Monday, May 18, 2009


Just when I was about to die of lack of music (phoneQ rusak, laptopQ cacad,...), my MP3 came to save the day!
I was doing some cleaning (amazing, isn't it?!!) and I found my old MP3 player in one of the cubbies. I plugged it into David's laptop (laptopQ kan sedikit rusak) and started copying as many songs possible that can fit into the tiny but usable 1 GB memory.

Now I can listen to anytime I want!! YAY!!! The earphones are black, so if I use a black shirt, I don't think anyone will notice me listening to music in class! And I won't die of boredom listening to the teachers! YIPEE!! My MP3 is a total lifesaver =)

It's only a gigabite, so I can't really store lotsa songs in it. I stored like 10-15 albums, and then it got too full. That's it.

I failed, so far, French and Social Studies.


French... I don't have to take a retake. That's a good thing, for the fact that I don't have to study, but also a bad thing, because that bad score is going to my report card, and I can't change it.

Social Studies... I have to retake. That's a good thing, in my opinion, cuz I get to change my final score for the report card, and let's hope that it's better ... *worried* .................

I've heard of this word lotsa times. I use it lotsa times. For example...
- this song is so gay.
- this internet is so gay.
- David, stop being so gay.

About a week ago, we asked our good friend Mr. AGOS what "gay" means ....................... he says it means happy.
- this song is so happy.
- this internet is so happy.
- David, stop being so happy.

Isn't that like, the total opposite of what the original definition is? lol

My other good friends just say "gay" means "homosexual man".
- this song is so homosexual man.
- this internet is so homosexual man.
- David, stop being so homosexual man.

My brother ain't a homosexual man. At least, I think he isn't. I don't know what's going on up there in his head.

Well, in my opinion, "gay" means "stupid".
- this song is so stupid.
- this internet is so stupid.
- David, stop being so stupid.

OK, maybe not. Gay is less mean than the word stupid. Why not ... "weird"?
- this song is so weird.
- this internet is so weird.
- David, stop being so weird.

OK, that actually made sense xDD

Let's take an example of a user of the word "gay".

Aileen just took the "Which Cullen Are You?" quiz and the result is Jasper!.
hwahahahahha........ JASPER!!! hes pretty cute u know.....
Aileen: he looks gay.

Thank you, Aileen, for the kind example xP

Note that Jasper is pretty cute .......I like guys that are so............yea know...........hahaha...
But Edward is still hotter =)



  1. Hey Dev... I love this post!! I love the "Gay" section it actually made me laugh so hard till I woke my parents up from their sleep :P

    Haha, nice example of "gay". Speaking about Jasper, I got this "Director's Notebook" and there is Jasper's pic in it.. he looks really cute!

    But EDWARD CULLEN is still the perfect guy~

  2. hahaha...
    my friend Nina also has the Director's Notebook (right, Nina? I think ...idk... hahaha that was a long time ago).
    she sayd she'd bring it to FNL or GG or sumthing but she never did (Nina, Nina,,....ckckck......)

    ur commenting on every post.
