I'm back in action!!
I know you people miss me so much, but I'm back, so....... xDD
Well the reason why I haven't been posting for 10 days is cuz for some special reason.
Actually, it's not 10 days yet. It's 11:47 AM Saturday (last day!) now, but yea I'm so bored so I decided to type it first then post it later. At 12. AM.
I'm not signing in to Blogger so this is NotePad. I find NotePad really cool, actually. It doesn't take as long to load as Word or something.
So, what's been happening with 10 days? I've been addicted to some new stuff, since I don't wanna go online on FaceBook or Friendster or anything.
Some stuff I got addicted to are Guitar Hero and MORE Miiko (I just finished book 11!) and other comics and playing my guitar and Starbucks (I used to hate it *gasp*).
Ohh and I go to the mall more. Way more. I think 5-6 times a week. It used to be 3-4ish.
Yea, I'm still phoneless. But the good thing about that is that I get to borrow my mum's phone and prank with it. YAY FOR PRANKING!!
There's more good news. My dad says that my phone's coming back in the beginning of June-ish. YAY!!
I miss my phone. I can't go online at the mall anymore, I can't take pictures anymore (bye to my dream of being a photographer), I can't hide numbers to prank, and I can't listen to music!
Note that my MP3 player is out of battery at the moment and I keep on forgetting to buy another one.
So far, my laptop and my PS2 are my only source of electronic entertainment *tries to sound professional*. My annoying little brother is taking over the DS and is playing it 24/7. He's playing it right now.
It could be way better if my phone was here. PHONES RAWKK!!!!
My Geography retake went well. BIG improvement. I mean, it went up from 31 to 71 or 72 (lupa). YAY!! lol
But I guess there were some other subjects I failed in, but no retakes. I failed Mandarin and French and Indo. Yea they're all languages. I HATE LANGUAGES!!!
I don't even like English. Why am I using it right now? Yekk...
Why is it that there are different languages? Isn't it simpler if there was just ONE language in this entire planet??
Make it Greek or something.
That way, everyone would understand what everyone else is saying, which leads away from embarrassment (is this spelled correctly?), misunderstanding, and frogs.
I read, I think, in the Time For Kids Almanac 2009 (I think I lost it......lol) that the most used language in the world is, I think, Chinese. Mandarin. Whatever.
I hate Chinese.
Well, I am partly Chinese. But I'm not talking about the skin tone or whatever.
I hate the LANGUAGE Chinese.
Well, I think it's pretty cool. The way they communicate using symbols that look like chicken. But when your parents force you to learn it, it's just plain boring
Yea, weird adults (or grandmas) are the reason why I hate Chinese. I have never been interested in learning languages. But they make me.
Why do I need to learn Chinese? It's not like I'm gonna grow up and work in a ramen shop or whatever.
But that would be cool. I get to meet Naruto!
Yea parents (and ... no .... ESPECIALLY grandmas) don't make sense. At all. Sometimes, I guess.
lol I'm making fun of parents.
Don't be offended if you're a parent!!
But I went to Prayer Meeting on Thursday night. Leanne preached. She said that the "youths" should obey their parents. I should do that. I'm improving you know :D
I think hackers are weird. This goes for Joshua, Anne, Bellinda, Mr. AGOS, and Jonathan Gunawan (gundul tapi menawan...OK he's not menawan at all), ... (note that if these people add you on FB/YM/wtv,.....BEWARE!! Hahaha....).
And also the weird dudes that have been hacking Marsha and Fish and some other people and sending me weird links on MSN (I'm not opening them! I'm not pervy).
Ohh and someone hacked my old email. The Pokemon one. lol. I LUV POKEMON!!! (used to, but I still watch it sometimes)
Umm and I'm guessing that someone hacked my phone when I was online with it. I'm suspecting Josh cuz he knows how.
The kids in my school (especially the guys) are so interested in hacking. Well, I wanna let you know that those kids are HEARTLESS PEOPLE (YA HEAR, JOSH?? BELL?? ANNE??!!!). Not that I hate you. I love Anne and Bell and Josh (OK, not really ...blech....), but they're being heartless when they hack.
Mr. AGOS? He's heartless even if he doesn't hack. lol just kidding .....*prays he doesn't read this*........
I know this sounds really weird but on Thursday, we had our very, very, VERY first field trip throughout the entire year! I think. I don't remember any other field trip since the zoo trip in 6th grade (it rained).
Anyway, we went to a batik expedition. Just for you who don't know, batik is some old Indonesian art.
The place was big. We had to like go around for 2 hours and stuff. There were blankets and outfits and dolls and they even had this place where they let people draw on cloths using oil. There were lots of grandmas and old women there.
And, with my huge luck, Mariska, Karina, and Cindy actually bought me something Rp 50 ribu. It was a really cool painting on a, around, 40-50 cm2 piece of cloth. Luv ya guys! I'm paying you back someday. You can't stop me.
Ohh and I bought a pencil baju thing. Something to put on your pencil.
Umm and then we went to KFC at Golden City Mall.
I'm always nganggor at PTC.
Like, yesterday, my (annoying) little brother wants to have this tennis lesson at 3:30ish, and it's somewhere in Graha. Ya, aku langsung dianter ke PTC.
I SMSed a few friends but they weren't at PTC, so, like usual, I went to Trimedia to read comics. There was the new Nakayoshi Lovely! But ... uangQ tinggal Rp 20 ribu. And Nakayoshi is like ... what? 30 ribu? I don't know ......lol.
So yea I bought another Miiko book and read the Nakayoshi Lovely and some other comics there for about 3 hours.
Speaking about other comics, they have the 3rd book of Orange Afterschool. I know that comic looks pretty weird but I tried reading it and I think it's pretty cool. I've been waiting for the 3rd for a long, long, long time.
Some other book 3s I'm waiting for are Shugo Chara and Zig Zag. I've been waiting for a long time. Why is it that the 3rd book takes the longest to come out??
Umm also when I was nganggor, I walked around. I know that's a waste of energy but I guess that's better than being at Trimedia for hours.
But the mall was like FREAKISHLY cold. My nails went pink. Really, really, really pink. And I was shaking. I have never noticed how many ACs there are at PTC.
I went to FNL after that.
That's actually what happens every Friday so yea I'm used to it. Being bored and cold and reading comics and stuff. That's actually kind of fun (COMIC READING!!), and FNL's worth the wait =)
My family and I are going for a family trip on Tuesday 'till Saturday, so yea.
I'm not going to tell you where cuz it's a secret (for those of you who know, SHUSH!!).
Anyway, I didn't sign up for this trip. I don't know why they make me go. I DON'T WANNA GO. SAVE ME!!!
- swine flu. Who knows? Where else can I be safer than home?
- I'm not gonna write in this blog another 4 days
- I'm gonna miss Wynonna's piano recital *cries*
- I'm gonna miss, I think, another field trip
- Face...Book.....
- M..S....N........
- note that I COULD check FB and MSN if I actually had my phone
- I don't think they sell comics there
- my laptop! MY BABY!!
Well, if any one of you can actually convince my parents to NOT drag me to this family trip, please do. I beg you.
Well, I guess it's time to end the post. This is probably longer than any other post I've ever posted before.
This very moment is 5:27 PM. Cool. I started at 11:47 AM and ended at 5:27 PM. Woww...
So I conclude:
- that at least one of you people should convince my parents to not let me go on this trip.
- that being nganggor at PTC is pretty fun as long as you're at Trimedia and you don't have a cold.
- obeying your parents is important.
- that friends rock. They give you a Rp 50 000 cloth and don't let you pay them back. Thanks for the art guys I luv it =)
- that swine flu people should be prayed for.
- that I wish a magical flying carpet would come to my house right now and pick me up to the BIG FINAL Prayer Meeting at Galaxy Mall. It's starting in half an hour! (while I'm typing this)
- that this is one of the very first Saturdays that did not bring me to PTC.
- that playing Your Love is a Lie on guitar (the classical part) isn't as hard as it looks.
