests.
And reopen it when I get back from Jogja.
I'm going there on the 28th with my dad for a night XD
I have no idea why.
But my brother's gonna go there too on the 22nd or 23rd, I think. For 2 nights!!! AWESOME!!!!! 2 siblingless days of freedom.
Anyway, when I reopen my shop, I'm probably gonna select a new style. Called...idk........ something drawn with my BRAND NEW BEAUTIFUL GRAPHICS TABLET. (OK, I'm like, just showing off XP)
I'm gonna go now.
Finish scanning (page 147!!) and doing the remaining 3 requests.
I'm not gonna advertise cuz I'm drafting this.
I just have 3 more requests to finish at my Pet Society shop.
Cuz I got, like, 25 000 coins or more. But I bought a few couple of things with it. lol
And no, Noel, I'm not getting you ninja knuckles anytime this week.
Maybe one day, but not this week. And most likely not the next. *evil laugh*
I don't know when the last time I posted on my blog was. But it's Friday morning now.
Yeapp, still scanning.
I think this is the 5th book I'm scanning for my dad. Only this one isn't with the T's. It's just up to page 190.
Yesterday was the day when lotsa things happened.
Stuff that happened:
- when I woke up it was 7, waited 'till 11, just to figure out my laptop charger kobong.
- I think I got a lotta friends but I don't hear from them, just cuz I found out my hp rusak lagi.
- (enough with I'm just a kid) I found out I have a piano exam on Monday. THIS Monday. Which is like, the day after tomorrow?? TT
- I read Nakayoshi 70 XD
- I drew something!! You can find it here.
- weeee I got a graphics tablet!!!!! X))))))))))) YAAAAAAYYY!!!!!!
- the internet modem was being gayer than usual. I had to refresh facebook like, 3 times.
- I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare~
- I slept at 1. That's early. During the holidays I sleep at 4.
- I dreamed of another FNL retreat! Only this time it was in a place where they had a huge cute no-frogs pool.
- I also dreamed of me going to the Merlion and I found out that inside it they had some sorta club/bar/wtv.
- I played Guitar Hero Extreme Vol.4. I know this is weird but I don't have the guitar. I use the PS2 controller. lol.
And I beat a few levels in the XPose I couldn't beat before.
- I washed my hair twice!! This has never happened since 1st grade.
- I read about the first 30 chapters of One Piece. OMG this comik is HILARIOUS I love it.
I read this article in one of the books my dad asked me to scan.
It was like, "have you ever wondered why parents notice their teens could stay up so late and teachers wonder why they fall asleep in class?"
It said it's because when a kid hits a certain age, their brain's timing will start to move forward a little.
(sad part) And how to fix this is ....*sigh*....... the parents should make the teens sleep earlier. Ohh crap I wish my parents don't read that article.
Cindy, one of my biggest fans (XPP) decides to make a shop too. Hers went well. I'm lazy to post the link here, but go to my shop and click on the link on my siggy.
And her shop is going pretty well! She got about 20-25 customers.
And for some reason she likes being busy, which is totally retarded.
I'm gonna close my shop soon. After I finish these 3 requests.
And reopen it when I get back from Jogja.
I'm going there on the 28th with my dad for a night XD
I have no idea why.
But my brother's gonna go there too on the 22nd or 23rd, I think. For 2 nights!!! AWESOME!!!!! 2 siblingless days of freedom.
Anyway, when I reopen my shop, I'm probably gonna select a new style. Called...idk........ something drawn with my BRAND NEW BEAUTIFUL GRAPHICS TABLET. (OK, I'm like, just showing off XP)
I'm gonna go now.
Finish scanning (page 147!!) and doing the remaining 3 requests.
I'm not gonna advertise cuz I'm drafting this.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
I'm NOT in love~
I'm not in love!
This is not my heart!!
I'm not gonna waste these words
About a girl!
That was a song my iTunes playing a song by The Academy Is... called About a Girl.
If it was a song I made up, I would be so lesbian.
I'm trying to post more often!
I know I missed like 2 days of posting, but I have an excuse.
I opened a shop in the Pet Society forums!
Check it out! Right .... HERE.
It's a drawing shop.
It got me 17 000 coins at Pet Society! So far.
But I bought a hot tub so it's like 12 000 left ='(
I haven't got time to play Sims 2 again. But I will. After I permanently close my shop.
