Sometimes it made my cry (I'm a very sensitive person) ...
Crying isn't a bad thing. Everyone should have the right to cry, so don't start slapping someone when he or she cries (don't be like my parents). I mean, only a weird emotionless person would actually NOT cry.
Like for example, my teacher Mr. AGOS ..........we've never seen him cry. We've tried to (lotsa times), but it's not working.
The last time I cried was ... I don't know...........I'm a total crybaby. For sure it was sometime during the past 3 weeks.
I've heard this thing from my friends that when you fake cry, that means that you want your parents to die sooner.
And I was like "wha-?"
Seriously, that doesn't make sense! Just because you pretend to cry, that doesn't mean that you want your parents to die!
I mean, I can name a billion movies with actors that pretend to cry, just so they get paid.
I can bet that they don't want their parents to die.
This is one of my biggest complaints about Pet Society.
Why is it so hard to get coins? I mean, I have around 50-60 friends in Pet Society, so I can get like 1000-1200 coins a day by visiting and kissing/hugging/dancing/wtv-ing with them. But ... is that it?
I wish that there were more ways to get coins in Pet Society.
If I could write a letter to PlayFish right now, I would ask them to do this:
- raise the amount of coins that you get from visiting your friends. At least 30!
- put more minigames ... I'm so sick of the hurdles/hurldes/hordles/wtv race!
- lower the price of items
- more people in the cafe! I want more friends!!
- a chance to get 1000-1500 coins in the daily lottery
- more than 3 poop per pet!
- more pet colors! Like, rainbow or something!
Ohh, here's some good news.
I checked out this cool Pet Society blog again, and I found this idea on how to make a balcony/rooftop using shelves and jars. I did it, cuz I thought it looked interesting. Here's how it turned out ...

Yeapp. I'm still desperate and phoneless here.
It's still been a week and I'm already freaking out!!
That's not possible. Not for anyone.
You know, people like Karina and Casey and my dad ......those people who (at least, used to) have more than one phone.........they're so lucky. I mean, when one phone isn't there, you can always use the other one.
So, people, if you are really nice, please DONATE A CELLPHONE!! For 1-2 months. Then you may have it back X)
Thank you for your kindness xDDD
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