Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hot glue guns are SCARY!!

I've been pretty busy lately.
This isn't what you call a holiday.

First of all, Andy makes us read this book called "Good Morning, Holy Spirit", which, by the way, is a pretty good book. YES! BE AMAZED, PEOPLE!! DEVINA IS ACTUALLY READING SOMETHING OTHER THAN COMICS AND TWILIGHT (I hate that now)!!!

You should try it. I've read about 5 pages so far. xDD
And then there are these questions in the back of the book for each chapter. And we're supposed to do them. And it's like, 5-10 questions per chapter! TT

Then, there's some stuff I have to do at the Pet Society forums (draw stuff for people). That's really fun to do. I mean, drawing, scanning, stuff.
Here's my gallery of stuff :
Yes I know I suck at making pictures using computers, but I tried, with the last 4 pictures, just drawing with the ink you use to make comics, then only adding colors using photoshop.
They turn out pretty bad, I think. But I guess it's somehow cute too. I don't know...I can't explain art xDDD

And also there are some pictures from the "be different" FNL yesterday night. On my FaceBook. I don't feel like adding pictures to this post. Hahaha xD

Yes, another Saturday at home, doing absolutely nothing.
OK, I'm not doing absolutely nothing. I'm doing absolutely everything! I feel so busy. And I like it!
But if you're talking about the school kind of busy, that's a different kind of busy. That's the retarded gayish kind of busy I really, really hate.
And also I get to be busy while doing fun stuff like listening to music and going on FaceBook and stuff.

I'm giving myself a break right now. By posting a post.

But I miss PTC. Yesterday was a so fun day at PTC. OK, maybe not. I went there at 3ish and did nothing (sitting at the food court reading comics myself is what I call nothing) until 5ish, cuz I signed up for set-up crew at FNL.
And then it was fun until about 9.30ish. That's when everyone went home and left me at the little area in front of FNL and IT WAS SCARY DARK AND LONELY.
Never underestimate the scary-ness of PTC at night.

And also there were good news. Like, MIIKO 20 IS OUT!!
If you people haven't noticed, I'm a fan of Miiko. I bought the whole series (20 books so far) and I'm praying for new ones.
But I'm not that big. I love other comics too. Like Naruto and Death Note and the comics in Nakayoshi.

I can't really tell how long this post will look like once it's posted cuz I'm drafting this in NotePad again. Why? Cuz I'm in hope that my dad won't scream this time he sees the INTERNET BILL. *dramatic music playing*.

But well the longless of this post is ending right.....

And also, with my talent of advertising...
Go here ...they're my absolute favorite guys on YouTube.

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