OK, so, 'till later today (it's midnight xD) .....
Note that this post is posted at 12 AM here wherever I live :D
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The title is extremely random, please ignore it. xDD
Grease lightning, ohh, grease lightning!!
The car is automatic!
It's systematic!
It's hydromatic!
It's grease lightning!!
Are nicknames supposed to be funny, cute, or mean?
I think all!
Depending on what nickname.
For example, I am really good at making up mean nicknames. Especially last/family names. I don't wanna post any right now because I'm scared of parents complaints and lectures.
Another example is that because I made fun of lots of peoples' last names, they made fun of mine. Devina Tjandracula. I think it's pretty cool.
Last night, I had to listen to a really, really, really long lecture from my dad.
He said something about stop being so lazy and make use of your time like studying or making money (this part is really, really stupid ... didn't the Bible say something about THE LOVE OF MONEY IS BAD!!).
And then it was so long. Yea, I nearly fell asleep.
And then he started slapping me. Wha?
And then he said "NO MORE GO GROUP OR FNL FOR YOU!!!!!!!"
Yea I started crying.
I can't survive without FNL!!!!! FNL has become part of my life already!
(note that I have said I'd kill myself if I'm not allowed to go to FNL. I WOULD kill myself right now if suicide wasn't a sin)
So yea. One of the longest lecturers I know is my dad. He has an extremely short temper.
Another one are some teachers. One tiny thing you do wrong, they'll start lecturing you for HOURS!!
I just found out that MP3 players actually run out of battery really quickly, so I try to use it as less as possible (which isn't possible).
So yea, if I'm at home and I wanna listen to music, I use iTunes on my laptop (I dont' have an iPod).
About a year ago, my dad bought me this MP3 player. I asked him for an iPod. He came home with an MP3 player thinking it was an iPod. Weird, eh?
But I'm still glad I have an MP3 player. I could've been musicless without it.
Grease lightning, ohh, grease lightning!!
The car is automatic!
It's systematic!
It's hydromatic!
It's grease lightning!!
Are nicknames supposed to be funny, cute, or mean?
I think all!
Depending on what nickname.
For example, I am really good at making up mean nicknames. Especially last/family names. I don't wanna post any right now because I'm scared of parents complaints and lectures.
Another example is that because I made fun of lots of peoples' last names, they made fun of mine. Devina Tjandracula. I think it's pretty cool.
Last night, I had to listen to a really, really, really long lecture from my dad.
He said something about stop being so lazy and make use of your time like studying or making money (this part is really, really stupid ... didn't the Bible say something about THE LOVE OF MONEY IS BAD!!).
And then it was so long. Yea, I nearly fell asleep.
And then he started slapping me. Wha?
And then he said "NO MORE GO GROUP OR FNL FOR YOU!!!!!!!"
Yea I started crying.
I can't survive without FNL!!!!! FNL has become part of my life already!
(note that I have said I'd kill myself if I'm not allowed to go to FNL. I WOULD kill myself right now if suicide wasn't a sin)
So yea. One of the longest lecturers I know is my dad. He has an extremely short temper.
Another one are some teachers. One tiny thing you do wrong, they'll start lecturing you for HOURS!!
I just found out that MP3 players actually run out of battery really quickly, so I try to use it as less as possible (which isn't possible).
So yea, if I'm at home and I wanna listen to music, I use iTunes on my laptop (I dont' have an iPod).
About a year ago, my dad bought me this MP3 player. I asked him for an iPod. He came home with an MP3 player thinking it was an iPod. Weird, eh?
But I'm still glad I have an MP3 player. I could've been musicless without it.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Just when I was about to die of lack of music (phoneQ rusak, laptopQ cacad,...), my MP3 came to save the day!
I was doing some cleaning (amazing, isn't it?!!) and I found my old MP3 player in one of the cubbies. I plugged it into David's laptop (laptopQ kan sedikit rusak) and started copying as many songs possible that can fit into the tiny but usable 1 GB memory.
Now I can listen to anytime I want!! YAY!!! The earphones are black, so if I use a black shirt, I don't think anyone will notice me listening to music in class! And I won't die of boredom listening to the teachers! YIPEE!! My MP3 is a total lifesaver =)
It's only a gigabite, so I can't really store lotsa songs in it. I stored like 10-15 albums, and then it got too full. That's it.
I failed, so far, French and Social Studies.
French... I don't have to take a retake. That's a good thing, for the fact that I don't have to study, but also a bad thing, because that bad score is going to my report card, and I can't change it.
Social Studies... I have to retake. That's a good thing, in my opinion, cuz I get to change my final score for the report card, and let's hope that it's better ... *worried* .................
I've heard of this word lotsa times. I use it lotsa times. For example...
- this song is so gay.
- this internet is so gay.
- David, stop being so gay.
About a week ago, we asked our good friend Mr. AGOS what "gay" means ....................... he says it means happy.
- this song is so happy.
- this internet is so happy.
- David, stop being so happy.
Isn't that like, the total opposite of what the original definition is? lol
My other good friends just say "gay" means "homosexual man".
- this song is so homosexual man.
- this internet is so homosexual man.
- David, stop being so homosexual man.
My brother ain't a homosexual man. At least, I think he isn't. I don't know what's going on up there in his head.
Well, in my opinion, "gay" means "stupid".
- this song is so stupid.
- this internet is so stupid.
- David, stop being so stupid.
OK, maybe not. Gay is less mean than the word stupid. Why not ... "weird"?
- this song is so weird.
- this internet is so weird.
- David, stop being so weird.
OK, that actually made sense xDD
Let's take an example of a user of the word "gay".
Aileen just took the "Which Cullen Are You?" quiz and the result is Jasper!.
Devina: hwahahahahha........ JASPER!!! hes pretty cute u know.....
Aileen: he looks gay.
Thank you, Aileen, for the kind example xP
Note that Jasper is pretty cute .......I like guys that are so............yea ..............you know...........hahaha...
But Edward is still hotter =)
I was doing some cleaning (amazing, isn't it?!!) and I found my old MP3 player in one of the cubbies. I plugged it into David's laptop (laptopQ kan sedikit rusak) and started copying as many songs possible that can fit into the tiny but usable 1 GB memory.
Now I can listen to anytime I want!! YAY!!! The earphones are black, so if I use a black shirt, I don't think anyone will notice me listening to music in class! And I won't die of boredom listening to the teachers! YIPEE!! My MP3 is a total lifesaver =)
It's only a gigabite, so I can't really store lotsa songs in it. I stored like 10-15 albums, and then it got too full. That's it.
I failed, so far, French and Social Studies.
French... I don't have to take a retake. That's a good thing, for the fact that I don't have to study, but also a bad thing, because that bad score is going to my report card, and I can't change it.
Social Studies... I have to retake. That's a good thing, in my opinion, cuz I get to change my final score for the report card, and let's hope that it's better ... *worried* .................
I've heard of this word lotsa times. I use it lotsa times. For example...
- this song is so gay.
- this internet is so gay.
- David, stop being so gay.
About a week ago, we asked our good friend Mr. AGOS what "gay" means ....................... he says it means happy.
- this song is so happy.
- this internet is so happy.
- David, stop being so happy.
Isn't that like, the total opposite of what the original definition is? lol
My other good friends just say "gay" means "homosexual man".
- this song is so homosexual man.
- this internet is so homosexual man.
- David, stop being so homosexual man.
My brother ain't a homosexual man. At least, I think he isn't. I don't know what's going on up there in his head.
Well, in my opinion, "gay" means "stupid".
- this song is so stupid.
- this internet is so stupid.
- David, stop being so stupid.
OK, maybe not. Gay is less mean than the word stupid. Why not ... "weird"?
- this song is so weird.
- this internet is so weird.
- David, stop being so weird.
OK, that actually made sense xDD
Let's take an example of a user of the word "gay".
Aileen just took the "Which Cullen Are You?" quiz and the result is Jasper!.
Devina: hwahahahahha........ JASPER!!! hes pretty cute u know.....