Before I end this post, check these videos out.
here and here.
I especially recommend the 2nd one. It's about a bunch of weird people recreating George Washington making the first blog ever.
This is not my heart!!
I'm not gonna waste these words

About a girl!
That was a song my iTunes playing a song by The Academy Is... called About a Girl.
If it was a song I made up, I would be so lesbian.
I'm trying to post more often!
I know I missed like 2 days of posting, but I have an excuse.
I opened a shop in the Pet Society forums!
Check it out! Right .... HERE.
It's a drawing shop.
It got me 17 000 coins at Pet Society! So far.
But I bought a hot tub so it's like 12 000 left ='(
I haven't got time to play Sims 2 again. But I will. After I permanently close my shop.
Before I end this post, check these videos out.
here and here.
I especially recommend the 2nd one. It's about a bunch of weird people recreating George Washington making the first blog ever.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Holding On (WOO!!! I <3 PLANETSHAKERS!!!!)
I can tell you that my bro is the most annoying person ever.
Just about 15 seconds ago, for no reason, he came up to me and pulled my hair. (GOSH I'm losing so much hair ... anyone wants to donate some?)
When I screamed "STOP!!" he slapped me. Really, really hard. ON THE FACE.
Not on the cheek part. ON THE MIDDLE PART. Right there, right on my nose, between my eyes, and probably part of my mouth which hurt my teeth.
And I can swear right now that I smell blood somewhere on my face. Either one of my front teeth broke or my eye got poked or my nose bled. I think it's my eye.
Right now he's screaming "I WANNA GO TO SINGAPORE!!! NO DEVINA!! NO DADDY!! WITH MAMII!!!!!"
I have no idea why.
But I bet that he'd scream at me again if he knew I'm blogging about this, cuz he tries to act cute and innocent around other people.
Now he's downstairs, going to his lesson or something. And I can hear all the way from up here, him screaming "SELL THIS CAR!!! BUY CAR IN SINGAPORE!!!!!!"
ARGH why did my parents spoil him in the first place??
YAY!! I got pictures!!
But this is just another draft. In NotePad. Like, I'm still scanning for my dad. Page 33!
I'll leave some space here to upload pictures once I paste this on blogger.
*during blogger*
Here're the pics!

OK, so the first picture is Sefa painting. Remember, she luvs art!
Second is her painting.
Third is Mike about to go to bed in his underwear. He likes to do that.
Fourth is the sisters, Sefa and Anne, having fun in Anne's room blowing bubbles.
I need more pics of Winona. I'll take more once she grows up into a child.
By the way, I made the maid move out of the house cuz when I was playing with other sims, Michael, the dad, flirts with her. This happens especially when Caitlyn is at work.
And yay! I finished decorating Anne's room! It has a huge stereo player and a nice comfy bed and a computer and a couch. She's keturunan from her mum. Likes to play!
Ohh and Sefa's room is completed too. It has an easel and a computer and a really nice bed and a huge carpet where Sefa likes to sleep. She barely uses the bed anymore. Hahaha just kidding xD
I'm gonna do Winona's room once she grows into a child. Cuz I hate decorating toddler rooms. They only last for 4 days.
And now that the maid's kicked out, her room's the guest room. But we don't really have any guests.
We will, once Sefa gets the newspaper delivery boy to be her boyfriend and he moves in.

Or we can make Sefa's boyfriend's name Devi. Get married. And have 15 kids.
On the right is one of the featured downloads in (clicky here!!).
It's a sim version of Rihanna.
But I can barely see the difference! I mean, they look almost exactly the same!!
Whoever made that is a true Sims artist.
(I was lazy to download this sim)
There's this new widget I added to my blog, called FeedJit.
It's like you get to see where your visitors were from.
Cool, eh??
That's how I found out that I had a visitor from England (read last post).
I'd like to say thanks to Cindy, Sef, and Aileen, and sometimes Audine, for reading my blog and encouraging me to start posting daily again =) ...maybe.... hahahaha, we'll see tomorrow!
- saying that you've been reading my blog lately to me is very, very encouraging =)
- don't say "OK" when your dad asks you a favor
- don't think that my bro is all that cute. especially you, Mariska
- remind me to put tags when I post stuff. why do I always forget?
