Sunday, July 5, 2009

Skyway Avenue (OK, I'm like, making my titles the songs my iTunes play on shuffle)

I'm as busy as a bee. Or maybe busier.

OK, yesterday night, my dad asked me to start scanning stuff. He made me scan a book with, I can swear, at least 200 pages.
No. He asked me to scan 4 OF EM!!! But well with some helped with the mbak but yea.

I'm typing this post while it's scanning. Plus, the pages aren't like, 10, 11, 12, etc.
It's like, 10, T10, T11, 11, 12, T12, T13, 13, 14, T14...
Book 1 ends with a T149.
So far, I'm in T81. Going to 81 after this.
*goes back to scanning*
90! Yesh!!
Well, I decided that I could take a break from all the scanning once I reach 100. Or 105. *tortures herself* mwahahahaha!!

*does more and more scanning*
Finally! I got 100!! And it's already 10:01 PM. ARGH!!!! And I'm supposed to finish this today!!

Fine, whatever, I'll continue this post tomorrow, then post it tomorrow (tomorrow is Friday) ...
*waits until tomorrow*
*sunday, July 05, 2009*

Waw, I drafted too long.
Well, I'm done with Book 1. Now I'm scanning Book 3 (somebody else already did Book 2).
Page 17! But I don't feel like scanning. I'm taking a break.

My bro has been the absolute most spoiled annoying thing I've ever seen.
Seriously, when my mum comes home from work, he'd start crying, just for attention!
He'll keep on screaming everyday, on random times, "MAMII!!! I WANT TO MOVE TO SINGAPORE!! JUST ME AND MAMI!!! NO DEVINA AND NO DADDY!!!!"
Then my mum'd be like "no way."
Then David'll start crying even more.
Then dad'll run up and scream, "what's going on??!!!"
Then he'd start blaming my mum.
Then comes the whole family conflict.
Then I'd be in my room listening to music.
That happens almost everyday now. Kinda annoying .... that's why I don't like being at home.

That's why David is the center of almost all of family problems.

Sometimes I wish my brother was born without problems. Like, I don't know...
Sometimes I wish that Michael or Noel or something was my bro.
Sometimes I wish for a normal brother.

OK, here's another reason why he's the most annoying brother ever...
Just about a few minutes ago, he's back from his tennis lesson. With my mum. And McDonald's!
He put his box of spaghetti right beside a food of pangsit, which was my food (aww come on! I get healthy yucky food and my bro gets junk food! NO FAIR!!!)

Then I went to have early dinner (I have dinner at 5. Weird, eh??) and scooped some of my food to an empty plate.
Then David lost his spaghetti and started screaming "WHERE'S MY SPAGHETTI??!!!!" (yes, he's spoiled!)
Then I was like "HERE!!!" and gave him the spaghetti.

But then he pulled my hair really, really hard.
And kicked me. IT HURT.
Then, for some reason, HE SPAT AT MY FOOD.
Then my mum scolded at David. But said, "Dev, either you eat that or we're throwing it away."
I'm not letting food getting thrown away.

So I had to eat it *grossed out* EWWWWW!!!!!!!
ARGH I HATE MY BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And also, for some reason, I still have to sleep with my parents and my bro (same room. GOSH I hate this house, I NEED MORE PRIVACY, I WANT MY OWN ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMM!!!!!).
So every night at 10 he turns off the lamp.
And I, like, have to read in the dark.
And now I have eye problems.

Umm, and the only time he's nice and cute was when he's asleep or at school.
At school/church/wtv, he starts acting like a goody two shoes. And acts cute to my friends and they started thinking he's cute and nice and all.
But he is so... GRR!!!!!

So for you people who think your brothers can't be more annoying, think again.

But God gave me David, so....
OK I'm mad at him at the moment for spitting at my food and pulling out lotsa hair outta my head and probably misplacing my intestines so I'm not gonna say anything nice about him now.

See ya, Michael Jackson.

Look, to be innocent, I've only heard him sing once. On MTV, I think. Or something. I watched it at this ice cream parlor called Glaxius (or something like that), which is the best ice cream parlor ever (they have board games, a TV, etc.)..

And I don't really like him. He died cuz he destroyed himself.
He had plastic surgery and stuff, which destroyed his skin, and killed him.

He wasn't happy with what God gave him (his original body), and I'm mad at him for that.
So, MJ, that's what you get if you dislike what God gave you.

Why was it 4 days and FNL camp was for 3 days?? Aren't FNLers older and should get the 4 days?? lol

You guys should really register in and join the Pet Society contests. I mean, I never knew you could get lotsa stuff.
Like, my pet's been pretty rich since the day I started entering contests in the forums. Mostly siggy/avvy and drawing contests.
Here's my gallery of contest entries:

Holidays are falling apart. When's my time for relaxation?? I only got to play PS2 for like 30 minutes since school ended.
But yea I spend like until 3 AM playing Pokemon on my DS. I don't know why.

Here's a list of things keeping me busy during the holidays:
- Pokemon (it seems to be one of the only games in my DS that don't error)
- Pet Society forum contests (I'm surprised the way most of the contests I enter end July 15 *confused*)
- my bro
- dad's favors (but he gives me money for doing them XDD)
- FNL!! I'm singing this Friday :D but, this is one thing that I like having in my holidays

But other times I'm extremely nganggor.
I wanna be busy. But in a fun way. Like, more hanging out at the mall and stuff.
But most of my friends are busy, so they can't hang out. (eyes on Cindy ... OHH COME ON!!!)

I really, really wanna play Sims 2 again. Post more pictures here.
Do more in that extremely complicated family (I can almost swear every adult in the family has at least 2 boyfriends/girlfriends/wives/husbands/whatever)
I'm planning on waiting for Sefa to turn into a teenager and make her date her own cousin. Is that possible?? If not, I'm gonna make her date the dude that delivers the newspaper.

And then Winona to turn from a toddler to a child and send her to private school!
And then Anne is going to throw the BIGGEST HOUSE PARTY EVER!!! And get at least 5 boyfriends and 3 girlfriends.
I like the fact that gays and lesbians exist in Sims 2 xDDDD fun to play with.

No I'm not making people pay.
I just wanna know what you people think of my advertising "skills".

To a really cool friend Cindy, here's her blog...
click me!! xDD
I find it funny that she doesn't like it when people read it. But it's a blog. Duh, people WILL read it.
Hey, this is kinda weird, but a few months ago I had this blog and a dude from England read it.
Isn't England like in the other side of the world?? OK maybe not.

Here's my friend Aileen's blog...
click me!! XDD

And also, if people find out how to fix that "Not Online" sign on the right side of my blog, I'll give you a game controller on Pet Society X)

1 comment:

  1. hohoho
    hey, i really want to hangout too, but my mom is just too busy and she doesn't allow me, i dunno why...

    hey, all siblings are annoying. But every person must have a good side XD