Aileen: he looks gay.
Thank you, Aileen, for the kind example xP
Note that Jasper is pretty cute .......I like guys that are so............yea ..............you know...........hahaha...
But Edward is still hotter =)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Addicted to Miiko x3
A few days ago, I started reading this book called Miiko. At first I thought it was pretty stupid. You know, she's too........smiley. But then I started actually reading it, and I think it's really, really touchy.
Sometimes it made my cry (I'm a very sensitive person) ...
Crying isn't a bad thing. Everyone should have the right to cry, so don't start slapping someone when he or she cries (don't be like my parents). I mean, only a weird emotionless person would actually NOT cry.
Like for example, my teacher Mr. AGOS ..........we've never seen him cry. We've tried to (lotsa times), but it's not working.
The last time I cried was ... I don't know...........I'm a total crybaby. For sure it was sometime during the past 3 weeks.
I've heard this thing from my friends that when you fake cry, that means that you want your parents to die sooner.
And I was like "wha-?"
Seriously, that doesn't make sense! Just because you pretend to cry, that doesn't mean that you want your parents to die!
I mean, I can name a billion movies with actors that pretend to cry, just so they get paid.
I can bet that they don't want their parents to die.
This is one of my biggest complaints about Pet Society.
Why is it so hard to get coins? I mean, I have around 50-60 friends in Pet Society, so I can get like 1000-1200 coins a day by visiting and kissing/hugging/dancing/wtv-ing with them. But ... is that it?
I wish that there were more ways to get coins in Pet Society.
If I could write a letter to PlayFish right now, I would ask them to do this:
- raise the amount of coins that you get from visiting your friends. At least 30!
- put more minigames ... I'm so sick of the hurdles/hurldes/hordles/wtv race!
- lower the price of items
- more people in the cafe! I want more friends!!
- a chance to get 1000-1500 coins in the daily lottery
- more than 3 poop per pet!
- more pet colors! Like, rainbow or something!
Ohh, here's some good news.
I checked out this cool Pet Society blog again, and I found this idea on how to make a balcony/rooftop using shelves and jars. I did it, cuz I thought it looked interesting. Here's how it turned out ...
I'm planning on putting the patio umbrellas and outdoor chairs for my pet to relax on. And also maybe a few other outdoor stuff.
Yeapp. I'm still desperate and phoneless here.
It's still been a week and I'm already freaking out!!
That's not possible. Not for anyone.
You know, people like Karina and Casey and my dad ......those people who (at least, used to) have more than one phone.........they're so lucky. I mean, when one phone isn't there, you can always use the other one.
So, people, if you are really nice, please DONATE A CELLPHONE!! For 1-2 months. Then you may have it back X)
Thank you for your kindness xDDD
Sometimes it made my cry (I'm a very sensitive person) ...
Crying isn't a bad thing. Everyone should have the right to cry, so don't start slapping someone when he or she cries (don't be like my parents). I mean, only a weird emotionless person would actually NOT cry.
Like for example, my teacher Mr. AGOS ..........we've never seen him cry. We've tried to (lotsa times), but it's not working.
The last time I cried was ... I don't know...........I'm a total crybaby. For sure it was sometime during the past 3 weeks.
I've heard this thing from my friends that when you fake cry, that means that you want your parents to die sooner.
And I was like "wha-?"
Seriously, that doesn't make sense! Just because you pretend to cry, that doesn't mean that you want your parents to die!
I mean, I can name a billion movies with actors that pretend to cry, just so they get paid.
I can bet that they don't want their parents to die.
This is one of my biggest complaints about Pet Society.
Why is it so hard to get coins? I mean, I have around 50-60 friends in Pet Society, so I can get like 1000-1200 coins a day by visiting and kissing/hugging/dancing/wtv-ing with them. But ... is that it?
I wish that there were more ways to get coins in Pet Society.
If I could write a letter to PlayFish right now, I would ask them to do this:
- raise the amount of coins that you get from visiting your friends. At least 30!
- put more minigames ... I'm so sick of the hurdles/hurldes/hordles/wtv race!
- lower the price of items
- more people in the cafe! I want more friends!!
- a chance to get 1000-1500 coins in the daily lottery
- more than 3 poop per pet!
- more pet colors! Like, rainbow or something!
Ohh, here's some good news.
I checked out this cool Pet Society blog again, and I found this idea on how to make a balcony/rooftop using shelves and jars. I did it, cuz I thought it looked interesting. Here's how it turned out ...

Yeapp. I'm still desperate and phoneless here.
It's still been a week and I'm already freaking out!!
That's not possible. Not for anyone.
You know, people like Karina and Casey and my dad ......those people who (at least, used to) have more than one phone.........they're so lucky. I mean, when one phone isn't there, you can always use the other one.
So, people, if you are really nice, please DONATE A CELLPHONE!! For 1-2 months. Then you may have it back X)
Thank you for your kindness xDDD
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Another Saturday
It's just another Saturday, isn't it?
Every Saturday's the same.
It's like, I go to the mall at 12. I use up Rp 50 000 to buy stuff like comic books, CD's, etc. I go home at 2 (if there's FNL practice, I'd go home at 4 or 5 or something). I go online 'till 10. That's it. Happy Saturday?
Well, today's kinda lamer. I went to the mall at 11. I bought 2 Miiko comic books (I love Miiko! It's so touchy ...), a DVD, and a pencil (it's BLACK!! MY FAVORITE COLOR!! Hwahaha xDD).
I'm getting sick of these Saturdays. I want more. Mooorrre..... MORE!!!!
Well, remembered the glowing stick I told you I got last night? Well, I accidentally bent it too much and then a hole formed and some of the glowing thing spilled and now whenever it's dark, my fingers glow.
Well, it'll wear off eventually. I think. I rubbed it in water, and it kind of wore off, but a little. Only. Hahahaha...
That "Jump Around" song is still stuck on my head.
Yeapp, it's closed. There wasn't a lot of people who voted, so yea whatever xP at least it still means that no one will actually quit reading my blog if I stop making poop posts. So, yea, poop posts it is.
Have you ever tried putting your poop in an outdoor room instead of the bathroom? I think it looks more realistic. I mean, what kind of pet poops in a toilet? An obedient one I guess. But Ichigo (my pet) ain't an obedient kind of girl. But she's obedient enough to NOT poo inside the house. OK, she DOES poo in the house. I just carry the poop outside cuz it looks so cool out there. I mean, with the plants and stuff.
Yea, poop does look pretty good beside plants. Especially the cactuses. You should try.
So anyway, back to the main topic.
OK, I hate being obedient. The people who are usually obedient to their teachers and parents are goody-goodies.
Well, I AM obedient. To God. For sure. I LOVE BEING OBEDIENT TO JESUS CHRIST!!!
But I don't really like being obedient to school. It ain't fun.
Kids, remember that being obedient to your parents is an important thing. You should always obey what they say to you. When they ask you to sit, sit. When they ask you to stay, stay. When they ask you to play dead, don't do it. You'll be dead one day anyway, so don't make fun of dead people.
Here are some things I need to do:
- go to Kelly's house this Wednesday for GO Group
- be more obedient
- stop making fun of peoples' last names (start making fun of their first names!)
- stop making fun of my own last name (Devina Tjandracula)
- make my posts longer
Every Saturday's the same.
It's like, I go to the mall at 12. I use up Rp 50 000 to buy stuff like comic books, CD's, etc. I go home at 2 (if there's FNL practice, I'd go home at 4 or 5 or something). I go online 'till 10. That's it. Happy Saturday?
Well, today's kinda lamer. I went to the mall at 11. I bought 2 Miiko comic books (I love Miiko! It's so touchy ...), a DVD, and a pencil (it's BLACK!! MY FAVORITE COLOR!! Hwahaha xDD).
I'm getting sick of these Saturdays. I want more. Mooorrre..... MORE!!!!
Well, remembered the glowing stick I told you I got last night? Well, I accidentally bent it too much and then a hole formed and some of the glowing thing spilled and now whenever it's dark, my fingers glow.