- tell me Sims 2 websites where you can download really, really cool stuff. I'll be more than happy X))
Lalalalalala~ (none right now)
Cya tomorrow! Maybe XD
Just about 15 seconds ago, for no reason, he came up to me and pulled my hair. (GOSH I'm losing so much hair ... anyone wants to donate some?)
When I screamed "STOP!!" he slapped me. Really, really hard. ON THE FACE.
Not on the cheek part. ON THE MIDDLE PART. Right there, right on my nose, between my eyes, and probably part of my mouth which hurt my teeth.
And I can swear right now that I smell blood somewhere on my face. Either one of my front teeth broke or my eye got poked or my nose bled. I think it's my eye.
Right now he's screaming "I WANNA GO TO SINGAPORE!!! NO DEVINA!! NO DADDY!! WITH MAMII!!!!!"
I have no idea why.
But I bet that he'd scream at me again if he knew I'm blogging about this, cuz he tries to act cute and innocent around other people.
Now he's downstairs, going to his lesson or something. And I can hear all the way from up here, him screaming "SELL THIS CAR!!! BUY CAR IN SINGAPORE!!!!!!"
ARGH why did my parents spoil him in the first place??
YAY!! I got pictures!!
But this is just another draft. In NotePad. Like, I'm still scanning for my dad. Page 33!
I'll leave some space here to upload pictures once I paste this on blogger.
*during blogger*
Here're the pics!

Second is her painting.
Third is Mike about to go to bed in his underwear. He likes to do that.
Fourth is the sisters, Sefa and Anne, having fun in Anne's room blowing bubbles.
I need more pics of Winona. I'll take more once she grows up into a child.
By the way, I made the maid move out of the house cuz when I was playing with other sims, Michael, the dad, flirts with her. This happens especially when Caitlyn is at work.
And yay! I finished decorating Anne's room! It has a huge stereo player and a nice comfy bed and a computer and a couch. She's keturunan from her mum. Likes to play!
Ohh and Sefa's room is completed too. It has an easel and a computer and a really nice bed and a huge carpet where Sefa likes to sleep. She barely uses the bed anymore. Hahaha just kidding xD
I'm gonna do Winona's room once she grows into a child. Cuz I hate decorating toddler rooms. They only last for 4 days.
And now that the maid's kicked out, her room's the guest room. But we don't really have any guests.
We will, once Sefa gets the newspaper delivery boy to be her boyfriend and he moves in.
Or we can make Sefa's boyfriend's name Devi. Get married. And have 15 kids.
On the right is one of the featured downloads in (clicky here!!).
It's a sim version of Rihanna.
But I can barely see the difference! I mean, they look almost exactly the same!!
Whoever made that is a true Sims artist.
(I was lazy to download this sim)
There's this new widget I added to my blog, called FeedJit.
It's like you get to see where your visitors were from.
Cool, eh??
That's how I found out that I had a visitor from England (read last post).
I'd like to say thanks to Cindy, Sef, and Aileen, and sometimes Audine, for reading my blog and encouraging me to start posting daily again =) ...maybe.... hahahaha, we'll see tomorrow!
- saying that you've been reading my blog lately to me is very, very encouraging =)
- don't say "OK" when your dad asks you a favor
- don't think that my bro is all that cute. especially you, Mariska
- remind me to put tags when I post stuff. why do I always forget?
- tell me Sims 2 websites where you can download really, really cool stuff. I'll be more than happy X))
Lalalalalala~ (none right now)
Cya tomorrow! Maybe XD
Skyway Avenue (OK, I'm like, making my titles the songs my iTunes play on shuffle)
I'm as busy as a bee. Or maybe busier.
OK, yesterday night, my dad asked me to start scanning stuff. He made me scan a book with, I can swear, at least 200 pages.
No. He asked me to scan 4 OF EM!!! But well with some helped with the mbak but yea.
I'm typing this post while it's scanning. Plus, the pages aren't like, 10, 11, 12, etc.
It's like, 10, T10, T11, 11, 12, T12, T13, 13, 14, T14...
Book 1 ends with a T149.
So far, I'm in T81. Going to 81 after this.
*goes back to scanning*
90! Yesh!!
Well, I decided that I could take a break from all the scanning once I reach 100. Or 105. *tortures herself* mwahahahaha!!
*does more and more scanning*
Finally! I got 100!! And it's already 10:01 PM. ARGH!!!! And I'm supposed to finish this today!!
Fine, whatever, I'll continue this post tomorrow, then post it tomorrow (tomorrow is Friday) ...