Well, it'll wear off eventually. I think. I rubbed it in water, and it kind of wore off, but a little. Only. Hahahaha...
That "Jump Around" song is still stuck on my head.
Yeapp, it's closed. There wasn't a lot of people who voted, so yea whatever xP at least it still means that no one will actually quit reading my blog if I stop making poop posts. So, yea, poop posts it is.
Have you ever tried putting your poop in an outdoor room instead of the bathroom? I think it looks more realistic. I mean, what kind of pet poops in a toilet? An obedient one I guess. But Ichigo (my pet) ain't an obedient kind of girl. But she's obedient enough to NOT poo inside the house. OK, she DOES poo in the house. I just carry the poop outside cuz it looks so cool out there. I mean, with the plants and stuff.
Yea, poop does look pretty good beside plants. Especially the cactuses. You should try.
So anyway, back to the main topic.
OK, I hate being obedient. The people who are usually obedient to their teachers and parents are goody-goodies.
Well, I AM obedient. To God. For sure. I LOVE BEING OBEDIENT TO JESUS CHRIST!!!
But I don't really like being obedient to school. It ain't fun.
Kids, remember that being obedient to your parents is an important thing. You should always obey what they say to you. When they ask you to sit, sit. When they ask you to stay, stay. When they ask you to play dead, don't do it. You'll be dead one day anyway, so don't make fun of dead people.
Here are some things I need to do:
- go to Kelly's house this Wednesday for GO Group
- be more obedient
- stop making fun of peoples' last names (start making fun of their first names!)
- stop making fun of my own last name (Devina Tjandracula)
- make my posts longer
Friday, May 15, 2009
FNL Concert Nite
I went to my first FNL Concert Nite today.
This was my very first Concert Nite, so at first I didn't know what would happen. It's just like any other FNL, only this time there's no sermon or news center or anything. It's just worship. Lot and lots and lotsa worship.
I could've fainted right there if they didn't have a bathroom. Hahaha...
The band was so cool. I have always loved Existence. GO EXISTENCE!!
Umm yea there was this dance crew called Last Minute Street Crew ... they came and performed a dance performance ..... IT WAS SO COOL!! They were the absolute best dancers I have ever seen.
Ohh and there was this light thing they put all around. After they turned off the light, everything white GLOWED (yes, including my pants). We got this braclet stick glow-in-the-dark thing too.
I have never sweat so much in my life. Well, maybe except for camp.
Now there's a song stuck in my head.
Hey, hey, JUMP AROUND!!
It's "Jump Around" by Planetshakers.
Yea I can't take it off. But I love this song so yea I'm gonna keep it on forever.
I think that's the poll's supposed to be closed at 6.30 PM today, but I live in Indonesia, so I guess the time is different.
Don't forget to vote! It's closing very, very, very soon...
This was my very first Concert Nite, so at first I didn't know what would happen. It's just like any other FNL, only this time there's no sermon or news center or anything. It's just worship. Lot and lots and lotsa worship.
I could've fainted right there if they didn't have a bathroom. Hahaha...
The band was so cool. I have always loved Existence. GO EXISTENCE!!
Umm yea there was this dance crew called Last Minute Street Crew ... they came and performed a dance performance ..... IT WAS SO COOL!! They were the absolute best dancers I have ever seen.
Ohh and there was this light thing they put all around. After they turned off the light, everything white GLOWED (yes, including my pants). We got this braclet stick glow-in-the-dark thing too.
I have never sweat so much in my life. Well, maybe except for camp.
Now there's a song stuck in my head.
Hey, hey, JUMP AROUND!!
It's "Jump Around" by Planetshakers.
Yea I can't take it off. But I love this song so yea I'm gonna keep it on forever.
I think that's the poll's supposed to be closed at 6.30 PM today, but I live in Indonesia, so I guess the time is different.
Don't forget to vote! It's closing very, very, very soon...
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Well, Aileen doesn't have a phone but it's OK for her because she's already used to not having a phone.
I had phones since I was 7.
Now I'm phonless. For a month.
Devina: Nadya, how would you feel if you lost your phone for a month?
Nadya: Sad.
Thank you, Nadya, for the kind interview :P
There's more bad news. It's not going to be exactly a month. It's gonna be about 1-2 months. *GASP!!*...*GASP!!*...*GASP!!*... need.......air..............
Without a phone ...
- is the only way to play Tower Bloxx is to go on FaceBook? (yes, I am addicted to that game)
- what if none of my friends brought their phone to school, and I have to wait to be picked up until .............WHO KNOWS WHEN?!!! 10 PM?!!!!!!!!!!!
- how do I go home from FNL? I did NOT like it last Friday when I waited 'till like 10 PM alone in front of FNL. There was a chance I could have been kidnapped! lol
The moon was awfully beautiful though, that night (yes, I was that bored) ...
- plus, that very night, the only way I could've kept myself from dying of boredom was to play around with my phone. OMG I'M GONNA DIE OF BOREDOM!!!!!
- there is no way I can go online at the mall. Not anymore.
- what if the internet broke? I HAVE NO ACCESS TO THE WORLD WIDE WEB!!!
- crap. No more prank calling. Hehehe...
- what if something really, really big happened, and I had nowhere to write it down? This blog won't be as interesting, you know?
Yes, my phone is that important to me. I use it more than my laptop. I use it more than my shampoo. I use it more than my guitar. I use it more than food.
My phone has become a part of me. *GASP!!* (if I keep on gasping, my lungs will explode)........
Anyway, I'll learn to live. I'm not the only one. Aileen is with me. WE PHONELESS PEOPLE SUPPORT EACH OTHER!!!!!
A girl without a phone is like ...
A fish without water.
A bird without feathers.
A human without a life.
lol. I can survive. I CAN SURVIVE!! GOD IS WITH ME!!!!! =)
I have like only around 50 friends at Pet Society. But some of them look SO similar, I actually think of them as twins. Here are some of them:

Aren't they so cute?!! Hahaha ... they all look so similar. I wanna have pets like those, for real.
I learned these things in the last few days:
- being phoneless is harder than it looks (I feel Aileen's pain ...)
- twins are so cute!
- don't worry about flu babi ... God is with you =)
Well, Aileen doesn't have a phone but it's OK for her because she's already used to not having a phone.
I had phones since I was 7.
Now I'm phonless. For a month.
Devina: Nadya, how would you feel if you lost your phone for a month?
Nadya: Sad.
Thank you, Nadya, for the kind interview :P
There's more bad news. It's not going to be exactly a month. It's gonna be about 1-2 months. *GASP!!*...*GASP!!*...*GASP!!*... need.......air..............
Without a phone ...
- is the only way to play Tower Bloxx is to go on FaceBook? (yes, I am addicted to that game)
- what if none of my friends brought their phone to school, and I have to wait to be picked up until .............WHO KNOWS WHEN?!!! 10 PM?!!!!!!!!!!!
- how do I go home from FNL? I did NOT like it last Friday when I waited 'till like 10 PM alone in front of FNL. There was a chance I could have been kidnapped! lol
The moon was awfully beautiful though, that night (yes, I was that bored) ...
- plus, that very night, the only way I could've kept myself from dying of boredom was to play around with my phone. OMG I'M GONNA DIE OF BOREDOM!!!!!
- there is no way I can go online at the mall. Not anymore.
- what if the internet broke? I HAVE NO ACCESS TO THE WORLD WIDE WEB!!!
- crap. No more prank calling. Hehehe...
- what if something really, really big happened, and I had nowhere to write it down? This blog won't be as interesting, you know?
Yes, my phone is that important to me. I use it more than my laptop. I use it more than my shampoo. I use it more than my guitar. I use it more than food.
My phone has become a part of me. *GASP!!* (if I keep on gasping, my lungs will explode)........
Anyway, I'll learn to live. I'm not the only one. Aileen is with me. WE PHONELESS PEOPLE SUPPORT EACH OTHER!!!!!
A girl without a phone is like ...
A fish without water.
A bird without feathers.
A human without a life.
lol. I can survive. I CAN SURVIVE!! GOD IS WITH ME!!!!! =)
I have like only around 50 friends at Pet Society. But some of them look SO similar, I actually think of them as twins. Here are some of them:

I learned these things in the last few days:
- being phoneless is harder than it looks (I feel Aileen's pain ...)
- twins are so cute!
- don't worry about flu babi ... God is with you =)
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I Miss My Phone ...
Yesterday was the absolute worst day ever!!
My phone is broken =(
No calling, no SMSing, no going online ................
This is hell.
How is it possible for someone to live without a cellphone? Well, the only people I know without a cellphone are Aileen and my school principal (w00t?).
This is pretty weird. I mean, even my GRANDMA has a cellphone!! AND SHE DOESN'T HAVE A COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I. Miss. My. Phone.
Bad things that's happening right now:
- no PTC
- no GO Group
- stupid test going on
- no cellphone
- no life
What a lifeless world ...................
It's freakishly cold these days. I have a really bad cold, but IT IS NOT SWINE FLU!!! I DO NOT HAVE THE SWINE FLU!!!!!!
Everywhere I go in Surabaya, it somehow feels like Trawas. It's just really this cold. Everything I touch feels wet and icy, but it's not.
And Nadya's blanket is SOOOOOOOOO WAAAAAARRRMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ........................................
I am a 100% Twilight fan! I'm almost done with the whole series. I'm reading Breaking Dawn right now. I HEART TWILIGHT!!
I am a big fan of Edward Cullen and Jacob Black. I think both of them are really cute xDD
ESPECIALLY Edward. Yay!!
Robert Pattinson is the absolute hottest person alive in this entire world. Forever.
Swine flu is a pretty big thing right now. I'm still pretty worried of going to Singapore cuz there's a chance I might get it. Or get crashed by an MRT.
I have this friend in Hongkong and I'm pretty worried that he gets the swine flu. And plus, there are at least a hundred people out there dying of swine flu and I'm here posting posties on my blog. I don't look worried at all. I seriously need to care more about these people.
Yea, I'm worried.
Worrying is a sin. I should stop worrying about swine flu. GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF IT!! Yeapp =)
I conclude these things:
- I need to get my phone fixed before next GO Group.
- Don't just sit there, start caring for the flu babi people!
- Do not worry. Worrying is a sin.
My phone is broken =(
No calling, no SMSing, no going online ................
This is hell.
How is it possible for someone to live without a cellphone? Well, the only people I know without a cellphone are Aileen and my school principal (w00t?).
This is pretty weird. I mean, even my GRANDMA has a cellphone!! AND SHE DOESN'T HAVE A COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I. Miss. My. Phone.
Bad things that's happening right now:
- no PTC
- no GO Group
- stupid test going on
- no cellphone
- no life
What a lifeless world ...................
It's freakishly cold these days. I have a really bad cold, but IT IS NOT SWINE FLU!!! I DO NOT HAVE THE SWINE FLU!!!!!!
Everywhere I go in Surabaya, it somehow feels like Trawas. It's just really this cold. Everything I touch feels wet and icy, but it's not.
And Nadya's blanket is SOOOOOOOOO WAAAAAARRRMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ........................................
I am a 100% Twilight fan! I'm almost done with the whole series. I'm reading Breaking Dawn right now. I HEART TWILIGHT!!
I am a big fan of Edward Cullen and Jacob Black. I think both of them are really cute xDD
ESPECIALLY Edward. Yay!!
Robert Pattinson is the absolute hottest person alive in this entire world. Forever.
Swine flu is a pretty big thing right now. I'm still pretty worried of going to Singapore cuz there's a chance I might get it. Or get crashed by an MRT.
I have this friend in Hongkong and I'm pretty worried that he gets the swine flu. And plus, there are at least a hundred people out there dying of swine flu and I'm here posting posties on my blog. I don't look worried at all. I seriously need to care more about these people.
Yea, I'm worried.
Worrying is a sin. I should stop worrying about swine flu. GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF IT!! Yeapp =)
I conclude these things:
- I need to get my phone fixed before next GO Group.
- Don't just sit there, start caring for the flu babi people!
- Do not worry. Worrying is a sin.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Math is the absolute worst thing in the whole entire world.
Agreed? Hahaha...

I'm in Math class now. I just finished my Math test and here I am typing stuff on my blog while waiting for lunch, which is in like an hour. YAY!!
My teacher in Math class is kinda weird. An hour ago, when our test just began, I looked up to see the clock and then he shout at me and accused me for talking to Nadya (the lady who sits next to me, and right under the clock). Hello?
Well, I'm happy I'm done now. Math is just crap. I know it's everywhere but that means that everywhere is a bad place to be. A world without math is a world without life .............NOT!!!
1,2,3,4...(I LOVE PLAIN WHITE T'S!!)
I used to like math when it was just 1,2,3,4 ............it was really fun and simple. I loved the +s and -s and xs and /s ..... but then comes the algebraic equations and tables and graphs and all of that other stupid stuff.
This is why I'm kinda jealous of my little bro David (4th grade). All he has for homework for math are all of those fun 1,2,3,4's. While I get the w,x,y,z's. Ain't that unfair?
Surabaya have never been so cold before. I mean, it's absolutely freezing!! I think I either lost a toe or a tooth, but it's just so freakishly cold! I feel like snuggling up on a bed with the thickest blanket in the whole live world.
Please vote on the poop post poll, or else I'm not going to post another poop post ever. Cuz not voting on the poll means that you don't like poop posts, do you?

Pet Society has this new item called the Love Potion. I have no idea what it is. I'd print screen and upload a picture of the Love Potion right now if my laptop wasn't so suckish in loading flash stuff. So yea probably the next post.
I bought the Love Potion and fed it to my pet, Ichigo. She started to have hearts all around her, floating wherever she goes. I think it's really cute ... =)
The reason why I named my pet Ichigo was because when I first started Pet Society, I was a big fan of Tokyo Mew Mew. The main character of that TV show was Ichigo Mew Mew so yea I named my pet that. I really wish I'd turn into a cat right now. I'm going to scratch the face of the evil math teacher and wish that he would die of loss of blood. Mwahahahaha.... lol I'm just kidding. I'm not that evil. I'm a good girl =) hahaha...
There's this game that's going on in my [weird] school. It's called Marble Blast Gold. I used to love it when i was 7. Then I got over it. And then I started liking it all over again. So I showed it to some of my friends. Of course, they liked it. I gave them that game (was I stupid or what?). Then, it got so annoying. People started giving it to the people I don't like.
I told them to stop this. They said no. They just kept on playing and playing and playing ...
'Till some people got really angry at this nonsense and you know what? One day, I'm gonna get in trouble and it's not gonna be my fault.
So please, if you are a [dumb] student in my [weird] school, please STOP THIS MARBLE BLAST NONSENSE!! ARGH!!!!
It is not a good thing to start asking people for something and then using that something for bad purposes. So kids, when your mom gives you your first penny, don't just spend it right away! Save it for college or something.
REPENT!! (word I learned from Sef)
Agreed? Hahaha...
I'm in Math class now. I just finished my Math test and here I am typing stuff on my blog while waiting for lunch, which is in like an hour. YAY!!
My teacher in Math class is kinda weird. An hour ago, when our test just began, I looked up to see the clock and then he shout at me and accused me for talking to Nadya (the lady who sits next to me, and right under the clock). Hello?
Well, I'm happy I'm done now. Math is just crap. I know it's everywhere but that means that everywhere is a bad place to be. A world without math is a world without life .............NOT!!!
1,2,3,4...(I LOVE PLAIN WHITE T'S!!)
I used to like math when it was just 1,2,3,4 ............it was really fun and simple. I loved the +s and -s and xs and /s ..... but then comes the algebraic equations and tables and graphs and all of that other stupid stuff.