*waits until tomorrow*
*sunday, July 05, 2009*
Waw, I drafted too long.
Well, I'm done with Book 1. Now I'm scanning Book 3 (somebody else already did Book 2).
Page 17! But I don't feel like scanning. I'm taking a break.
My bro has been the absolute most spoiled annoying thing I've ever seen.
Seriously, when my mum comes home from work, he'd start crying, just for attention!
He'll keep on screaming everyday, on random times, "MAMII!!! I WANT TO MOVE TO SINGAPORE!! JUST ME AND MAMI!!! NO DEVINA AND NO DADDY!!!!"
Then my mum'd be like "no way."
Then David'll start crying even more.
Then dad'll run up and scream, "what's going on??!!!"
Then he'd start blaming my mum.
Then comes the whole family conflict.
Then I'd be in my room listening to music.
That happens almost everyday now. Kinda annoying .... that's why I don't like being at home.
That's why David is the center of almost all of family problems.
Sometimes I wish my brother was born without problems. Like, I don't know...
Sometimes I wish that Michael or Noel or something was my bro.
Sometimes I wish for a normal brother.
OK, here's another reason why he's the most annoying brother ever...
Just about a few minutes ago, he's back from his tennis lesson. With my mum. And McDonald's!
He put his box of spaghetti right beside a food of pangsit, which was my food (aww come on! I get healthy yucky food and my bro gets junk food! NO FAIR!!!)
Then I went to have early dinner (I have dinner at 5. Weird, eh??) and scooped some of my food to an empty plate.
Then David lost his spaghetti and started screaming "WHERE'S MY SPAGHETTI??!!!!" (yes, he's spoiled!)
Then I was like "HERE!!!" and gave him the spaghetti.
But then he pulled my hair really, really hard.
And kicked me. IT HURT.
Then, for some reason, HE SPAT AT MY FOOD.
Then my mum scolded at David. But said, "Dev, either you eat that or we're throwing it away."
I'm not letting food getting thrown away.
So I had to eat it *grossed out* EWWWWW!!!!!!!
ARGH I HATE MY BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And also, for some reason, I still have to sleep with my parents and my bro (same room. GOSH I hate this house, I NEED MORE PRIVACY, I WANT MY OWN ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMM!!!!!).
So every night at 10 he turns off the lamp.
And I, like, have to read in the dark.
And now I have eye problems.
Umm, and the only time he's nice and cute was when he's asleep or at school.
At school/church/wtv, he starts acting like a goody two shoes. And acts cute to my friends and they started thinking he's cute and nice and all.
But he is so... GRR!!!!!
So for you people who think your brothers can't be more annoying, think again.
But God gave me David, so....
OK I'm mad at him at the moment for spitting at my food and pulling out lotsa hair outta my head and probably misplacing my intestines so I'm not gonna say anything nice about him now.
See ya, Michael Jackson.
Look, to be innocent, I've only heard him sing once. On MTV, I think. Or something. I watched it at this ice cream parlor called Glaxius (or something like that), which is the best ice cream parlor ever (they have board games, a TV, etc.)..
And I don't really like him. He died cuz he destroyed himself.
He had plastic surgery and stuff, which destroyed his skin, and killed him.
He wasn't happy with what God gave him (his original body), and I'm mad at him for that.
So, MJ, that's what you get if you dislike what God gave you.
Why was it 4 days and FNL camp was for 3 days?? Aren't FNLers older and should get the 4 days?? lol
You guys should really register in and join the Pet Society contests. I mean, I never knew you could get lotsa stuff.
Like, my pet's been pretty rich since the day I started entering contests in the forums. Mostly siggy/avvy and drawing contests.
Here's my gallery of contest entries:
Holidays are falling apart. When's my time for relaxation?? I only got to play PS2 for like 30 minutes since school ended.
But yea I spend like until 3 AM playing Pokemon on my DS. I don't know why.
Here's a list of things keeping me busy during the holidays:
- Pokemon (it seems to be one of the only games in my DS that don't error)
- Pet Society forum contests (I'm surprised the way most of the contests I enter end July 15 *confused*)
- my bro
- dad's favors (but he gives me money for doing them XDD)
- FNL!! I'm singing this Friday :D but, this is one thing that I like having in my holidays
But other times I'm extremely nganggor.
I wanna be busy. But in a fun way. Like, more hanging out at the mall and stuff.
But most of my friends are busy, so they can't hang out. (eyes on Cindy ... OHH COME ON!!!)
I really, really wanna play Sims 2 again. Post more pictures here.
Do more in that extremely complicated family (I can almost swear every adult in the family has at least 2 boyfriends/girlfriends/wives/husbands/whatever)
I'm planning on waiting for Sefa to turn into a teenager and make her date her own cousin. Is that possible?? If not, I'm gonna make her date the dude that delivers the newspaper.
And then Winona to turn from a toddler to a child and send her to private school!
And then Anne is going to throw the BIGGEST HOUSE PARTY EVER!!! And get at least 5 boyfriends and 3 girlfriends.
I like the fact that gays and lesbians exist in Sims 2 xDDDD fun to play with.
No I'm not making people pay.
I just wanna know what you people think of my advertising "skills".
To a really cool friend Cindy, here's her blog...
click me!! xDD
I find it funny that she doesn't like it when people read it. But it's a blog. Duh, people WILL read it.
Hey, this is kinda weird, but a few months ago I had this blog and a dude from England read it.
Isn't England like in the other side of the world?? OK maybe not.
Here's my friend Aileen's blog...
click me!! XDD
And also, if people find out how to fix that "Not Online" sign on the right side of my blog, I'll give you a game controller on Pet Society X)
OK, yesterday night, my dad asked me to start scanning stuff. He made me scan a book with, I can swear, at least 200 pages.
No. He asked me to scan 4 OF EM!!! But well with some helped with the mbak but yea.
I'm typing this post while it's scanning. Plus, the pages aren't like, 10, 11, 12, etc.
It's like, 10, T10, T11, 11, 12, T12, T13, 13, 14, T14...
Book 1 ends with a T149.
So far, I'm in T81. Going to 81 after this.
*goes back to scanning*
90! Yesh!!
Well, I decided that I could take a break from all the scanning once I reach 100. Or 105. *tortures herself* mwahahahaha!!
*does more and more scanning*
Finally! I got 100!! And it's already 10:01 PM. ARGH!!!! And I'm supposed to finish this today!!
Fine, whatever, I'll continue this post tomorrow, then post it tomorrow (tomorrow is Friday) ...
*waits until tomorrow*
*sunday, July 05, 2009*
Waw, I drafted too long.
Well, I'm done with Book 1. Now I'm scanning Book 3 (somebody else already did Book 2).
Page 17! But I don't feel like scanning. I'm taking a break.
My bro has been the absolute most spoiled annoying thing I've ever seen.
Seriously, when my mum comes home from work, he'd start crying, just for attention!
He'll keep on screaming everyday, on random times, "MAMII!!! I WANT TO MOVE TO SINGAPORE!! JUST ME AND MAMI!!! NO DEVINA AND NO DADDY!!!!"
Then my mum'd be like "no way."
Then David'll start crying even more.
Then dad'll run up and scream, "what's going on??!!!"
Then he'd start blaming my mum.
Then comes the whole family conflict.
Then I'd be in my room listening to music.
That happens almost everyday now. Kinda annoying .... that's why I don't like being at home.
That's why David is the center of almost all of family problems.
Sometimes I wish my brother was born without problems. Like, I don't know...
Sometimes I wish that Michael or Noel or something was my bro.
Sometimes I wish for a normal brother.
OK, here's another reason why he's the most annoying brother ever...
Just about a few minutes ago, he's back from his tennis lesson. With my mum. And McDonald's!
He put his box of spaghetti right beside a food of pangsit, which was my food (aww come on! I get healthy yucky food and my bro gets junk food! NO FAIR!!!)
Then I went to have early dinner (I have dinner at 5. Weird, eh??) and scooped some of my food to an empty plate.
Then David lost his spaghetti and started screaming "WHERE'S MY SPAGHETTI??!!!!" (yes, he's spoiled!)
Then I was like "HERE!!!" and gave him the spaghetti.
But then he pulled my hair really, really hard.
And kicked me. IT HURT.
Then, for some reason, HE SPAT AT MY FOOD.
Then my mum scolded at David. But said, "Dev, either you eat that or we're throwing it away."
I'm not letting food getting thrown away.
So I had to eat it *grossed out* EWWWWW!!!!!!!