This is why I'm kinda jealous of my little bro David (4th grade). All he has for homework for math are all of those fun 1,2,3,4's. While I get the w,x,y,z's. Ain't that unfair?
Surabaya have never been so cold before. I mean, it's absolutely freezing!! I think I either lost a toe or a tooth, but it's just so freakishly cold! I feel like snuggling up on a bed with the thickest blanket in the whole live world.
Please vote on the poop post poll, or else I'm not going to post another poop post ever. Cuz not voting on the poll means that you don't like poop posts, do you?
Pet Society has this new item called the Love Potion. I have no idea what it is. I'd print screen and upload a picture of the Love Potion right now if my laptop wasn't so suckish in loading flash stuff. So yea probably the next post.
I bought the Love Potion and fed it to my pet, Ichigo. She started to have hearts all around her, floating wherever she goes. I think it's really cute ... =)
The reason why I named my pet Ichigo was because when I first started Pet Society, I was a big fan of Tokyo Mew Mew. The main character of that TV show was Ichigo Mew Mew so yea I named my pet that. I really wish I'd turn into a cat right now. I'm going to scratch the face of the evil math teacher and wish that he would die of loss of blood. Mwahahahaha.... lol I'm just kidding. I'm not that evil. I'm a good girl =) hahaha...
There's this game that's going on in my [weird] school. It's called Marble Blast Gold. I used to love it when i was 7. Then I got over it. And then I started liking it all over again. So I showed it to some of my friends. Of course, they liked it. I gave them that game (was I stupid or what?). Then, it got so annoying. People started giving it to the people I don't like.
I told them to stop this. They said no. They just kept on playing and playing and playing ...
'Till some people got really angry at this nonsense and you know what? One day, I'm gonna get in trouble and it's not gonna be my fault.
So please, if you are a [dumb] student in my [weird] school, please STOP THIS MARBLE BLAST NONSENSE!! ARGH!!!!
It is not a good thing to start asking people for something and then using that something for bad purposes. So kids, when your mom gives you your first penny, don't just spend it right away! Save it for college or something.
REPENT!! (word I learned from Sef)
making the world a better place,
pet society,
Dance or Die
Hahaha yea I love Family Force 5. Well, not that crazy. I just seem to like the title very much. Dance or Die.
I've never been a good dancer before. I mean, yea I've danced before. Forced to. I hate it when people force me to dance. It's like, forcing someone to die.
Well, I had ballet lessons since I was 4 'till like 2 years ago. That's when I got totally sick of it and went crazy and suddenly stopped going to that place.
Now, we have dance lessons in my school. It's absolutely BORING!! I mean, we have to waltz and stuff! Well, yea it would be kinda fun if we weren't FORCED TO DO IT!!!! Umm ... Dev? It's school. Duh.
School and parents are 2 things getting in my way of freedom. Sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's just totally annoying. The one thing they always have in common is that they both always force us to do stuff! Like dancing, for example! School forced me to hiphop and waltz and stuff, and then parents forced me to have ballet!!
Well, yea, ballet is kinda fun. Sometimes, I mean. Well, most of the time it's just completely boring. The fun parts are only when you wear those pointy shoes. I like to hurt my toes. Then it'll feel so good to get 'emm off.
I went to Australia last year, like, during June last year. It was the biggest holiday I have ever had. I went there with my cousin Casey and our auntie, and that's it. Our auntie lives there, though. I lost the pictures a few months ago, but then I found 'em like an hour ago. There's like a billion pictures, so I just posted some ...
Hahaha .....yea I looked so chubby those days ............
Aileen suggested this poll thing. I'm going to post a poll on the right side of this page, please answer the poll. xDD
So, the question is ..... are my poop posts gross or OK? Should I keep on posting poop posts? Are they funny or just makes you puke?
Answer!! =3
Has someone ever flirted with you randomly? I don't know but it's just plain weird.
I mean, wouldn't it be more polite for someone to ask, "Excuse m
e, lady, but can I flirt with you?"
And let the lady answer (she will say, "No, sir.").
It's really impolite to come towards a girl and start flirting with her. Even if she likes it. I mean, it's as rude as coming towards someone and pulling his or her hair. Even if they like it.
So people, do not flirt without permission!
Here's a random conversation I made. I'm going to use two people called John and Jane. This is the polite conversation. One that should be done in this world.
John: Hey Jane.
Jane: Hey John.
John: How are you?
Jane: I'm fine. Thank you. And you?
John: I'm fine too. Can I flirt with you?
Jane: No.
John: Can I pull your hair?
Jane: No.
John: OK, good day, Jane. GBU.
Jane: Au revoir, monsieur.
I conclude these things that should be done:
- don't take too many pictures during a vacation.
- always ask permission before flirting.
I prefer dancing X)
Well, I had ballet lessons since I was 4 'till like 2 years ago. That's when I got totally sick of it and went crazy and suddenly stopped going to that place.
Now, we have dance lessons in my school. It's absolutely BORING!! I mean, we have to waltz and stuff! Well, yea it would be kinda fun if we weren't FORCED TO DO IT!!!! Umm ... Dev? It's school. Duh.
School and parents are 2 things getting in my way of freedom. Sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's just totally annoying. The one thing they always have in common is that they both always force us to do stuff! Like dancing, for example! School forced me to hiphop and waltz and stuff, and then parents forced me to have ballet!!
Well, yea, ballet is kinda fun. Sometimes, I mean. Well, most of the time it's just completely boring. The fun parts are only when you wear those pointy shoes. I like to hurt my toes. Then it'll feel so good to get 'emm off.

I went to Australia last year, like, during June last year. It was the biggest holiday I have ever had. I went there with my cousin Casey and our auntie, and that's it. Our auntie lives there, though. I lost the pictures a few months ago, but then I found 'em like an hour ago. There's like a billion pictures, so I just posted some ...
Hahaha .....yea I looked so chubby those days ............
Aileen suggested this poll thing. I'm going to post a poll on the right side of this page, please answer the poll. xDD
So, the question is ..... are my poop posts gross or OK? Should I keep on posting poop posts? Are they funny or just makes you puke?
Answer!! =3
Has someone ever flirted with you randomly? I don't know but it's just plain weird.
I mean, wouldn't it be more polite for someone to ask, "Excuse m

And let the lady answer (she will say, "No, sir.").
It's really impolite to come towards a girl and start flirting with her. Even if she likes it. I mean, it's as rude as coming towards someone and pulling his or her hair. Even if they like it.
So people, do not flirt without permission!
Here's a random conversation I made. I'm going to use two people called John and Jane. This is the polite conversation. One that should be done in this world.
John: Hey Jane.
Jane: Hey John.
John: How are you?
Jane: I'm fine. Thank you. And you?
John: I'm fine too. Can I flirt with you?
Jane: No.
John: Can I pull your hair?
Jane: No.
John: OK, good day, Jane. GBU.
Jane: Au revoir, monsieur.
I conclude these things that should be done:
- don't take too many pictures during a vacation.
- always ask permission before flirting.
I prefer dancing X)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
School = SUCKISH
I'm really, really bored right now. I'm at school. Thank Karina for the title idea.
The weird thing is that there are at least 3 people surrounding me right now while I'm typing this. I wish they would go away.
One just left.
I am here to talk about how suckish school is. For example, being at school is worse than cutting half of your right leg. SLOOOOOWWWLLYYYYY.............
But, school is a great place to sleep. Textbooks can be very comfortable pillows. And, if you are going to school during days with the subject Math, it is possible to actually bring your own blanket. And maybe a guling. And my sharkie doll.
If you are sitting beside Cindy, her arm can be a guling.
Devina: How do you feel about your arm being a guling?
Cindy: I think that people will think I'm fat.
SHE IS!! Hahaha just kidding. She's way smaller than me.
Cindy: But not short ;)
Cindy: At least I'm taller than Karina :D
Karina: Well, I'm not the shortest. I'm taller than Anne.
Anne: NOO!!! SHE'S SHORTER!!!!!
Karina: ANNE IS!!!
Devina: Shuddup.
Cindy (whispering): OK.