ARGH I HATE MY BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And also, for some reason, I still have to sleep with my parents and my bro (same room. GOSH I hate this house, I NEED MORE PRIVACY, I WANT MY OWN ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMM!!!!!).
So every night at 10 he turns off the lamp.
And I, like, have to read in the dark.
And now I have eye problems.
Umm, and the only time he's nice and cute was when he's asleep or at school.
At school/church/wtv, he starts acting like a goody two shoes. And acts cute to my friends and they started thinking he's cute and nice and all.
But he is so... GRR!!!!!
So for you people who think your brothers can't be more annoying, think again.
But God gave me David, so....
OK I'm mad at him at the moment for spitting at my food and pulling out lotsa hair outta my head and probably misplacing my intestines so I'm not gonna say anything nice about him now.
See ya, Michael Jackson.
Look, to be innocent, I've only heard him sing once. On MTV, I think. Or something. I watched it at this ice cream parlor called Glaxius (or something like that), which is the best ice cream parlor ever (they have board games, a TV, etc.)..
And I don't really like him. He died cuz he destroyed himself.
He had plastic surgery and stuff, which destroyed his skin, and killed him.
He wasn't happy with what God gave him (his original body), and I'm mad at him for that.
So, MJ, that's what you get if you dislike what God gave you.
Why was it 4 days and FNL camp was for 3 days?? Aren't FNLers older and should get the 4 days?? lol
You guys should really register in and join the Pet Society contests. I mean, I never knew you could get lotsa stuff.
Like, my pet's been pretty rich since the day I started entering contests in the forums. Mostly siggy/avvy and drawing contests.
Here's my gallery of contest entries:
Holidays are falling apart. When's my time for relaxation?? I only got to play PS2 for like 30 minutes since school ended.
But yea I spend like until 3 AM playing Pokemon on my DS. I don't know why.
Here's a list of things keeping me busy during the holidays:
- Pokemon (it seems to be one of the only games in my DS that don't error)
- Pet Society forum contests (I'm surprised the way most of the contests I enter end July 15 *confused*)
- my bro
- dad's favors (but he gives me money for doing them XDD)
- FNL!! I'm singing this Friday :D but, this is one thing that I like having in my holidays
But other times I'm extremely nganggor.
I wanna be busy. But in a fun way. Like, more hanging out at the mall and stuff.
But most of my friends are busy, so they can't hang out. (eyes on Cindy ... OHH COME ON!!!)
I really, really wanna play Sims 2 again. Post more pictures here.
Do more in that extremely complicated family (I can almost swear every adult in the family has at least 2 boyfriends/girlfriends/wives/husbands/whatever)
I'm planning on waiting for Sefa to turn into a teenager and make her date her own cousin. Is that possible?? If not, I'm gonna make her date the dude that delivers the newspaper.
And then Winona to turn from a toddler to a child and send her to private school!
And then Anne is going to throw the BIGGEST HOUSE PARTY EVER!!! And get at least 5 boyfriends and 3 girlfriends.
I like the fact that gays and lesbians exist in Sims 2 xDDDD fun to play with.
No I'm not making people pay.
I just wanna know what you people think of my advertising "skills".
To a really cool friend Cindy, here's her blog...
click me!! xDD
I find it funny that she doesn't like it when people read it. But it's a blog. Duh, people WILL read it.
Hey, this is kinda weird, but a few months ago I had this blog and a dude from England read it.
Isn't England like in the other side of the world?? OK maybe not.
Here's my friend Aileen's blog...
click me!! XDD
And also, if people find out how to fix that "Not Online" sign on the right side of my blog, I'll give you a game controller on Pet Society X)
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Hot glue guns are SCARY!!
I've been pretty busy lately.
This isn't what you call a holiday.
First of all, Andy makes us read this book called "Good Morning, Holy Spirit", which, by the way, is a pretty good book. YES! BE AMAZED, PEOPLE!! DEVINA IS ACTUALLY READING SOMETHING OTHER THAN COMICS AND TWILIGHT (I hate that now)!!!
You should try it. I've read about 5 pages so far. xDD
And then there are these questions in the back of the book for each chapter. And we're supposed to do them. And it's like, 5-10 questions per chapter! TT
Then, there's some stuff I have to do at the Pet Society forums (draw stuff for people). That's really fun to do. I mean, drawing, scanning, stuff.