They're all shorties!!
In a few minutes, I'm going to have my official third period French test.
I hate French tests.
Actually, I've failed the last few quizzes just cuz I forgot to bring my French books home. But ... what's the point? I live in Surabaya ... I bet less than 0.5% of the people in Surabaya know how to speak French.
Well, wish me luck on my test =)
It's gonna start in exactly 30 minutes.
The stuff I have to study include some animals (at least 30), body parts (did you know the French of "arm" is "bras"? So is "armpit" "braspit"?), colors (I LOVE NOIR!!), Countries, jobs, and some family stuff.
Let me practice. Je deteste mon frere. I hate my brother. YAY!!
No ... I don't hate my brother ... I just dislike him.
Je n'aime pas mon frere.
In like most of my blog posts, there's always something about poop. Pet poop, at least.
What is so interesting about pet poop that makes me want to post posts about poopy pet poop? I mean, does pet poop really look that edible?
No, this post is not going to be anything about pet poo. So if you're looking for more pet poop personal information, wait for the next post or something.
I'm getting pretty worried about this swine flu thing. I'm blaming the piggies for all this.
This little piggy went to the store.
I'm going to Singapore in a few weeks, and I'm worried that I'll catch swine flu.
Things I'm worried about:
- what if the plane crashes?
- what if the MRT crashes?
I conclude that swine flu is a bad thing. I mean, this has started like a few weeks ago, and now it's already so serious! I never realized how bad this swine flu thing could be.
And, I also conclude that poop should stop be talked about in this blog. Maybe, for the next few posts.
I also conclude that I am going to fail this test I'm going to have in exactly 20 minutes from now and I will have to face the torture of remedials.
But, I'm sitting behind Aileen, so I guess I could nyontek or something.
The weird thing is that there are at least 3 people surrounding me right now while I'm typing this. I wish they would go away.
One just left.
I am here to talk about how suckish school is. For example, being at school is worse than cutting half of your right leg. SLOOOOOWWWLLYYYYY.............
But, school is a great place to sleep. Textbooks can be very comfortable pillows. And, if you are going to school during days with the subject Math, it is possible to actually bring your own blanket. And maybe a guling. And my sharkie doll.
If you are sitting beside Cindy, her arm can be a guling.
Devina: How do you feel about your arm being a guling?
Cindy: I think that people will think I'm fat.
SHE IS!! Hahaha just kidding. She's way smaller than me.
Cindy: But not short ;)
Cindy: At least I'm taller than Karina :D
Karina: Well, I'm not the shortest. I'm taller than Anne.
Anne: NOO!!! SHE'S SHORTER!!!!!
Karina: ANNE IS!!!
Devina: Shuddup.
Cindy (whispering): OK.
They're all shorties!!
In a few minutes, I'm going to have my official third period French test.
I hate French tests.
Actually, I've failed the last few quizzes just cuz I forgot to bring my French books home. But ... what's the point? I live in Surabaya ... I bet less than 0.5% of the people in Surabaya know how to speak French.
Well, wish me luck on my test =)
It's gonna start in exactly 30 minutes.
The stuff I have to study include some animals (at least 30), body parts (did you know the French of "arm" is "bras"? So is "armpit" "braspit"?), colors (I LOVE NOIR!!), Countries, jobs, and some family stuff.
Let me practice. Je deteste mon frere. I hate my brother. YAY!!
No ... I don't hate my brother ... I just dislike him.
Je n'aime pas mon frere.
In like most of my blog posts, there's always something about poop. Pet poop, at least.
What is so interesting about pet poop that makes me want to post posts about poopy pet poop? I mean, does pet poop really look that edible?
No, this post is not going to be anything about pet poo. So if you're looking for more pet poop personal information, wait for the next post or something.
I'm getting pretty worried about this swine flu thing. I'm blaming the piggies for all this.
This little piggy went to the store.
I'm going to Singapore in a few weeks, and I'm worried that I'll catch swine flu.
Things I'm worried about:
- what if the plane crashes?
- what if the MRT crashes?
I conclude that swine flu is a bad thing. I mean, this has started like a few weeks ago, and now it's already so serious! I never realized how bad this swine flu thing could be.
And, I also conclude that poop should stop be talked about in this blog. Maybe, for the next few posts.
I also conclude that I am going to fail this test I'm going to have in exactly 20 minutes from now and I will have to face the torture of remedials.
But, I'm sitting behind Aileen, so I guess I could nyontek or something.
Pride and Prejudice
I'm picking out a random title.
Never, ever judge a post by its title.
I mean, my title's pride and prejudice and the whole post could be something about riding horsies or something. But no. My last four sentences are somehow related to the whole title.
Pride and prejudice .............I have no idea what those two words mean. But its a weird book I read in 6th grade that I never managed to finish. But now after I realized how wonderfully appropriate the title is, I wanna read it. Or at least know what the story's about.
Here's an interview for a reader of the book ...
Devina: Have you read Pride and Prejudice?
Aileen: Sort of.
Devina: What's the story about?
Aileen: Idk, it's boring believe me.
PS that Aileen is a reading freak and she actually have finished reading other books than Twilight ... :O ................. AMAZING!!!!!
Another random but important title.
We were talking about this stereotype story during Language Arts class. I don't remember much, except for the word "foolish". Are stereotypes foolish?
Mboh. Maybe.
There's this really funny stereotype video I found on YouTube, here's the link.
It's about 2 dudes trying to prove that a California stereotype is wrong.
They failed. Too bad.
This is the absolute last post before I have to face the treacherous torture of the term tiga test. Awesome.
My parents are probably gonna ban me from something for a week. Like FaceBook or messengers or other stuff (I would kill myself if they did).
They have already banned me from PTC and GO Group.
Luckily, I'm in 7th grade. I don't have UNAS or anything.
But my school's pretty weird ... it doesn't have UNAS ....it has this thing called Ontario Test which comes all the way from Canada (other side of the world) ...........yea.................. umm I'd probably move by 9th grade so I don't have to take it ever again.
The only way someone can stop pooping is if you're dead. Or you have problems. With our body. And you live in a hospital.
Note that I accidentally sold a poop from Pet Society. So anyway I did some stuff to my FaceBook and my Pet Society ended up like this:
I think it's really, really cute picture.
I was kind of bored (waktu disuruh study, study, study ...) so I kinda photoshopped a picture. It's so interesting to look at. As if I wanna eat it. You know Pet Society poos look like chocolate ice cream. Yumm ...
I just noticed that every single picture from my blog so far is just Pet Society poop. I'm sicka it. I gotta stop uploading poo pictures.
Everywhere I go, I see pride and prejudice. I mean, isn't it a bad thing? Hahaha...
The weird thing is that everytime I think of pride and prejudice, I don't
think about people being tortured or race-y. I think of ladies in really, really big fluffy dresses, along with the big 1600s lawyers' big white wigs and with a tiny red bow on the top, then also in green ballet slippers with another tinier red bow on the tip to match the one on the wig and then with extremely thick makeup (like ... a billion layers of bedak) and so much pink eye makeup you can't exactly see the pupils, and plus they walk like ostriches.
The ladies are sitting around in a table for 3 having cups of tea. Chinese tea. From Japan. Chinese tea from Japan. lol I wanna try those out.
Well, that's what I see in the book Pride and Prejudice. In the cover, I mean.
I find these ladies very disgusting. I mean, how can they survive with such outfits? *gasp!!*
Poor ladies.
Never, ever judge a post by its title.
I mean, my title's pride and prejudice and the whole post could be something about riding horsies or something. But no. My last four sentences are somehow related to the whole title.
Pride and prejudice .............I have no idea what those two words mean. But its a weird book I read in 6th grade that I never managed to finish. But now after I realized how wonderfully appropriate the title is, I wanna read it. Or at least know what the story's about.
Here's an interview for a reader of the book ...
Devina: Have you read Pride and Prejudice?
Aileen: Sort of.
Devina: What's the story about?
Aileen: Idk, it's boring believe me.
PS that Aileen is a reading freak and she actually have finished reading other books than Twilight ... :O ................. AMAZING!!!!!
Another random but important title.
We were talking about this stereotype story during Language Arts class. I don't remember much, except for the word "foolish". Are stereotypes foolish?
Mboh. Maybe.
There's this really funny stereotype video I found on YouTube, here's the link.
It's about 2 dudes trying to prove that a California stereotype is wrong.
They failed. Too bad.
This is the absolute last post before I have to face the treacherous torture of the term tiga test. Awesome.
My parents are probably gonna ban me from something for a week. Like FaceBook or messengers or other stuff (I would kill myself if they did).
They have already banned me from PTC and GO Group.
Luckily, I'm in 7th grade. I don't have UNAS or anything.
But my school's pretty weird ... it doesn't have UNAS ....it has this thing called Ontario Test which comes all the way from Canada (other side of the world) ...........yea.................. umm I'd probably move by 9th grade so I don't have to take it ever again.
The only way someone can stop pooping is if you're dead. Or you have problems. With our body. And you live in a hospital.
Note that I accidentally sold a poop from Pet Society. So anyway I did some stuff to my FaceBook and my Pet Society ended up like this:

I was kind of bored (waktu disuruh study, study, study ...) so I kinda photoshopped a picture. It's so interesting to look at. As if I wanna eat it. You know Pet Society poos look like chocolate ice cream. Yumm ...
I just noticed that every single picture from my blog so far is just Pet Society poop. I'm sicka it. I gotta stop uploading poo pictures.
Everywhere I go, I see pride and prejudice. I mean, isn't it a bad thing? Hahaha...
The weird thing is that everytime I think of pride and prejudice, I don't

The ladies are sitting around in a table for 3 having cups of tea. Chinese tea. From Japan. Chinese tea from Japan. lol I wanna try those out.
Well, that's what I see in the book Pride and Prejudice. In the cover, I mean.
I find these ladies very disgusting. I mean, how can they survive with such outfits? *gasp!!*
Poor ladies.
making the world a better place,
pet society,
Tests and Poop
I HATE TESTS!! But............who doesn't?
My tests are going to start tomorrow so blogging ain't going to start a lot. The first reason why I started this stupid blog was because yesterday I was sick of studying so I tried out making a blog to make time pass.
I mean, what kind of freak would actually spend one whole Saturday studying? Hahaha ...
Studying makes me feel like I'm doing something that I could have spent time on more important things. Like going to the mall. Or reading comics. Or even sleeping.
I'm supposed to by studying now. But instead, I'm trying to make my pet poo.
I never knew how easy pooing was. I mean, in Pet Society.
Pet Society is this pretty addicting application game thing on FaceBook. I got over it, like, a few weeks ago. Until yesterday (yes ... the first Saturday without going to the mall), a
s I was still searching for something to do. Then I started making my pet stink. And just a few minutes ago, I made my pet poo!!
3 times!
Cool, eh?.......
Actually my pet pooed 4 times, but I sent my first poo to Noel. Then it pooed 3 times. Those poos I kept.
I saw this blog an hour after I created mine. It's about Pet Society.
Here's the link.
It said that a great way to make your pet poo is to do fill up its hunger and happiness, decrease its hygiene, and then leave it in an empty room. That's exactly what I did. And then it pooed!
So these are some questions I want to ask:
- does the rainbow poo really exist?
- how long does it take for a poo to turn golden?
Earlier today, I hung out at the mall with Sef and her brother Noel. Well, I don't think it's really hanging out. We like, walked to the pet store and stuff.
There was this one pet store we walked in. There was this cage with two tiny little dogs, probably as long as my right arm.
They were fighting! One actually bit the other's neck.
Yea, it was interesting, so we kinda watched it. Fight, you know. Then all of a sudden they stopped. One turned around, and the other sat. The sitting one had something coming out of the butt (you know where I'm going here), and poop popped out.
It was the size of a thumb.
Gross?!! Hahaha...
Then we walked around and watched other creatures poo.
Why is it that people think poos are disgusting?
Everyone poos. A human being cannot live without pooing. Just like we cannot live without eating. But we don't find food disgusting..........(sometimes)................ do we? Hahaha...maybe.......
But tests are something to be disgusted of.
My tests are going to start tomorrow so blogging ain't going to start a lot. The first reason why I started this stupid blog was because yesterday I was sick of studying so I tried out making a blog to make time pass.
I mean, what kind of freak would actually spend one whole Saturday studying? Hahaha ...
Studying makes me feel like I'm doing something that I could have spent time on more important things. Like going to the mall. Or reading comics. Or even sleeping.
I'm supposed to by studying now. But instead, I'm trying to make my pet poo.
I never knew how easy pooing was. I mean, in Pet Society.
Pet Society is this pretty addicting application game thing on FaceBook. I got over it, like, a few weeks ago. Until yesterday (yes ... the first Saturday without going to the mall), a

3 times!
Cool, eh?.......
Actually my pet pooed 4 times, but I sent my first poo to Noel. Then it pooed 3 times. Those poos I kept.
I saw this blog an hour after I created mine. It's about Pet Society.
Here's the link.
It said that a great way to make your pet poo is to do fill up its hunger and happiness, decrease its hygiene, and then leave it in an empty room. That's exactly what I did. And then it pooed!
So these are some questions I want to ask:
- does the rainbow poo really exist?
- how long does it take for a poo to turn golden?
Earlier today, I hung out at the mall with Sef and her brother Noel. Well, I don't think it's really hanging out. We like, walked to the pet store and stuff.
There was this one pet store we walked in. There was this cage with two tiny little dogs, probably as long as my right arm.
They were fighting! One actually bit the other's neck.
Yea, it was interesting, so we kinda watched it. Fight, you know. Then all of a sudden they stopped. One turned around, and the other sat. The sitting one had something coming out of the butt (you know where I'm going here), and poop popped out.
It was the size of a thumb.
Gross?!! Hahaha...
Then we walked around and watched other creatures poo.
Why is it that people think poos are disgusting?
Everyone poos. A human being cannot live without pooing. Just like we cannot live without eating. But we don't find food disgusting..........(sometimes)................ do we? Hahaha...maybe.......
But tests are something to be disgusted of.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
What is a blog?
I'm staring a blog =)
I have no idea what a blog is, though. I started this out of boredom and searching for more fun.
And no I don't know what I'm going to post so if you are not someone looking for randomness, boringness, whateverness, stay outta here.
So ... what is a blog?
Devina: What is a blog?
Sefanya: Idk. Sepengetahuanku, blog itu online journal/diary or smthn.
Devina: What is a blog? (a sudden SMS on Saturday night)
Cindy: WTF? Wat happened to u? A blog is a virtual diary, I guess.
Devina: What is a blog?
Karina: A frequently updated personal journal chronicling links at a web site, intended for public viewing.
So I conclude that a blog is an online, virtual, personal diary/journal that is frequently updated. I don't think any of them said the word boring so yea I'd probably try this blog out. I just don't know what to post. I'm just such a freakishly boring person that I think you'd die of boredom reading my blog.
So yea ....
Welcome to my blog!
I have no idea what a blog is, though. I started this out of boredom and searching for more fun.
And no I don't know what I'm going to post so if you are not someone looking for randomness, boringness, whateverness, stay outta here.
So ... what is a blog?
Devina: What is a blog?
Sefanya: Idk. Sepengetahuanku, blog itu online journal/diary or smthn.
Devina: What is a blog? (a sudden SMS on Saturday night)
Cindy: WTF? Wat happened to u? A blog is a virtual diary, I guess.
Devina: What is a blog?
Karina: A frequently updated personal journal chronicling links at a web site, intended for public viewing.
So I conclude that a blog is an online, virtual, personal diary/journal that is frequently updated. I don't think any of them said the word boring so yea I'd probably try this blog out. I just don't know what to post. I'm just such a freakishly boring person that I think you'd die of boredom reading my blog.
So yea ....
Welcome to my blog!
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