Here's my gallery of stuff :
Yes I know I suck at making pictures using computers, but I tried, with the last 4 pictures, just drawing with the ink you use to make comics, then only adding colors using photoshop.
They turn out pretty bad, I think. But I guess it's somehow cute too. I don't know...I can't explain art xDDD
And also there are some pictures from the "be different" FNL yesterday night. On my FaceBook. I don't feel like adding pictures to this post. Hahaha xD
Yes, another Saturday at home, doing absolutely nothing.
OK, I'm not doing absolutely nothing. I'm doing absolutely everything! I feel so busy. And I like it!
But if you're talking about the school kind of busy, that's a different kind of busy. That's the retarded gayish kind of busy I really, really hate.
And also I get to be busy while doing fun stuff like listening to music and going on FaceBook and stuff.
I'm giving myself a break right now. By posting a post.
But I miss PTC. Yesterday was a so fun day at PTC. OK, maybe not. I went there at 3ish and did nothing (sitting at the food court reading comics myself is what I call nothing) until 5ish, cuz I signed up for set-up crew at FNL.
And then it was fun until about 9.30ish. That's when everyone went home and left me at the little area in front of FNL and IT WAS SCARY DARK AND LONELY.
Never underestimate the scary-ness of PTC at night.
And also there were good news. Like, MIIKO 20 IS OUT!!
If you people haven't noticed, I'm a fan of Miiko. I bought the whole series (20 books so far) and I'm praying for new ones.
But I'm not that big. I love other comics too. Like Naruto and Death Note and the comics in Nakayoshi.
I can't really tell how long this post will look like once it's posted cuz I'm drafting this in NotePad again. Why? Cuz I'm in hope that my dad won't scream this time he sees the INTERNET BILL. *dramatic music playing*.
But well the longless of this post is ending right.....
And also, with my talent of advertising...
Go here ...they're my absolute favorite guys on YouTube.
This isn't what you call a holiday.
First of all, Andy makes us read this book called "Good Morning, Holy Spirit", which, by the way, is a pretty good book. YES! BE AMAZED, PEOPLE!! DEVINA IS ACTUALLY READING SOMETHING OTHER THAN COMICS AND TWILIGHT (I hate that now)!!!
You should try it. I've read about 5 pages so far. xDD
And then there are these questions in the back of the book for each chapter. And we're supposed to do them. And it's like, 5-10 questions per chapter! TT
Then, there's some stuff I have to do at the Pet Society forums (draw stuff for people). That's really fun to do. I mean, drawing, scanning, stuff.
Here's my gallery of stuff :
Yes I know I suck at making pictures using computers, but I tried, with the last 4 pictures, just drawing with the ink you use to make comics, then only adding colors using photoshop.
They turn out pretty bad, I think. But I guess it's somehow cute too. I don't know...I can't explain art xDDD
And also there are some pictures from the "be different" FNL yesterday night. On my FaceBook. I don't feel like adding pictures to this post. Hahaha xD
Yes, another Saturday at home, doing absolutely nothing.
OK, I'm not doing absolutely nothing. I'm doing absolutely everything! I feel so busy. And I like it!
But if you're talking about the school kind of busy, that's a different kind of busy. That's the retarded gayish kind of busy I really, really hate.
And also I get to be busy while doing fun stuff like listening to music and going on FaceBook and stuff.
I'm giving myself a break right now. By posting a post.
But I miss PTC. Yesterday was a so fun day at PTC. OK, maybe not. I went there at 3ish and did nothing (sitting at the food court reading comics myself is what I call nothing) until 5ish, cuz I signed up for set-up crew at FNL.
And then it was fun until about 9.30ish. That's when everyone went home and left me at the little area in front of FNL and IT WAS SCARY DARK AND LONELY.
Never underestimate the scary-ness of PTC at night.
And also there were good news. Like, MIIKO 20 IS OUT!!
If you people haven't noticed, I'm a fan of Miiko. I bought the whole series (20 books so far) and I'm praying for new ones.
But I'm not that big. I love other comics too. Like Naruto and Death Note and the comics in Nakayoshi.
I can't really tell how long this post will look like once it's posted cuz I'm drafting this in NotePad again. Why? Cuz I'm in hope that my dad won't scream this time he sees the INTERNET BILL. *dramatic music playing*.
But well the longless of this post is ending right.....
And also, with my talent of advertising...
Go here ...they're my absolute favorite guys on YouTube.
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